I'm also here because I want some straight answers and evidence about the WTS and JWs in general. I've never been a JW, nor will I ever be, but I am dating an inactive JW, and I need to know what I'm up against. I could just ask him about his beliefs, but he can't answer all of my questions, he's not especially knowledgeable about the WTS and its policies and of course, he'd paint the WTS in a positive light because it's all he's ever known.
I want straight, real, honest answers, not canned JW answers.
My JW boyfriend has no idea that I post here, or even that I research his beliefs. Why not?? Because the last time I let it slip that I knew some things about the WTS, he got defensive and demanded to know where I got my information. Apparently, he is fully aware the the rest of the world not only thinks that JWs are a little odd, but can see the flaws in their reasoning and the lies that they spread as doctrine.
I can't just go along with this and hope that it all works out, I need to know what I'm in for, what sorts of things I'll have to deal with and what things the WTS hides and lies about, and I won't get those things from my boyfriend.
I haven't lied to him about my research, though, I just haven't told him about it because it doesn't come up in conversation. If he asks, I'll tell him, I can't lie to him, but until it comes up, I won't be letting him in on my research unless I'm absolutely ready for it.
I'm here to learn, I'm here for advice, I'm here to share stories, I'm here to make friends and talk to people who understand my situation.
That's why I'm here.
-Becka :)