Many people cope with the loss of life in amny ways. Really, when you think about it, we don't have a funeral for the loved one who died, its really for all of those who have to live on without that person. It helps them cope. People like to think well of the person when they look back, they want to think that there was at least some positive to the ultimate negative event, death. It may not be the truth, but to a lot of people, it helps them move on and not be sad because they arent thinking of how horrible their death was, but how they lived their life.
JoinedPosts by RandomTask
This just bothers me
by whyhideit inabout two years ago a long time friend of the family died in a motorcycle accident.
he was riding down a mountain road, hit some loss gravel and slid at about 60 mph into a tree and died.
i knew this man for years and i know he loved motorcycles.
Actually I believe that the first woman aboard Challenger was Sally Ride in 84, I think you are thinking of the "teacher in space" program that sent Christa McCauliffe (sp?), a teacher from the northeast, up in Challenger in 86.
When did Jesus become The Christ?
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe watchtower society says that jesus became "the christ" at his baptism: .
"holy spirit - the force behind the coming new order" book (1975), page 90: .
"when did this jesus become actually 'christ the lord'?
when he donned the tights, cape and mask!
What Is Your Animal Personality? (QUIZ)
by Gizmo inok ok i stole this from a site syn introduced me to, didn't know this black hole even existed, so blame the springbok...hehehehe.
hehehehe it's no gremlin, but er...close enough!.
What Is Your Animal Personality?
brought to you by QuizillaEdited by - RandomTask on 31 January 2003 20:34:49
Tonight... I am so proud
by RandomTask inmy wife, known on the board as scarlet, has reached her daily posting limit for the first time ever.
i would just like to commemorate this momentous occasion with a moment of silence.
.. .. .. .. .. .. shut up!.
My wife, known on the board as Scarlet, has reached her daily posting limit for the first time ever. I would just like to commemorate this momentous occasion with a moment of silence
Shut up!
Thank you.
Thank you Saddam
by Gig ini've never heard even the first good thing about the leader of iraq but i've got to thank him.
his highly publicised idiocy helped me to talk to my jw friend.
i got the idea after i watched him try to turn his whole mess into a religious matter, a holy war, then when he accused the un of spying i figured it was worth a shot.
In my opinion, baby steps is the best way to approach it. Keep it up!
The State of the Union
by Marvin Shilmer ini am an american, and so is my president.
this is an iron no speech can hold.
it can only be experienced.
In addition he cheats on his taxes by writing off items that he is forcing the employees to pay for
You can't report him for this? I mean this is illegal, isn't it?
If people are breaking labor laws then there are concequences, if they aren't then its perfectly legal and I don't see it as exploitation. I see it that your husband is in a lesser position and his boss, who has developed a company, is employing him. Such is the order of things. Your husband has the opportunity to change his situation and he is doing that, well all power to him! Good for him! Thats what people do when they don't like the situation they are in. Really, if the guy was cheating on his taxes then I don't see how he could get away from it for long and if you had proof you would report him right? But if you aren't doing that then don't complain to me that he has all kinds of money, its his right, just as its your right to make more money than I do.
I have righteous indignation that he is rich through sheer exploitation -- that the reason he can afford those luxuries is because he steals money from his employees
I don't know, sounds like sour grapes to me. I mean show me how he steals from his employees! If you have proof then report him, its illegal you know! And if you don't have proof then you just make yourself out to look even more foolish.Edited by - RandomTask on 30 January 2003 0:42:47
The State of the Union
by Marvin Shilmer ini am an american, and so is my president.
this is an iron no speech can hold.
it can only be experienced.
I don't believe in exploitation no, but I don't think you are being exploited, I think I have made that abundantly clear. Exploitation is recieving 10 dollars a week for working 100 hours in a shoe factory while sleeping on a dirt floor shack. I think you live far better than that. Bottom line is that yeah, if you don't get an education and then make a family its a heck of a lot harder to live, doesn't mean its anyone elses fault.
I think you feel sorry for yourself. You did complain about the expense of children and then said that you have three with one on the way, I see a contradiction there, you dont? I mean its fine to sacrifice in order to have kids, I don't have a problem with that, but then you complain about it like its anyone elses problem but your own. I also hope to have kids someday, but not unless I can support them adequately, and then if its hard, I won't come on and say how its hard to raise kids because other people make more than me.
So then someday your husband will have a business, good for him. Really I mean that. The great thing about this country is that you can improve your standard of living through self-improvement. I'm sure he will have employees who will make less than he does, I mean I don't think he will exploit them, your husbands probably a nice guy, but will it be fair that your husband has a nice house and his employees make less and live in an apartment? Now who's the "fat cat"? Thats just an illustration, but it puts things in relative terms.
You need to see both sides of the issue, im sure your husbands boss is an asshole and I hope your husband does get out from under him someday. But it doesn't mean that tax cuts are bad or that you yourself wouldn't benefit from them. And I still don't see how you or I or anyone else has the right to say to someone "hey, you make too much, give me some of your money".
The State of the Union
by Marvin Shilmer ini am an american, and so is my president.
this is an iron no speech can hold.
it can only be experienced.
The bottom line is your husband has a job, he not only has a job but he gets paid relatively well on what you are able to afford, in my opinion. So your husbands boss stinks, why is that any concern of yours? I mean either your husband is an indentured servant who can only work for this man or he can find himself another job. If he isn't getting paid what he is worth then why sit around and take it? You have the ability to change your life in this country. Don't like what you do, then take advantage of all the opportunities to go to school, change careers.
Sure, you and your husband have a lot of responsabilities, like a family to take care of, but that's not anyones choice but your own. Perhaps he could have gone to school before getting married, then maybe hed have a better job now. I didn't go to school when I was younger and I'm paying for it now, but I go to night school to get my degree.
So really, what does it matter if your husbands boss spends his money on cheap french hookers? Is it any right of yours to tell him how to run his business and spend his money. I guess you missed the point that if guys like your husbands boss were taxed harder then they would probably just hand guys like your husband a pink slip. Gee, that job doesnt seem so bad when you don't have it anymore. So the guy is buying Mercedes, somebody had to sell it to him. Hell even Mercedes has holdings in the US which benefits US citizens, gives them jobs. Get rid of the rich and then less people have jobs. You said he buys stocks, well that investment goes to fund companies that GIVE PEOPLE JOBS.
Im sorry, but where you see exploitation I see an opportunity to own a home, have a family, own cars and watch football on sundays. We should all be so lucky.
The State of the Union
by Marvin Shilmer ini am an american, and so is my president.
this is an iron no speech can hold.
it can only be experienced.
First off let me say Im terribly sorry to hear that your husband is chained to this job and not allowed to look for another one. Have you heard of the want ads? Very useful, at least I have found them to be so. I mean I guess your husband gets paid nothing for what he does, or is he able to support a family and own a home and cars on what he makes, yes I weep for you, let me go light a candle in vigil to your dire situation.
I still am very sorry to hear that you live in a house that you own, while I pine away in my one bedroom apartment, I think "just to be fair" you should sell your house and give some of the money to me so that we can both have a 2 bedroom apartment, wouldn't that be more fair?
You say your life choices have nothing to do with this? Well don't piss on me and tell me its raining, or in other words, don't have 4 kids and then complain that you can barely support them. I don't care, I believe in birth control, I don't have kids that I will have trouble to support, but I guess that was YOUR LIFE CHOICE, don't come crying to me.