Well him and the Skull and Bones society, certainly.
JoinedPosts by RandomTask
"Shock and Awe" and the hebrew word Shekina.
by Trauma_Hound inhas anyone notice the similarity of this "shock and awe" campaign and the hebrew word shekina, do you think it's a coincidence, since bush a devout born again christian?.
"shekinah means "presence of god" and relates to the feminine aspect of the holy trinity.
it is the energy that sanctifies from within the dimension of matter or the holy spirit.
Bush & Blair: Endless love
by Simon in.
let's lighten the mood a little.. this is very clever and very funny.. http://w1.318.telia.com/~u31815086/readmylips_blush.mov
It was funny, I admit.
YELLOW RIBBON : Show your support!
by email ina lot of us can have different opinions about going war... some can support it... other can protest it... and thats what freedom of speech is all about.
but there's a threshold and we're past that threshold... we're at war.
so no matter what your opinions were before or even now no one can change the fact that we are at war and that won't change no matter how much those that oppose it try.
Problem is, we cant change our profile pics. Simon?
Does anyone know current JW attitude to war, UN etc?
by termite 35 ini was just wondering what was being said at the meetings these days following the iraq/un situation.
are they trying to link the situation up to any 'prophesies' while getting their troops fired up and ready for the end?!
or is all this just seen as part of the last days generally.just curious as i don't get to hear the preseentations at the door and seem to be being shunned again , just wondered if this pointed to anything that's been advised from the platform lately.what's the mood like in the society in light of the conflict?
I thought Gulf War I was the start of Armageddon, then 9/11, now this war?
1,2,3,4 We Don't Want This Bloody War
by Robdar ini went to my first peace rally and march tonight.
it was incredible.
at one time there were probably 350 of us all joined in solidarity.
All I can say is that this war has made some strange bedfellows on this board
YELLOW RIBBON : Show your support!
by email ina lot of us can have different opinions about going war... some can support it... other can protest it... and thats what freedom of speech is all about.
but there's a threshold and we're past that threshold... we're at war.
so no matter what your opinions were before or even now no one can change the fact that we are at war and that won't change no matter how much those that oppose it try.
Takes up too much space? How about the lengthy articles evrybody wants to post all the time in their flame wars that screw up formatting and are too long and boring to read anyway? And that goes for people on both sides. I don't see how a couple centimeters of space on a screen is either a nuisance or a problem for the board. I do know that you have a big problem with those who support the war though. I can see how this could be a nuisance to you personally.
1,2,3,4 We Don't Want This Bloody War
by Robdar ini went to my first peace rally and march tonight.
it was incredible.
at one time there were probably 350 of us all joined in solidarity.
Yes indeed WIldHorses, I think that is the best possible outcome.
Will this war in Iraq, damage friendships here?
by WildTurkey in.
what do you think.
will this war in iraq, damage friendships here?
People expressing their opinions about the war have not changed the opinions that I already had about them.
Iraq's Tortured Children
by ThiChi iniraq's tortured children .
some witnesses had direct experience of child torture .
by john sweeney .
So an article says that one special forces unit may be training these guys who kidnap and torture political dissidents. This action is condemned by the US government and the unit denies that they are training these particular people. I think this pales in comparison to the Iraqui regime, which has a policy of torturing their own people and letting babies starve. You want to equate this one military unit with the whole Iraqui unit and say that the US is just as bad? It seems to me you actually have an anti american agenda and wish to make the US look worse than it actually is as usual.
Iraq's Tortured Children
by ThiChi iniraq's tortured children .
some witnesses had direct experience of child torture .
by john sweeney .
US Military personnel are active as we speak in training the Indonesian Kopassus in the techniques that seem to repulse you so much.
I saw the article about what happened in Indonesia, but whats the American link?