JoinedPosts by CPiolo
England vs Argentina
by ballistic in.. is in 1 hour.. now lets see, i'm going to be watching it at work and getting paid for it, but the problem is there's no beer.. what would you say?
Help or advise wanted
by JG ini'm a brand newbie to your forum.
i'm a "non believing" husband (12 years) of a returning witness.
i'm a devout "cat lick" and my wife is returning to the kh after 12 years.
Hello JG,
I too am the unbelieving husband of a woman who returned to the Witnesses after a lengthy absence, and who did so after we were married. I was raised Catholic, but don’t believe in organized religion. My religious leanings tend more towards Eastern thought, i.e. Zen and Taoism where one’s behavior – how one relates to his fellow man and the world at large – is more important than what one believes.
Obviously, my wife and I have hugely different views of the world. This, of course, causes conflict in our marriage. The Witness view of the world and their role in it doesn’t leave much room for compromise.
Luckily, in my case my wife and I had discussed some of these issues prior to marriage, prior to having children and prior to my wife returning to the Watchtower organization. We agreed to not indoctrinate our children into any belief system, but rather to let them make their own choices.
Now that my wife has returned, she wants to bring our child to meetings. I however have put my foot down and hold my wife to our agreement. She sometimes pushes the issue, but for me, it’s non-negotiable.
Like others have already pointed out, the most important thing you can do is prevent your wife from indoctrinating your children. You should try to do this in the least confrontational manner possible.
I’ve made the mistake all too often of trying to use my knowledge of all the looney stuff the Watchtower has proclaimed as a weapon in arguments with my wife. This has served no purpose other than to add fuel to the fire, so to speak. It has done nothing to release the grip the Watchtower organization has on my wife. It hasn’t improved our relationship one iota.
You don’t say what provoked your wife’s return. It’s quite common for former Witnesses and former members of high-control groups to return after having experienced some crisis or difficulty in their lives. This is what prompted my wife’s return. Possibly, that is what occurred in your case. Your wife may need therapy to deal in a more healthy manner with the issue that caused her to return to the Witnesses.
Best of luck,
To Amazing, AlanF or Randy
by Cassiline inamazing,.
i was just wondering how you were.
i have not seen any posts since part 2. i realize you have just undergone major surgery but the lack of a post made me worry.
It's good to hear you're doing well. I wish you the best of luck with whatever treatment you choose. It doesn't sound like an easy decision.
Dateline NBC available as a QuickTime download...
by peterstride ini was able to digitize, and compress the entire dateline nbc show into the smallest file i could manage.
the sound is ok, the picture so so....but you'll get the full impact of the show.. the only program that i have that can send files is icq, so if you don't have icq, just go over to www.download.com, put icq in the search, install the latest version, get yourself a new icq number...and then add my number to your contact list.. my number is 161294253...or alternatively, you can find me under my e-mail address of [email protected].
Someone posted earlier today that they had called Dateline and inquired about obtaining a copy of last nights program. (. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=28864&site=3)They were told that Dateline would not be offering video copies of last nights program due to copyright issues.
This is of course hearsay, and you're welcome to try them yourself.
Dateline NBC available as a QuickTime download...
by peterstride ini was able to digitize, and compress the entire dateline nbc show into the smallest file i could manage.
the sound is ok, the picture so so....but you'll get the full impact of the show.. the only program that i have that can send files is icq, so if you don't have icq, just go over to www.download.com, put icq in the search, install the latest version, get yourself a new icq number...and then add my number to your contact list.. my number is 161294253...or alternatively, you can find me under my e-mail address of [email protected].
I'm not a copyright attorney, but you are right that normally one can make copies for educational use. But distributing copyrighted material over the internet (which is essentially re-broadcasting the program) without NBCs permission is, I'm fairly certain, copyright infringement. NBC told one poster that THEY weren't even selling copies because of copyright issues.
Simon isn't being a killjoy, but rather protecting himself from possible litigation.
Dateline NBC available as a QuickTime download...
by peterstride ini was able to digitize, and compress the entire dateline nbc show into the smallest file i could manage.
the sound is ok, the picture so so....but you'll get the full impact of the show.. the only program that i have that can send files is icq, so if you don't have icq, just go over to www.download.com, put icq in the search, install the latest version, get yourself a new icq number...and then add my number to your contact list.. my number is 161294253...or alternatively, you can find me under my e-mail address of [email protected].
I'm interested in the hi-res version. Unfortunately, I was unable to view the show last night. If anyone in So Cal has a recorded copy, I would gladly pay for one. Just e-mail me with info.
Peter could run into copyright issues by hosting the file on an FTP site. It's probably best to share the file via ICQ or Gnutella.
What To Say To The Next JWs At Your Door?
by TR inhouseholder: hey, you are the people from that religion that hides pedophiles, aren't you?.
'hovah: whaaa?
hh: yeah, i saw "dateline" the other night on how 'hovahs protect sexual deviants.. 'hovah: well, you can't believe....... hh: no, no, i did some research after watching the show, now the wts is synonymous with corruption, deceit, slander, death, suffering, and the like.. 'hovah: well i uh, don't know about, uh, any problems, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh!.
