Why are Witnessess persecuted?
The same reason Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Methodists, Calvinists, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, etc. People are afraid of the unfamiliar. There isn't a religion on earth that can't make this claim. Sure some religions are persecuted more than others, but JWs certainly aren't more persecuted than many other religions. I think Jews have, in recent history, been far more persecuted than JWs. Right now there is probably much more anti-Mustlim sentiment in the western world than anti-JW.
As far as most religions having a thing against the Witnesses, I don't believe they have any more of a thing against Witnesses than they do against any other competing group. Most religions tend to believe they have the "Truth" or that their version of "Truth" is better or more accurate. Any others tend to viewed as inferior or having a lesser version of "Truth." Sound familiear?
I think JWs religious affiliation is often mentioned, because to most people who are not a part of the group, they are viewed as an oddity. They are those strange, but well dressed people that come to your door every so often preaching doom and gloom, who let members die when medical help is available, who refuse to participate in what most view as harmless activities, and who condemn traditions and practices many hold dear.
Most people have absolutely no conception of much of Witnesses believe. Some people who are old enough (like myself) remember things like their prediction about the world ending in 1975. That's more than enough for many to view Wit nesses as out to lunch religiously.
I know people who work with Witnesses or have Witness acquaintaces. None of these people have any animosity towards the Witness apart from those I know who are non-Witnesses, who were formerly married to a Witness and have issues about child rearing and custody issues during holidays.
I think the perception Witnesses have of being persecuted is overblown and exagerated by the organization. If anything, it's diminishing in many places. It's a good tool to draw people together and unite them in a common cause with a common enemy. This is clearly evidenced by the recent tragic events of Sept. 11th that have drawn together not only the U.S., but also much of the world, if even reluctantly.
What many fight the Witnesses over is what are regarded as human rights issues, i.e. the blood issue and the methods used to enforce compliance --shunning.
Oh, and I still want to reply to your latest post in the Spanish thread, I just haven't had much time the last few days, Been busy with family activities and work around the house.
¡Que te vaya bién!