Well I told CHEVYS 'maybe' in chat, maybe I can turn that maybe into a yes if I get to know you guys a little better. I'd feel pretty uncomfortable showing up and not knowing anyone. I think I should start spending some more time here.
JoinedPosts by RandomTask
SOUTHERN CALI Apostafest June 25, 26, 2004
by Sassy inthere was a thread a while back on here requesting a so cali fest and we said we would look into it.. we are putting out the june 25 (party at my place) and june 26 (party at simplesally's) to see how many would be interested...
ready to party?
a little fun in the sun with simplesally, sassy, and sandy.. treegirls.. i mean three girls i mean three aposta women?
Another JW Questions 1914 At The Meeting!!!
by minimus inmy mother told me that a regular pioneer in his 60's from a nearby hall questioned how we could be sure 1914 was the date christ was enthroned as king of the kingdom.
he questioned the brother conducting the meeting for field service.
it didn't go well......he left that hall and is reported missing in action!
Well its simply because they had the answer before they knew how to explain it. I mean first it was the great pyramid, (well and several other dates in the 1800's as well) But then we settled on 1914 and now we have to find a way to explain it. Its not as if they did all this reasearch and came up with 1914, they came up with 1914 and then did the research.
Jehovah does NOT Communicate with the Watchtower Society!
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe watchtower, august 1, 2002 issue, pages 14 and 22:
the watchtower, june 15, 1957 issue, page 370: .
the watchtower, june 1, 1955 issue, page 333: .
This is exactly what Farkel said, its just doublespeak so they can say on the one hand: "Oh no, we don't think God talks to us, we aren't that crazy", but then they can go back to the believers and say, "Oh but you'd better believe that we are still 'spirit directed' (TM) and that god's 'active force' (TM) directs the org"
It's pure semantics and lawyerspeak. It makes them appear more benign to their critics, but with a wink and a nod everyone knows what they really believe. I mean its like saying "that construction worker didn't pound the nail into the wood beam, the hammer did".
This is all of course just like Jesus advocated his followers to act, very opposite from the pharisaic religious leaders of the time.
Another JW Questions 1914 At The Meeting!!!
by minimus inmy mother told me that a regular pioneer in his 60's from a nearby hall questioned how we could be sure 1914 was the date christ was enthroned as king of the kingdom.
he questioned the brother conducting the meeting for field service.
it didn't go well......he left that hall and is reported missing in action!
It's amazing, they have "Audience Participation" and "Question and Answer" sessions... only the wrong questions and answers are not tolerated.
This is a powerful tool for them, it gives the appearance for an open discussion, so it reinforces that notion in the minds of the believers while at the same time they have been conditioned to toe the party line and have a gripping fear of deviating from it.
by indoubt ini am new to this discussion forum and i wanted to introduce myself.
my story is rather ordinary when compared to other members of this board.. first of, i am still a baptized (irregular) jw.
as many jws, i started having doubts when viewing the dateline show regarding child molestation withing the jws.
It is sad that they have this kind of control over your wife. I really feel for her. Wasn't it Jesus who told the sinner to go on their way and sin no more. This is in the past for the both of you and the guilt she feels is merely a method for keeping people in-line and under control.
As far as I am concerned the JW elders have no jurisdiction in the matter because I believe that they are not acting with God's authority or backing and they show this through their works. Of couse, JW doctrine dictates that they do, so your wife is doing what she thinks is right, for they have the weight of God himself on their shoulders from her point of view. Its a very powerful tool to have someone believe you speak for God.
Which is why I fear for you. You stated that you have doubts, this may lead you down the path of wanting to leave the religion. What you do is certainly your own decision and there is plenty of material available for you to 'Test everything. Hold on to the good', wise words, no matter how you believe. But I fear because your wife believes so fervently that it may be a division between you and her should the situation ever come to a head. Of course I believe that they would turn her against you simply through their daily teachings, you have the stigma of being 'inactive' already. Just be careful.
Bush/Kerry Poll
by Greenpalmtreestillmine inu.s citizens: if you intend to vote in november will you vote for bush or kerry or are you undecided?
please with just one word give your vote for this very small poll: bush, kerry or undecided .
those outside of the u.s.: who are you hoping will become the next u.s. president?