The Matrix:
I see you took the blue pill.
What does the average Witness know?
by Grunt ini have to wonder what the average witness today knows?
i guess they are under orders not to talk to anyone that might actually be able to inform them of any facts that are negative or unflattering to the society, but what have they found out anyway, through whatever means, even the publications?.
1. do they know that russell got a lot of dates from the measurements of pyramids, including 1914?
I posted recently asking very similar questions:
, http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=26915&site=3CPiolo
So Are All Your Problems Brooklyn's Fault Then?
by Englishman inin another post, jan h said about this site:.
...there is a very angry crowd there, for obviously and understandable reasons, who will accept no dissent regarding their core dogma: that the wts is responsible for all ills and problems in life.
if what he says is correct, then i am very alarmed at this.
Even though I’ve never been a JW, I thought I’d add my voice to the chorus.
First of all, when reading JanH’s post, I didn’t feel he was addressing everybody on this forum, but rather “a group” or element here. Of course, it would be easy, within any diverse group of individuals, to pick out a group that share a particular characteristic, be it good or bad. That in no way invalidates, what I feel, is Jan’s correct criticism.
Pointing your finger at some external entity as the cause of one’s problems is something most, if not all, human beings tend to do. I’ve done it and am sure I’ll do it again. Most here, including Jan have also done so at one time or another. It’s always easier to blame someone or something else for our problems. Sometimes we are correct, other times it is a rationalization we use to avoid self-examination, or to avoid putting in the effort and work necessary to change our lot in life.
That being said, those who do blame the WT for most or all of their ills, difficulties and/or misfortune are a diverse group of people in and of themselves. As others have already pointed out, they are in various stages of recovery and discovery. They came into the WT organization under many unique and individual circumstances and they left the same way. Some where raised as Witnesses and knew nothing else. Some where brought up in the organization by their parents beginning at various stages in their childhood/adolescence. Others chose, for whatever reasons, to become Witnesses on their own, under diverse circumstances and for diverse reasons. The circumstances that led up to the decision varied greatly as well. This board is a testament to that. It consists of individuals from countries throughout the world, form distinct cultures, races and ethnicities.
Here is where I feel Jan may have gone wrong. He lumped a group of people sharing one common trait into a group of “them” – those naysayers and whiners who blame everything on the WT. All who have been Witnesses have valid and real reasons to blame the Society for some of the bad aspects of their lives – for wasted time, for lost opportunities, for lost friendships and familial relationships, for lack of education, for false hopes and more.
How much blame the WT organization shoulders varies greatly dependent upon the individual circumstances of the individual. I don’t believe an adult who made the decision to become a Witness has as much to blame the Society for as does someone raised in “the truth.” The adult made an individual decision with far more knowledge, thought and life experience than did the child whose parents made the choice for them.
I will give a personal example. My wife was raised in the organization from an early age (4 or 5 or so). She knows almost no other religious point of view other than that provided by the WT. She’s been inculcated to fear all other religion, to distrust and view suspiciously any who are not part of “God’s organization,” and has been told what most here know very well the WT teaches its members is necessary to gain God’s favor and an opportunity to survive the ever impending Armageddon.
Does this cause problems in my relationship with my wife and in our marriage? It certainly does! Is the WT to blame for all our problems or even everything about my wife that causes conflict between us or those things “distinctly” Witness. I don’t believe so.
The Society isolates and insulates its members, to the best of its ability, from the outside influences and “the world.” In addition to that, my wife’s parents were over-protective and insulated here from much as well. The WT is totalitarian in its authority, oppressive and accepts no dissent or criticism without inflicting severe penalties. My wife grew up under a repressive and violent military dictatorship, where to openly criticize it or to do anything they deemed as “wrong” or contrary to their interests was to risk one’s life.
I don’t know how much blame belongs to the WT, how much blame belongs to my wife’s parents, how much belongs to her country, and how much she shares. There are many other factors to consider as well. Of course, I am responsible for some of our problems as well, and share the blame with my wife for others.
As Ginney, Amazing, Simon, Hillary_Step, Jankyn and others have already said, one can continue to blame the WT and feel sorry for themselves, or they can recognize the influence (both good and bad, for as they say in Spanish: “No hay mal de que bién no venga.” There is no bad from which good doesn’t come.) the WT has had, take the bull by the horns and get on with life. The ease of doing this depends upon individual circumstances. But to let the WT continue to effect how you live your life and what you do or don’t do as an individual is to let them win.
Letters to the Editor RE JW Abuse
by Elsewhere inyep... jws are so far off the radar screen that no one has written a letter to the editor about the article that was published in the dallas morning news on the 9th.. i was hoping that a non-jw would write in about it.
"as every one knows, there are mistakes in the bible" - the watchtower, april 15, 1928, p. 126 .
The article can be found here:
. http://www.dallasnews.com/religion/stories/051002dnnatjehovah.a0446.html