Its mostly topical and relevant things they discuss...not dusty and out of date.Just a thought.
Just another thought would be that absolute truth is never dusty or out of date. To proclaim that you are Gods inspire org is pretty silly when a brief look at your history shows that you are no more accurate than any other religion.
The problem is that the JWs never ever admit to being wrong. It like trying to get Fonzie to say it. An they have been wrong many, many times. (JWs not Fonzie)
There is a whole convuluted logic around the whole things that goes.
Its right to be wrong when we're wrong, because God says we're right so you're not wrong. And its wrong to be right when we're wrong because God says that our wrong is right, until later when its wrong. Someday if we decide that your right wrong is now right, youre still an apostate so neener, neener.