I HATE Wal-Mart! I try not to go there at all. Today, I ventured forth to brave it cause I thought I could get a very costly item alot cheaper by breaking down and going there. After a headache from hell in the parking lot and then ANOTHER headache from hell trying to wind my way through the store, I found they did not have the item! I went to Target, found it after painless parking and although I paid a bit more than I might have at Wal-mart I was happy I got it there instead. I will NEVER step foot in Wal-Mart again! (I said that last year and there I was today but after the crap today I do plan on keeping that vow)
JoinedPosts by copsec
Gallon jars of pickles (the Wal-mart thread)
by DanTheMan ini can't figure out if wal-mart is a force for good or evil.
but this article was interesting, and even-handed.
it's long, you may not want to read all of it, but worth the effort to get through imo.
My only Easter Memory..
by Sassy inbecause i was raised a jw, for the most part i wasn't allowed to participate in any holidays.
dad didn't study when mom did, so there was a little lattitude but not much.
he pretty much let my mother raise us and handle the religion side of life and rules that went with it.. .
SASSY! I feel absolutely awful for you! I would have bawled my ever lovin eyes out! OH, what a horrible memory. BIG HUGS TO YOU!
Driving songs
by arrowstar inplaying on the radio now is jackson browne's "running on empty".
this brought to mind all those times i would be driving back to nacogdoches on that winding texas two lane highway with the dogwoods lacing through the pines, the windows down and me singing harmony.
all the while, i'm pushing that pedal down...faster ....and faster.
I love all ZZ Top music and yes, they are exvellent for road trips. Today, I just went and bought Aerosmith's new cd, "Honkin On Bobo." It is an Aerosmith meets the blues type of music and I love it! Nothing like a 37 year old woman rocking out in her SUV!!! LOL!
Isn't the Viper Room the place River Phoenix died in front of??
The Shield
by copsec inanyone else as addicted to this tv show as i am???
it is a "must see" for me and tonight's episode looks really good!
Yes, last week's episode was so funny! I loved how blase' the one guy in the Decoy Team took it. He had me laughing so hard. I hope Tevon does ok. I really liked the addition of him to the Strike Team.
The Shield
by copsec inanyone else as addicted to this tv show as i am???
it is a "must see" for me and tonight's episode looks really good!
hI uRBAN, WELCOME TO THE bOARD! gLAD TO KNOW THERE IS A FELLOW sHIELD ADDICT HERE WITH ME! Oops sorry for the caps. I am getting ready to leave for work and in a hurry. Anyways, they are on an episode here where Captain Aceveda was forced to do something really gross with a criminal. I'll try to talk with you more later. I gotta get to work!
The Shield
by copsec inanyone else as addicted to this tv show as i am???
it is a "must see" for me and tonight's episode looks really good!
Anyone else as addicted to this TV show as I am??? It is a "must see" for me and tonight's episode looks really good!
The Zombie is Revealed (pic of me)
by FMZ inhi there, as i am no longer allowed to use my evil ed avatar, i figured i may as well put my mug on here.
i decided to take a quick test run down to dallas to make sure i knew my way, and thought it would be a good scenic view for a photo.... anyway, here's the pic.
fmz in dallas.
LOL, well your old pic didn't exactly SCARE me but it did make me sick to my stomach. So, thank god you don't really look like that! You are much cuter!
A good Iraq story
by freedom96 ini guy i occasionally work with got sent to iraq for this last war.
he has been there nearly a year.
he just came back, and had this interesting and good story.. while he was there, after the major fighting was over, he and his unit built 3 complete schools for the local iraqi children.
Thanks for posting this story for us to read. My husband and I were just talking this morning about all the BAD things that may be said or done in Iraq but very rarely do any of the television stations report any of the good. Thank you!
Why did you choose your avatar?
by FMZ ini have seen many threads about avatars, here is another one:.
i have had this avatar for some time on another board.
i was going to put a picture of myself in there, but decided against it, as i realized this picture has some symbolism to me.
Because I LOVE Steven Tyler!!!