Come on, oral sex is at best bisexual!
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And so it begins
by Yerusalyim in.
tom green, the convicted polygamist in utah, is requesting (through his lawyers of course) that the supreme court overturn his convictions based both on the supreme court ruling on the texas sodomy law and the massachucetts supreme court ruling on gay marriage.. so begins the trip down the slippery slope.
Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!
by AwakenedAndFree indid you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
Please explain to me how the God described in the bible has qualities akin to some of the worst human rulers of history and yet you yearn for Him to rule over you.
And so it begins
by Yerusalyim in.
tom green, the convicted polygamist in utah, is requesting (through his lawyers of course) that the supreme court overturn his convictions based both on the supreme court ruling on the texas sodomy law and the massachucetts supreme court ruling on gay marriage.. so begins the trip down the slippery slope.
Just an objective, open ended, open-MINDED question for anyone that wishes to discuss it. Or perhaps multiple questions:
Does a society or civilization NEED morals in order for it to survive, thrive and prosper? And then how do you draw the line between what is moral and what is not?
Abraham.... why such a GOOD guy?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by outbutnotdown ini used to be a jw, (from birth until about 12 years ago... now 34).
the one thing i could never figure out was why abraham was considered to be a chosen person, not only by christians but muslims also.
for arguments sake, we have to take the same stance that other religious people do, that the bible is factual and literal.... (although my opinion on that is different).
Why do people blow themselves up to kill others?
Dude, a lot of people suck man.
WELCOME EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by minimus case i missed ya.......welcome everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You'll just need to do one of these blanket statements again when the unwelcomed masses have piled up again.
Pictures of my Christmas tree *gasp*
by Vivamus inplease take a look at my deliciously pagan christmas tree.
and it naturally needs a christian touch as well, just look at my three christian ornaments.
delightful, isn't it?
Beer or Bier?
How Much "Independent Thinking"?
by patio34 inex-jws often excuse behavior of jws (and their own past behavior) in their shunning and other cruel, bizarre practices by saying they're in a high mind-control group.
that's true, it seems to me, to only a certain degree.
the reason i think this is that most jws do, in fact, practice a lot of independent thinking and go against the teachings of the wtbs.
Euphamism, great point about DF'd ones with the guilt. You don't have to be in the religion for it to have a hold over you. And they are the biggest "religious lawyers" I have ever been associated with in my life. Much like the Pharasees. I started to realize this when we were studying the Greatest Man book ironically.
As I was looking through it I skipped the first 'OF' but I caught the second one and thought 'there was another 'OF' so I went back and caught it and caught all 6.
How Much "Independent Thinking"?
by patio34 inex-jws often excuse behavior of jws (and their own past behavior) in their shunning and other cruel, bizarre practices by saying they're in a high mind-control group.
that's true, it seems to me, to only a certain degree.
the reason i think this is that most jws do, in fact, practice a lot of independent thinking and go against the teachings of the wtbs.
None of these areas though focus on 'the truth' as it were. When it comes to the core beiefs, those are impenetrable from a standpoint of questioning. The things that they do compromise on are directed outward at personal matters and things hidden from view, but witnesses are often different people at the kingdom hall than they are at home. And thats where the 'group mentality' takes over.
I dread Christmas this year.
by Vivamus ini dread christmas this year.. i have no-one to celebrate it with.. .
i mean, sure, i could invite myself to join in the merryment at some friends places.
but all my friends are celebrating with their parents, and so i won't do that.
Looks like its time for you to start hitting the bars. Hurry, theres only 3 (man) shopping weeks left!