Probably had to go back to Marine Duty
JoinedPosts by RandomTask
Tell Us About Your Culture!
by MrMoe in
sparked something!
many americans are... well... mutts.
My largest chunk of something would have to be spanish-cuban. My mom's dads family all lives around Tampa, although I've never been. Other than that I am Dutch, English, scottish, Irish and maybe Native American, not to sure, my grandmother was adopted.
Attacks on JW Rules
by proplog2 inmany on this board complain about "all the rules" of jw's.
based on jw rules they conclude it is a cult.
jw's are really quite like the catholic church and many other religions.
There's a reason we called them the "dark ages" and the inquisition was a particularly dark period in the history of humanity. I see very few examples of this sort of behavior on a massive scale today or acceptance for such behavior.
Yes, I do hate Saddam. Thank you.
And thank you for telling us all what to think and act and behave. I went to the memorial this week, deja vu all over again!
My Dreams Have Been Indefinitely Postponed
by StinkyPantz ini woke up to a banging on my door and much to my surprise, it was a police officer.
he proceeded to tell me that my car was damaged.
i was thinking, "great, someone must've busted out a window or slashed my tires.
Did you get gap insurance when you bought the car?
U.N. Dismantled
by joannadandy ini just read an article where they were interviewing noam chomsky.
(i'm not even going to post the whole article because i know with 95% accuracy who will post on the thread, which posters will think he is a brilliant guy, and which posters think he is a pinko cornholio.
) in the article he mentioned, and then loosely named the wasington post and wall street journal, that there is a new call that perhaps the u.n. should disband.
You talk a lot but get to the meat of what you are saying. I'm not speaking in a philosophical sense and I'm not saying that that I am the arbiter of what is right or wrong, but what I DO believe is that certain ideas can either lead one to a good or a bad end.
We can sit around, smoke fine cigars and sip brandy and debate how many angels can fit on the head of a pin in perpetuity, but don't we have life to live? Seriously, you can philosophise anything, even that the computer sitting in front of you doesn't exist, but eventually decisions must be made, actions must be taken and the historians will decide weather we were right or wrong, long after I have lived my (hopefully) long and happy life.
BTW, yes it would be cool from an anti-JW standpoint for the UN to go kaput, but I don't believe it will or needs to. The UN can be an effective body, but in its present state it is quite ... innefective.
U.N. Dismantled
by joannadandy ini just read an article where they were interviewing noam chomsky.
(i'm not even going to post the whole article because i know with 95% accuracy who will post on the thread, which posters will think he is a brilliant guy, and which posters think he is a pinko cornholio.
) in the article he mentioned, and then loosely named the wasington post and wall street journal, that there is a new call that perhaps the u.n. should disband.
Ideas are neither left or right, they are right or wrong
U.S. Say It May Have Found Iraqi WMD Storage Site
by Yizuman infrom:
near baghdad (reuters) - u.s. biological and chemical weapons experts believe they may have found an iraqi storage site for chemical weapons, a u.s. officer told reuters on monday.
a military source who declined to be identified said there were unconfirmed reports there could be sarin -- a highly lethal nerve agent that causes death by suffocation -- at the site.
Simon, you are not evil just wrong. IMO of course
ROLL CALL!!!!! How many people are on this forum?
by NaruNaruChan ini'm so curious!
if you see this, sign your name and your location if you want, cuz i wanna know how many people actively view this!
Kevin, San Diego CA
Posters that make an impact
by JH in.
what posters do you like the most on this forum and why?.
I mainly have to give respects to AlanF and Farkel, JanH and other hard-core `apostates` who have the power to actually make a sincere dub think about something else than their trained thought process, I only hope they keep it up on those who continue to question this "religion".