Born in ,but did'nt get baptized until I was 18,
looking back though, How naive I was at 18,raised in the borg.
how many of you were actually brought into the jws by someone at your door?
how many were born in or brought in by family?.
Born in ,but did'nt get baptized until I was 18,
looking back though, How naive I was at 18,raised in the borg.
do any of you suffer from what you perceive as ocd?
to any degree?
do you think it is because of the wtbts?
My eldest brother has OCD,most of his day is concerned with going through the repetative rituals,his wife has to look after him and sometimes gets a bit frustrated,it seemed to start with things like obsesive hand washing and then obsesive checking of doors and gates shut properly and gradualy moved on to just about everything.He spends many hours just getting changed in the morning.
Myself I remember when I was younger having the beginings of obsesive compulsive behavior,like the hand washing and over checking the taps tuned off properly but lukily I got out of it and it did not progress.
i can remember numerous talks and study articles about how the preaching work would get more and more intense as we near the end.. one so called prophetic illustration that stands out in my mind was when joshua and his men marched around the city each day and then just before the city fell they marched seven times signifying a quickening of the preaching work.. it seems starkingly obvious that the preaching,is in decline amonst jw's,the jw's are seen less and less often in my neighbourhood,it is very rare to see them out street witnesing around the town centres and railway stations,the average jw spends far less time preaching than a decade ago.. it seems like their chief brag is definately on the wain,in favour of other recruitment methods.
I can remember numerous talks and study articles about how the preaching work would get more and more intense as we near the end.
One so called prophetic illustration that stands out in my mind was when Joshua and his men marched around the city each day and then just before the city fell they marched seven times signifying a quickening of the preaching work.
It seems starkingly obvious that the preaching,is in decline amonst JW's,the JW's are seen less and less often in my neighbourhood,it is very rare to see them out street witnesing around the town centres and railway stations,the average JW spends far less time preaching than a decade ago.
It seems like their chief brag is definately on the wain,in favour of other recruitment methods.
i've come to that conclusion.
some would rather not have to think about a position, a prophecy, a requirement or a belief.
they really would rather follow the dictates of leaders of an organization.
I think its largely a matter of divulging responsibility,
Rather than making hard decisions in life and facing up to moral dilemas and such,its easier to shrug your shoulders with the,I was just following orders attitude,or as we had it put to us,if they make a mistake they will have to answer before Jehovah,so it was not seen as the problem of the rank and file,
We were to just,Be obedient to those taking the lead who would ultimately answer before Jehovah.
as i was growing up in the troof.
there were sayings used over and over again to control my behaviour.
the biblical on bad associations spoil useful habits and another on just because everyone else does it doesnt mean you have to do it to, would you jump off a cliff just because other people do what were the sayings that bugged you?
'Can you honestly justify before Jehovah in Prayer the reason that You are not a Pioneer?'
'Are you doing a token service or a whole souled one?'
'Are you engaging in recreation and pleasure while others are heading out to field service?'
i may have to cut back on my forum reading.
this is getting discouraging.
everyone knows the problem, feels the problem, but very few want to act on the problem.
When myself and another JW in my congregation saw the light and got out of the borg,one of the first things we did was to do a demo outside the kingdom hall,we had this PA and played some excerpts of their own assembly talks back to them,like,'Dont wait till 75 brothers,the doors gonna be shut before then,' and 'Stay alive to 75,' we also had some interesting banners.
anyway,as for the effect on the loyal dubs giong to the meeting,I doubt it did much,but for me it was great,I really enjoyed not being the victim,but taking it to the borg,going on the assault,it got a lot out of my system,
but in reality I think it is the more subtle campaigns like on the net that have the greatest effect on undermining the borg,but for me thereputically,the other sort worked better at that particular time.
what do you think it is?
Agreement with other posters,You dont need an ounce of spiritual longing to be a potential JW recruit,the JW literature emphasises fine homes in parklike surroundings prominently,with perfect health and looks,things that millionairs today would give their fortune for,if they could do it with surgery or buy pills for it,it all emphasises material longing.
I can remember calling on peoples doors and if they had nice homes and displayed a lack of interest we would sometimes consol ourselves by joking saying,'Oh well it will be ours for the taking after Armageddon.'
I'm Ashamed,but I wasnt the only one by far.
there has been much debate over whether the people of the organization are good in general, or the ones who work at bethel.. i do believe that there are individuals involved both at bethel, and closer to home with the kingdom halls, that are exceptional in attitude and love for others.. but, somewhere, back at bethel, there is major deceiption going on.
we have books that have been reprinted with new, or taken away quotes.
there are c/d disks showing past magazines that are different than the original.
As Ray Franz explained well in his books, since the Organizational concept has become a God in itself in order to sustain that concept above all else,The ends of preserving that concept are seen as justifying the means.
have you ever notice how the wts is like animal farm ???.
then, as usual, the sheep broke into "four legs good, two legs bad!
" and the momentary awkwardness was smoothed over.
very much so.
The similarities between the convenient subtle changes made in Animal Farm to the use (or abuse)of the so called ,'New Light' in the Borg is obvious.
The most well known one was the writing on the wall,the constitution,which had been quietly changed from 'All Animals are Equal,' to ,'All Animals are Equal ,but some animals are more equal than others.'
i have a friend who is a jehovah witness.
once we started talking about prayer, and i told him that we referred to god as 'lord', or 'god', or 'father', for reverence or respect, although we did not have prohibited to say jehovah.
he said that i was wrong, that it was necessary to state that the prayer was for jehovah and not any other god.
Unfortunately Jehovah's Witnesses use the word Jehovah a bit like a lucky charm,even to the point of believing using a word will chase away demons.A name is always just a worded symbol of the greater thing,ie the personality and person of an individual.JWs have as in many things made the symbol the name more important than the actual person it represents.
And just as the previous poster has displayed,the name Jehovah was invented by a Catholic clergyman a millenium after Christ.he combined the vowel points from Lord (Adonay) with the constants JHVH,to create the hybrid title cross Tetragrame result.
I can remember how the word was used so mechanically at the meetings to the point that it would have to be included repetatively in the prayers and talks at the meetings,to the point that if a witness failed to use the word Jehovah even in a short talk they would start to be viewed with suspicion,,,but that apostles in the New testament did precisely that even in the NWT bible their are long sermons where the divine name is not used once,which would be unheard of among JWs.