1Cor. 5:9-11, says that anyone who .....CALLS HIMSELF A BROTHER and is a fornicator, idolater, drunkard and such, is not to be greeted or have a meal shared with them. The Witnesses of course, apply this to anyone who CALLS THEMSELVES A WITNESS, and is any of those things, yet still calls themselves a witness.
The problem I always had understanding is......If a person DOES NOT call himself a "brother" ( a witness) any longer, then how do they justify applying it to those who choose not to be recognised as such any longer?
In the NIV footnote section which gives a short commentary on scriptures.....it plainly says this applies to any who CALL THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS, and do these things. So....if a witness decides he does not want to be a witness any longer and does not identify themselves as such.........how does it apply to them?