It seems that Dr. Fridey and Nick Samaniego never gave us the final thumbs up to post the interview on the web. There was confusion between my comminication with Randy over it. I was of the understanding that the videos would remain private until we got that thumbs up. But Randy posted them to be viewed publicly, me thinking that he received the OK from the Red Cross, and I just assumed he had heard from them.
Then I got a call from Nick Samaniego a week ago or so, and he said they had not viewed the interview with Dr. Fridey. So we took it down right away. Just to be safe we took them all down. I apologized to Nick for jumping the gun. We are waiting on the OK to come down at this point. So hopefully they will be back up soon. Nick mentioned that what he heard from the interview was all OK, but the headquarters staff of the Red Cross had questions as to how it was being used.
Anyway, so here we are. I just want to make sure that we are really accepted by the Red Cross and not viewed as some kind of "anti-JW group." this is hard to do because the site is at its core critical of the Watchtower's policies. But we just want to save lives, and I find saving the lives of JWs to be a particularly PRO- JW undertaking. not everybody sees that though.
I'm glad there is interest in this cause, and it does my heart good to see people post positive regard for AJWRB. Frankly I don't know how much longer I am going to be able to do this. I am desperate for money, and I don't get paid for working on this cause. Whatever money has been donated can only be given to me when Randy comes up with or agrees with a particular action. the day to day working on the cause, is un-reimbursable, according to Randy. If there are no ideas on the table then that donation will just sit there until either Randy thinks something up, or I think something up that Randy will pay me for. That means that 90% of the time and resources I spend on ajwrb is completely a labor of love with no chance whatsoever of being reimbused. In fact, some money may be donated to AJWRB, but Randy will have me do free Minds stuff to earn that money, if he can't think of anything to do for the blood cause.
So if you donate to free minds and want it to be used for ajwrb stuff, you must really, really put down EXACTLY what you want us to do with the money, and what things you do not want us to do with the money. No matter what, there is a list of things that Randy has vowed that I will never get paid for, a list that I have never seen and doesn't really exist. So I am actually quite in the dark about what things I do for ther cause that I cannot get reimbursed for. I just don't know and it seems to have changed a number of times since I've been doing this.
keeping my phone on has been a struggle, and my phone is a lifeline literally for 3 doctors who have been calling me. I usually go a few days every other month without a phone. So those are times no doctors can call me and nothing gets done. It hurts the cause when I don't have my phone tuned on. If I get financial help from Randy, as I have a number of times, it doesn't ebnd up helping because, first of all I have to pay it back, and second, it just puts me further in the hole. the donations have been extremely sparce too. In the year I have been working on this only about three thousand dollars have been donated, and 1500 came from one person. This just isn't enough for me to work on this issue. So we may be looking for someone else to take it over soon. That person would have to be 100% finacially responsible and pay for everything himself. That's what needs to happen. Otherwise it's all going to shutdown.