why God's organisation and not His church?cause they aren't
Nicely put.
-Becka :)
the jws call themselves an organisation and not a church except perhaps very rarely.
but is there something untoward hiding behind this choice?
to me it is objectionable because it ties in with the fds concept as god's sole channel on earth serving his supposed people.
why God's organisation and not His church?cause they aren't
Nicely put.
-Becka :)
the jws call themselves an organisation and not a church except perhaps very rarely.
but is there something untoward hiding behind this choice?
to me it is objectionable because it ties in with the fds concept as god's sole channel on earth serving his supposed people.
Does the NWT state at any point that the WTS is "God's organization"?? Just curious as to the use of the word "organization" rather than "church" and whether or not the JWs use their Bible to justify that term.
"Church" seems to be a more appropriate word for a place of worship and/or for Christians in general, especially because of the Biblical references that use the word "church". The one that really stands out in my mind is Matthew 16:18 (King James Version) -
"And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
How would verses like this one read in the NWT??
-Becka :)
for all you that have studied the subject what are some big distortions of the original scriptures hebrew and greek, that are to be found in the jw bible (nwt)?
i found that at 1 thessalonians 4:15-17 it says that the living christians in the final days will be snatched up as soon as the dead ones get resurrected.
that blows up the jw belief that the said resurrection occured in 1918 because they weren't taken up at the same time.
Ooo, I love these threads!! I'm always up for a thread that picks out some more mistranslations in the NWT, it just goes to show that anything can be changed to suit one's needs - in this case, the WTS translated the Bible to suit their ends, and it's working wonderfully for them, the JWs are still following them.
Does anyone know of any Bible scholars who have publically denounced the NWT and/or written an article on it?? As a student, I'd love to read some written proof from a scholar that the NWT is a gross mistranslation of the original texts.
And keep pointing out the errors in the NWT, I'd love to read more about this!!
-Becka :)
144,000 a "theillogical" evaluation
revelationits grand climax at hand!.
so what do you believe?do you believe every one goes to heaven?
Is it so wrong to believe that if a person is good and has faith, that they will go to Heaven?? Personally, I believe that if a person truly believes and loves God, then God will forgive his/her sins and accept him/her in Heaven, what's wrong with that?? The God I believe in loves all of His children equally and would never exclude any of them from Heaven if they truly believed in Him and loved Him.
I think the whole "144 000" bit is a crock. But that's just my opinion.
-Becka :)
so i had to share a few passages from an essay that i just read, published in 1784 by immanuel kant, in response to the question "what is enlightenment?
" also, what would your own response be to the question?
the website for the full essay is here.
Hmm, very interesting indeed. I've never been a JW, I'm just dating an inactive, unbaptized one, but I've read enough about the WTS and the belief system to be able to clearly see how those passages can be related to JWs.
Thanks for the passages and the link, it's very interesting, the whole essay should be a good read.
-Becka :)
i was talking to my jw boyfriend on the phone earlier today, just chatting about anything and everything, just like always, and we managed to drift to the topic of politics.
given that i'm in canada, that's not a hard thing to do, we had a federal election last week and we're about to swear in a new prime minister, so it's all anyone here can talk about right now.. as we chatted, i mentioned that i was very glad that i'd voted, though i'd had some trouble at my polling station, because i like exercising my democratic right to vote and now i have the right to complain about my government, and of course, he mentioned that he's never voted.
i wasn't at all surprised, i've always thought that jws weren't allowed to vote.
Thanks for the info, mrsjones and What-A-Coincidence, I can never keep up with what's allowed and what's not allowed by the WTS, I'm so glad I'm not a JW!!
I gotta say, though, that most of the arguments against voting really don't make much sense to me, they don't hold any water, just like most other WTS arguments and doctrines. I'm no Bible scholar and I'm no expert by any means, I'm just a non-JW with a mind of my own, and I can poke holes in all of those arguments. It never ceases to amaze me that people still actually believe this stuff.
-Becka :)
what, exactly, is the reasoning behind jws not being allowed to say "god bless you!
" after someone sneezes.
i remember going to my boyfriend's house and no one said it and i thought it was just plain rude... but they are rude people in every other regard, anyway.
Hmm, I say "bless you" every time someone sneezes, and I say it to my JW boyfriend when he sneezes, and he never complains about it. Now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure he says it to me when I sneeze, too. Then again, he's a JW in name only for most things anyway, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
I don't see any problem with blessing someone, whether it's for a sneeze or anything else. If you're a Christian and the person you say "bless you" is a Christian, where's the harm?? And if you don't like it, say so and we'll be sure not to say it to you again.
-Becka :)
i was talking to my jw boyfriend on the phone earlier today, just chatting about anything and everything, just like always, and we managed to drift to the topic of politics.
given that i'm in canada, that's not a hard thing to do, we had a federal election last week and we're about to swear in a new prime minister, so it's all anyone here can talk about right now.. as we chatted, i mentioned that i was very glad that i'd voted, though i'd had some trouble at my polling station, because i like exercising my democratic right to vote and now i have the right to complain about my government, and of course, he mentioned that he's never voted.
i wasn't at all surprised, i've always thought that jws weren't allowed to vote.
I was talking to my JW boyfriend on the phone earlier today, just chatting about anything and everything, just like always, and we managed to drift to the topic of politics. Given that I'm in Canada, that's not a hard thing to do, we had a federal election last week and we're about to swear in a new Prime Minister, so it's all anyone here can talk about right now.
As we chatted, I mentioned that I was very glad that I'd voted, though I'd had some trouble at my polling station, because I like exercising my democratic right to vote and now I have the right to complain about my government, and of course, he mentioned that he's never voted. I wasn't at all surprised, I've always thought that JWs weren't allowed to vote. He elaborated by saying that he has two reasons for not voting, one, that he's not interested in politics at all (fair enough), and two, that "Witnesses kinda frown on voting".
So now I'm curious. Is voting clearly forbidden for JWs or is it one of those things that they don't like, but it's really up to the person, like a "conscience issue"?? Do they just "frown" on voting or do they expressly forbid it??
Just wondering.
-Becka :)
i've started to talk to hubby about things.
i started with the lack of love in the congs and he readily agrees.
how "worldly" friends are so much more loving than the so called jw "friends" (which we don't have anymore).. next i'd like to talk about the changes the "society" has made in recent years, how it's so hard to keep up with things now, it changes all the time.. can you help me with a list of changes and some wt references that i can discuss with him?.
Ooo, this looks like a good thread, I'm gonna bttt it to see if we can get some more posts on it.
PM me your email address, and I will send you a document that clearly outlines their changes. I also have documents regarding lies, misquotations, and claims of inspiration.
Runningman, if I PM you my email address, will you send me each of the documents you just mentioned, too?? I'd love to read them!!
-Becka :)
1 corinthians 5:11 (nwt) ~ but now i am writing you to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man..
from www.m-w.com extort.
one entry found for extort.
Wow, nice work on the "extortion" research, very interesting, indeed!!
Well done, Scully, thanks for the info!!
-Becka :)