Ooo, I hate to take the bait at one of PMJ's threads, but I just wanted to make a comment:
I will never forget the pastor's words. He said "If I ever tell you that I am necessary for your salvation, I want you to run...don't walk to the nearest door...because if I tell you that, I would be lying to you. I am not necessary...this church is not necessary for your salvation. Christ, and Christ alone is necessary for your salvation"
coffee, that is one wise pastor. He's right, nobody "needs" a church and a pastor for salvation, that's a more personal matter. For me, the church is there for guidance and help, not as the only means of salvation.
That's the problem I have with the WTS, they claim that only through the organization can a person gain salvation, and then they use fear tactics to keep their members in line. In my opinion, no vessel of God would threaten to take away everything you've ever known just because you disagree, nor would it promote conditional love. God loves us just the way we are, why can't the WTS accept that??
Of course, everyone here knows already why PMJ starts threads like this, he/she does it for the attention. We all know that when PMJ starts a thread, everyone's gonna read it and have some comment to make about it because he/she tends to provoke with his/her rhetoric and circular reasoning.
Maybe we should just all ignore PMJ sometime, see how long he/she sticks around. It's like feeding a stray cat - keep feeding it, and it'll keep coming back for more. Stop feeding it, and it'll look elsewhere for what it needs.
-Becka :)