Registering for the first time in order to vote BUSH
Yes or No----Do You Believe That JWs Are A Cult?
by minimus ini believe they are "cultlike" but i don't think they are a "cult"........and you?
BTW Simon, have you ever considered adding a poll function?
Circuit Assembly experience...
by No Apologies in"and they're both getting baptised today!
no, not that kind of experience.. .
this happened this last weekend at the circuit assembly my (jw) wife attended.
I had no idea that they "went on with the show" after Lloyd Barry collapsed! How despicable! They even canceled opening day in baseball that one time the umpire collapsed and died.
"If anyone calls himself a BROTHER ,"...................
by gumby in5:9-11, says that anyone who .....calls himself a brother and is a fornicator, idolater, drunkard and such, is not to be greeted or have a meal shared with them.
the witnesses of course, apply this to anyone who calls themselves a witness, and is any of those things, yet still calls themselves a witness.. the problem i always had understanding is......if a person does not call himself a "brother" ( a witness) any longer, then how do they justify applying it to those who choose not to be recognised as such any longer?
in the niv footnote section which gives a short commentary on scriptures.....it plainly says this applies to any who call themselves christians, and do these things.
Farkel pretty much hit the nail on the head of what I was attempting to say.
You quote scriptuires as if the Witnesses actually care about any scripture that contradicts their policies. Its like every story I read about someone in the religion getting enlightened that the witnesses are full of shit and then calling them on it, and then getting all surprised when they are forcefully rebuffed and refuse to listen to reason. Well no duh, we should all know the witnesses' game by now. Anyone who is still in the mindset that "this isn't right, the scriptures say one thing, but the witnesses say another", is in dire need of making that next step, the one where you realize that the witnesses have nothing to do with God or his scriptures and that they actually are a nothing organization misleading millions.
I am not advocating that we do nothing, as you must have missed in my post that I said:
You are out, count that as a blessing. By all means do whatever you can to open the minds of those who are still in that will listen to you
But I also offered the caveat that you quoted me on:
but know that there is a deeply rooted mechanism implanted inside them to reject what you have to say, you are better off not losing sleep over it.
We cant have this mindset that people are supposed to think logically and that they don't use emotion to guide their thinking. If this was the case it would be no problem to bring down the witnesses within months. But I'm sure many with experience will tell you that they can spit out fact after bloody fact to people in the religion and end up strengthening their faith in it! It all depends on the open minded-ness of the person that you are talking to, their willingness to take that leap of faith that I talked about earlier. Some, if not most, don't have the stomach for it. SO no, don't lose sleep if you cant get your loved ones out, don't fret. Its like trying to move mount everest, and sometimes the best offense is to not be so offensive. It depends on the situation. I have seen so many people (myself included) get so frustrated about how little they are able to accomplish with the people they love and care about who are still tied to this evil organization. Its just my advice to take it easy sometimes, don't let them continue to ruin YOUR life. You are already out, count that as a blessing, at least you do have that. -
"If anyone calls himself a BROTHER ,"...................
by gumby in5:9-11, says that anyone who .....calls himself a brother and is a fornicator, idolater, drunkard and such, is not to be greeted or have a meal shared with them.
the witnesses of course, apply this to anyone who calls themselves a witness, and is any of those things, yet still calls themselves a witness.. the problem i always had understanding is......if a person does not call himself a "brother" ( a witness) any longer, then how do they justify applying it to those who choose not to be recognised as such any longer?
in the niv footnote section which gives a short commentary on scriptures.....it plainly says this applies to any who call themselves christians, and do these things.
Regardless of what the scripture says or what they say their policy is, 3 elders can get together and disfellowship anyone for almost any reason and call it something bad. Thats just the way it is. The witnesses follow what the elders do because they think this is all from God and "Bible Based" and fear "god's judgement" (disfellowshipping from elders, losing ones friends, being marked, etc) themselves.
Its that simple, no need to dwell on it, its part of their messed up policy and those who wish to be controlled will cherish it and love it (see 1984) and those who don't will leave and face the negative aspects (bieng shunned). But if you don't believe their tripe (and you shouldn't) then I wouldn't put stock in what they do or say, or what their policies are. You are out, count that as a blessing. By all means do whatever you can to open the minds of those who are still in that will listen to you, but know that there is a deeply rooted mechanism implanted inside them to reject what you have to say, you are better off not losing sleep over it.