What To Say To The Next JWs At Your Door?

by TR 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TR

    Householder: Hey, you are the people from that religion that hides pedophiles, aren't you?

    'hovah: Whaaa? But, But,

    HH: Yeah, I saw "Dateline" the other night on how 'hovahs protect Sexual deviants.

    'hovah: Well, you can't believe......

    HH: No, No, I did some research after watching the show, now the WTS is synonymous with corruption, deceit, slander, death, suffering, and the like.

    'hovah: well I uh, don't know about, uh, any problems, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, UH!

    HH: Well come on in, 'hovah, and I'll share my research with you.

    'hovah: OK, but don't tell any other 'hovahs that I'm doing this, OK?

    HH: You got it, 'hovah.

    TR- Non-'hovah Reasoning book

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • TheMatrix

    If a householder says to me : Hey, you are the people from that religion that hides pedophiles, aren't you?

    I would respond:

    ME: Actually that is not true. I hate pedophiles and their sick, perverted actions. Pedophilia is not just a sin, but a mental decease. Don't you agree?

    HH: Yes, I agree.

    ME: Do you know what Elders in the congregation do when someone accuses another of abusing them sexually?

    HH: Nothing?

    ME: Well our enemies would want you to believe that, but in reality the elders start an investigation into the allegations by the victim or victims. They form a judicial committee against the transgressor and in order to protect the congregation, they are disfellowshipped.

    HH: Disfellowshipped? They don't get moved to another church?

    ME: No, of course not, if they are disfellowshipped, no Witness will talk or have contact with that person.

    HH: Well good, that takes care of it inside the church, but where do the authorities come in?

    ME: They too are notified in the states that require such notification. For example in our state, it is law that these crimes be notified to the appropriate authorities, be it the police or child protective services.

    HH: That's excellent, but what about the states that do not require it, I think the Witnesses and all other religions should be required to notify authorities of such crimes.

    ME: I agree that state law should be changed to agree with those states that require such notification to the authorities. But see, the Witnesses are not breaking the law, they are following it. They balance Jehovah's law in the Bible and human law. But I encourage you to contact your state representative to encourage them to come up with legislation that would make it mandatory in your state for all child abusers to be turned into the authorities.

    May I show you an Awake article that touches on how parents can protect their children from these sexual predators?

    HH: I did not realize that your organization publishes such helpful information.

    ME: They sure do, let me show you the article.

    HH: Yes, I will take a copy and thank you for answering my questions. Although I don't agree with all of you beliefs, I respect your organization's effort in taking care of these problems.

    ME: You're welcome, have a nice day.

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    I'm sorry that you are totally blind. I was too until it happened to our family.

    Why don't you visit them & ask them questions. They are elders in good standing. They'll have to let you know how our family was stopped from going to the authorities.

    The protection of pedophiles by the WTS makes me puke.

  • TR
    but in reality the elders start an investigation into the allegations by the victim or victims. They form a judicial committee against the transgressor and in order to protect the congregation, they are disfellowshipped.

    LOL! Tell me what qualifications the elders have to do what you stated above. You forgot the part about witnesses.

    elder: Brother pedophile, did you molest this young boy?

    pedophile: No.

    elder: Ok, I'll just walk away now, because there were no witnesses.

    pedophile: Cool.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • YERU2


    and since when are Elders qualified to conduct a criminal investigation? I thought that was the job of Joe Law. So now I'm to let the Elders conduct the criminal investigation. When my wife gets raped should I call the Elders to come solve the crime? Have they been studying Sherlock Holmes at Elder's meetings? I know, we'll put the Elders on the trail of Osama Bin Ladin, their superior investigative skills should have him in ohhh, say, a week?

    Oh, by the way, by using the Elder's standard, almost none of the accused priests in the Catholic Church are guilty, there are NOT two witnesses, and few confessions.

    GET REAL dude, Pedophilia is a crime where no one knows except the pedophile and the victim. If there aren't two witnesses to the act the Elders do NOTHING!!!!!!!!! When was the last time a Pedophile molested a kid with someone watching? Even multiple victims is not enough becuase it has to be two witnesses to the SAME ACT!

    The Watchtower is BROKE on this issue dude. Stop being a Yes man to Brooklyn WHAT WOULD JESUS want you to do? "Suffer the little children to come unto me and do not hinder them..."

  • ChiChiMama

    JW's are always wanting to show their propaganda videos to return visits,bible studies, relatives and any one else they can turn into a captive audience so I think I will always have my copy of Dateline on the ready for any Jw's who decide to show up at my home.

    My rule will be that we will have no discussion until they have watched Dateline with me.I doubt if they will take me up on it. But I will be ready for them anyway.


  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    And by the way WHAT are you HIDING that you have your e-mail blocked???

    You know you will get DF for being on this site.

    Are you being unfaithful to the organization? IS it because you have doubts?? Is it because you've been part of thes judicial committees who have told 1,000's of innocent families not to go to the authorities?

  • CPiolo

    The Matrix:

    I see you took the blue pill.


  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    Hey Matrix,

    Isn't your picture beautiful & Isn't it showing brotherly LOVE to us?

    Why do you have a gun? Do you want to silence us by killing us for speaking the truth? (right on)

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    YOu can be sure that no JW is going to ever be around my children!

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