If a householder says to me : Hey, you are the people from that religion that hides pedophiles, aren't you?
I would respond:
ME: Actually that is not true. I hate pedophiles and their sick, perverted actions. Pedophilia is not just a sin, but a mental decease. Don't you agree?
HH: Yes, I agree.
ME: Do you know what Elders in the congregation do when someone accuses another of abusing them sexually?
HH: Nothing?
ME: Well our enemies would want you to believe that, but in reality the elders start an investigation into the allegations by the victim or victims. They form a judicial committee against the transgressor and in order to protect the congregation, they are disfellowshipped.
HH: Disfellowshipped? They don't get moved to another church?
ME: No, of course not, if they are disfellowshipped, no Witness will talk or have contact with that person.
HH: Well good, that takes care of it inside the church, but where do the authorities come in?
ME: They too are notified in the states that require such notification. For example in our state, it is law that these crimes be notified to the appropriate authorities, be it the police or child protective services.
HH: That's excellent, but what about the states that do not require it, I think the Witnesses and all other religions should be required to notify authorities of such crimes.
ME: I agree that state law should be changed to agree with those states that require such notification to the authorities. But see, the Witnesses are not breaking the law, they are following it. They balance Jehovah's law in the Bible and human law. But I encourage you to contact your state representative to encourage them to come up with legislation that would make it mandatory in your state for all child abusers to be turned into the authorities.
May I show you an Awake article that touches on how parents can protect their children from these sexual predators?
HH: I did not realize that your organization publishes such helpful information.
ME: They sure do, let me show you the article.
HH: Yes, I will take a copy and thank you for answering my questions. Although I don't agree with all of you beliefs, I respect your organization's effort in taking care of these problems.
ME: You're welcome, have a nice day.