Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!

by AwakenedAndFree 270 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AwakenedAndFree

    Did you leave the Watchtower Society and The True God ,too?

    I believe that God still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org. - God helped me greatly while I was still in. I'am well informed about the org. now, and I can no longer be part of that membership because I KNOW that the Society is UNCLEAN doctrinally! I consider the Society as being the EVIL SLAVE CLASS!

    I have been richly blessed since I left the Organization: Everything written in the Bible is so much clear! - without the Watchtower's New truths/Old truths - awfully confusing and unscriptural interpretations!

    Iam so thankfull God released me from that spiritual concentration camp!

    Please note that God will forgive our sins, if we love Him -He created us - he is Our Heavenly Father.

    JEREMIAH:25:6:" And do not walk after other gods in order to serve them and to bow down to them, that YOU may not offend me with the work of YOUR hands, and that I may not cause calamity to YOU."

    ISAIAH 55 :6,7: (6): " Search for Jehovah, YOU people, while he may be found. Call to him while he proves to be near.(7):" Let the wicked man leave his way, and the harmful man his thoughts, and let him return to Jehovah, who will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will forgive in a large way."NWT

    Christian Love


  • qua

    Agreed. One does not need "Watchtower" to be with "Jehovah."

  • Faraon

    Please note that God will forgive our sins, if we love Him -He created us - he is Our Heavenly Father.

    I will not take anybody's word for it unless s/he tells me what to do, and proves to me that s/he is who says s/he is.

    Why is it that it, as powerful as it is supposed to be, talks only to a few people?

    I have tried to talk to Huitzilopochtli, Thor, Jehovah, Jupiter, etc. Have received no answer so far.

  • JamesThomas
    "God will forgive our sins, if we love Him."

    And if we do not love Him? What then? Is there a price to pay? j

  • Mysterious

    Well if you go biblically JamesThomas, he won't forgive our sins if we don't love him and the penalty for sin is death.

    That being said I don't go biblically personally.

  • AwakenedAndFree

    Dear Thomas,

    You said:

    "And if we do not love Him? What then? Is there a price to pay? if we do not love Him?

    JOHN 3:16:" For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life."

    Christian Love,


  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    Anyway you look at it God could be veiwed as a mean nasty scary thing that goes bump in the night, when you hear the do it or die ideas.

  • somebodylovesme

    The way I see it, the biblical "God" cannot be loved unselfishly. There is something in it for the believer. It's frickin blackmail. "Love me or die." Is that really unconditional love? No. "Love me or burn in hell/cease to exist/don't get to live in my playground"... IMO, only humans could come up with something so vicious and selfish. If there is a supreme being, I'm sure its love is unconditional - not based on someone's thoughts or beliefs.

    Anyway, I have a million more thoughts on this, but I will save them for another post altogether...


  • avishai
    JOHN 3:16:" For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life

    So what?He also "gave' his other children away to pain & suffering to settle a cosmic bar bet w/ Satan, pain and suffering usually FAR worse than Jesus'. He only lived 33 yrs. as a human, never had kids so he didn't have to watch his kids die, was supposedly never sick a day in his life. .Who cares? What's the big deal? It took JC what, a day to die? Plus, he was ressurected 3 days later anyway. I watched my dad die for a year of cancer, painfully, he was 33 too. I'll never buy that scripture as being a validation of God's compassion. BibleGod is an abusive parent with th manners of a petulant child You'd think an eternal being would know better & behave accordingly..

  • shamus

    Ahmen to that, Avashi.

    God is just messing with us. He messed with me enough whilst in with the Dubs.

    If god wants me back he had better get his ass down here and show me that he is the true god. I am not accepting any man's interpretation from here on out. The bible is a joke.

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