Thanks for the clarification freedomlover. I understand now what they were trying to say/do.
Hi JV. Did you pick your nick from the code for Witness literature? ;)
I'm sure the GB is aware of our interpretation of costs of living. They probably think we're high maintenance that's all. lol If we put ourselves in their shoes for a brief second, you see how little it costs to rear the busy bees at Bethel? That's the standard they expect us to aspire to I suppose. Funnily enough, and I know it has been said before, who would support the preaching work and the non-employed volunteers (including travelling overseers and their spouse) if we all became pioneers?
Will we begin to snatch crumbs out of the beaks of birds? Or shall we learn to suck the nectar off the lilies of the field?
Many who join the condemnation of college education sustain their illusion of a simple life at the expense of those who actually earn a living in this all-too-real-and-material world. Wonder if they ever thought about that?