I am secretly in love with Rachel Ray.
I saw her first
i love most of their shows especially 30 -min.
meal, tyler's ultimate, food 911 and goodeats, and not to mention all the competitions and iron chef.
i'm learning a lot.
I am secretly in love with Rachel Ray.
I saw her first
i was my nephews birthday party tonight.
my sister (who i didnt speak to for 15 years because she was dffd was the hostess).. all was well, and we got to talking about growing up as a kid in the truth.
my mum was there and i admoitted to thinking from as early as i could remember till i was about 20 the "the end" was coming any minute.
I remember being scared that it would come and God wouldn't include me in the new world for some reason. I also used to think that theres no way I'll even make it to High School, Armageddon will be here by then.
i love most of their shows especially 30 -min.
meal, tyler's ultimate, food 911 and goodeats, and not to mention all the competitions and iron chef.
i'm learning a lot.
I love Rachael Ray
I also like "Unwrapped" and "Date Plate"
when you travel to other cities, do you find that women or men look nicer or more sexy than in your home town?
maybe it's because we see new butts faces, that give this illusion.. so, is the grass greener elsewhere?
WOmen are just beautiful creatures, period.
jim whitney's (amazing) jw sojourn has been on the net for some time, but, ya know what??
so, with his permission, i'm reposting part 1, and every other day the next part (18 total).
also, there're one or two more parts that he's getting ready, with some very interesting new developments.. .
Any excerpts from the letter you sent to Ray via his wife or is that personal?
when you and i've talked about your trip to bethel, i had only a very few clues about the ramifications of your 'experience,' and how much it changed your life.. everyone else has said 'thank you' too .
and also, because i know i'm embarrassing the shyte outta ya.
lol .
Want, Part, 6, NOW
i'll start it off........ ralph and his wife are going through a divorce.
she is going to take all his money.
so rather than pay, he asks his best friend since birth to kill her for him.
Did you know Ralphs is owned by Kroger, as is 'King Soopers'?
jehovah's witnesses.
the organisation.
i love 'em both still.
Its their organization and policies that most people have a problem with, not the people. I have nothing against many of the people that used to keep in contact with me. I'm not disfellowshipped or dissasociated but they just don't keep in contact anymore, some who were very close friends. Theres a problem where an organization teaches one thing and so blatantly practices another. There is a problem when children are forced to be seperate from their peers and pressured into joining the religion. There is a problem where people, even close family members are shunned for various reasons, some just for disagreeing with said organization. There is a problem when the "organizations" interests are put above the individuals. There is a problem when people are fooled into refusing medical treatment because they think god wants them to. Theres a problem when children are only allowed limited contact with their "nonbeliever" family members. MOst of them are fine, regular people, but the organization they follow is not for me. Maybe its for you, but you haven't exactly given yourself the "full experience" yet.
the jw's have been preaching these are the last days ever since they started aeons ago.
one of the main signs they used from the bible is a decline in natural affection among family members.. such a decline is accepted as fact by many who aren't even jw's.
however, when teenagers themselves are polled, the results are quite different and surprising.. here's a link to the article published in today's minneapolis newspaper, and i have pasted the key part of the article below:.
I think its the JW's who have a "natural affection" problem when they are so willing to disown and treat as dead their close family members because they have been disfellowshipped, leave the religion or never were believers in the first case. This scripture applies more to THEM than anyone else.