You not being a witness spoils things so much for the witnesses that it warrants your death? Does God have no compassion for those of us who just want to do good, and enjoy life? Beryl, do you think that 99.9% of the world's population is deserving of death? Tell me that you have more compassion than that. If you have that much compassion, then why is God compelled to murder these people?
Furthermore, have the witnesses ever proven in any way that their organization is what represents God? No, In fact they have proven how alienated they are from the God of the bible by their actions for the past 120+ years. Has it ever occured to you that you can serve God without an organization and that if you did some research on said organization you would find that they are using honest hearted people like you for their own power and wealth. Do not equate God and this organization, they have nothing in common and this organization has proven that they do not speak for God.
The guilt that you feel has been programmed into you by this organization. Does it really seem wise and "Godly" to coerce people into submission through guilt? You obviously left because you had a good reason to, can you ignore everything that you know and have learned because of guilt? Do you really think that God wants "subjects" who are kept in line through guilt? Yet this is the main tool of control for his supposed organization.
Look, there are two ways you can look at this, logically and emotionally. Emotionally you feel compelled to go back, you think God is mad at you. Logically you know the witnesses are false, it has been more than proven to you, and if it has not been proven then I invite you to do more research because such information about the witnesses is easily obtained and verifiable.
Life is a precious gift, you have the one you are living. Billions of people who have lived from the dawn of humanity have died, you and I will someday too. The witnesses have been preaching that the end is coming within a few years since the mid 1870's. The end is not coming, the end is a lie. I have seen those older than me believe that they would not graduate high school before the end came, or then that they would not get married, or then that they would not have children, or then that they would not have grandchildren, or that they would not die before the end comes. They were all deluded into throwing their life away for some other life promised to them by men, some other life that they could attain through doing works for these men. These men have and continue to take these people's life and run, leaving them with nothing for their lifetime devotion to this organization, this false organization. Don't throw your life away, they merely continue the lie that they preach was first uttered by Satan the Devil when he said "you most certainly will not die". Its what they tell their followers today, its what Rutherford told them in 1919, "millions now living will never die", well millions along with Rutherford have died and the millions of witnesses living today will die.
Dont buy into this lie, break the cycle and lead the life God meant for you to live. Enjoy his gift and don't let other men control your life until you have none of that precious gift left.