A lot of us can have different opinions about going war... some can support it... other can protest it... and that’s what freedom of speech is all about. But there's a threshold and we're PAST that threshold... we're AT war. So no matter what your opinions were before or even now NO ONE can change the fact that we are at war and that won't change no matter how much those that oppose it try. Now that we're at war, no matter what our opinions might have been, I think ALL of us HAVE to support our TROOPS... and their safe return home...
Therefore I’m proposing showing your YELLOW RIBBON on each post. The yellow ribbon does NOT necessarily mean that you are in favor of the war… but you’re supporting our troops and hoping for their safe return home.
I hope you can all join in and show your support.
The link below is to the graphic that you can attach to your postings: http://www.pixeo.com/images/jwd/yellowribbon.gif