What makes me feel loved?? Well, from that list, I'd have to say:
- Words of Affirmation
- Quality of Time
- Physical Touch
I like to be told that I'm loved and appreciated, I like to spend quality time with my guy and I like physical contact, and I don't just mean that sexually, I mean things like cuddling up for a movie, or walking hand-in-hand, just the little things, little touches throughout the day.
I don't need gifts to feel loved, I don't need my guy to do things for me all the time, and I don't need to be slathered with the three things that I just listed, either, I just need these three things every once in a while to make me feel good in a relationship.
My last relationship fell apart after my ex cheated on me, but above and beyond that, he never wanted to spend time with me, he never talked to me, he never wanted to be near me and touch me, and he certainly didn't give gifts or do special things for me, so in my opinion, whatever "language" he spoke in around me, it certainly wasn't a Love Language.
My current boyfriend, even though he's a stubborn JW in some ways, loves to spend time with me and be close to me and touch me, and he makes an effort to tell me how special I am to him and how much I mean to him and that he loves me, it's very nice. He also insists on doing nice things for me and giving me gifts, but I tell him not to do those things because it makes me uncomfortable because I usually can't reciprocate, but he's very good with "Words of Affirmation", "Quality of Time" and "Physical Touch" and it makes me feel very good.
I've never felt loved in a relationship before, but I do now because my boyfriend gives me the things that I need, it's nice.
-Becka :)