Hi Dinah,
Welcome to the forum!
i remember one time i worked on a talk about a week.
looking up points, cross referencing ideas, and then i get up there and i just knew most people were either asleep mentally or not paying any attention.
who could blame them, i set in the front row doing microphones and i could hardly keep my eyes open.
Hi Dinah,
Welcome to the forum!
do you every worry about dying?
do you think that you probably won't have a very long life?
I'm not afraid to die and I welcome it. My only regret would be leaving my daughter.
i am truly looking for your honesty on this issue...not that i think any of you have been dishonest - i just don't want the sugar coated version of pollyanna lines.. i have spoken about this subject privately with one of you - ;) - and also with my hubby.
however, i'm wondering if i'm in the minority here when i bring this subject up.
being raised a jw i had to be so straight for so long.
Hi Freedomlover,
I agree with some of the other thoughts. I do think it's important to figure out what being a rebel will get you or what it represents. Once you can identify that, maybe you can find the appropriate activities that will scratch that itch. There is one other thing that popped into my mind about your situation:
Do you think that maybe you're tired of the responsibility of your roles? Many responsible people give and give, and do very little for themselves. Givers have to recharge their batteries on a regular basis. Is there anyway you can get away weekly to do some things you enjoy? Is there any way you can stop taking on new responsibilites - say no? Do you have the "need to please" disease?
I was near the point of burnout a few years back, and I had to take a few hours away from my daughter twice a week to regain my equilibrium. That was all I could spare, but it did a world of good after several months. I'm also the responsible type, and my act of rebellion was to stop going to meetings during the week. That helped tremendously as well. I also delegated housework and let other things slide. I stopped taking responsibility for many things at work, because hey, we're supposed to be a team. It took two years to undo 11 years of personal neglect, but it's been worth it.
If these suggestions aren't on target, then go for the henna tatoo or wild hair or black leather.
the list of talk titles listed by subject have very few public talks on the kingdom.
i have 116 talks in my possession and under kingdom / paradise only 4 talks out of 21 mention the kingdom in this section.
how can they say that they are publicy announcing jehovah's kingdom when their public talks don't give it priority?.
Because it's much more fun to beat the sheep....
3 and many were the days that had been without a true god and without a priest teaching and without law.
at this he said to him: i am the same as you are, and my people are like your people and with you in the war.
however, jehosh aphat said to the king of : please, inquire first of all for the word of jehovah.
An example of Theocratic Warfare Stategy:
18 And he went on to say: “Therefore HEAR the word of Jehovah: I certainly see Jehovah sitting upon his throne and all the army of the heavens standing at his right and his left. 19 And Jehovah proceeded to say, ‘Who will fool A´hab the king of that he may go up and fall at Ra´moth-gil´e·ad?’ And there was talk, this one saying something like this, and that one saying something like that. 20 Finally a spirit came out and stood before Jehovah and said, ‘I myself shall fool him.’ At that Jehovah said to him, ‘By what means?’ 21 To this he said, ‘I shall go forth and certainly become a deceptive spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ So he said, ‘You will fool him, and, what is more, you will come off the winner. Go out and do that way.’ 22 And now here Jehovah has put a deceptive spirit in the mouth of these prophets of yours; but Jehovah himself has spoken calamity concerning you.”
ok, if you had to choose between looks and personality, which wins?
guys: if a girl is only mediocre in the looks department but is absolutely fab-u-lous in the personality dept...........which is more important to you?
or are they equally important?
Personality, character and spirituality. Intelligence, kindness and humor are the top 3 traits. If a guy doesn't have those, he's got no chance.
james 3:7 for every species of wild beast as well as bird and creeping thing and sea creature is to be tamed and has been tamed by humankind.
looking too deeply, or does this not seem to be biblical proof that paradise, with all its teeming of wild and domestic animals have the possibility of being governed by mankind?.
in reality, wouldn't it be nice to live in a world free from all the pain and discomfort of being, only human?
Hi Prophecor,
I still believe in a Paradise and believe that it could happen, and it would be enjoyable. Evidently JW's don't have a monopoly on that belief, because Catholics and some Baptists also believe in a Paradise. There are other smaller religions that do as well. They just differ on the details of the journey.
what percentage would you say came into your old or current congregation(s) via the door-to-door witnessing?
it is understood that your response is a guestimate.
Probably only about 20%. The rest are born in, or hear about the religion from family members, coworkers, neighbors,etc.
i am in a family of 6: mum, dad, 2 brothers and one sister.
only my mum and i are in the truth still.
it is so hard to keep going for the right reasons.
Hi Cheenie,
Welcome to the forum! I agree with the others, focus on getting an education. It's kind of you to think about your Mother, but you have to live your own life. I tell my 16 year old the same thing.
is there any one scripture (or more) that really suprised you once you took the wt glasses off and just read the bible as is, without all the extra literature?
Hi Netochka, Welcome to the forum!