When I first moved out of my moms house I had a couple of friends who were witnesses and we all got a house together. Well specifically me and one of my friends rented a house and our other friend, who had no job, lived in the den. We felt sorry for him because he had a very domineering mother.
Anyway, this out of work friend of course had a plan to make money, that plan was Primerica. Of course he wanted to sign us up, which we politely refused. 6 months went by and he made absolutely nothing on this venture, all the while, my friend and I were paying the rent and the bills, allowing him to live for free. When I got married this person was my best man.
After moving and subsequently leaving the witnesses, me and this person lost touch until this past April, when I saw him at a baseball game. We emailed each other back and forth a couple of times, and he asked me how I was doing in "the truth". I explained that I don't go and I don't believe it, but I don't want to make it an issue and I respect his beliefs. He suspiciously stopped emailing me back, which with witnesses is not entirely unexpected.
I had forgotten about him until just about a week ago, my brother in law, who is a witness, says that he saw this individual at a sort of witness softball game and told him "hey, I should have brought (me) it could have been a reuinion". This individual then launches into a tirade on my brother in law, about what he percieved to be my character or lack thereof. He did this in front of another former associate, who was also in my wedding who stood there stunned.
So to sum this story up, Primerica sucks, and the witnesses seem to be infected with this "get rich quick" scheme disease like no other group I have been associated with. I mean, my wifes cousin, who is a witness, has as her latest scheme, buying forcloseures and reselling them. Or profiting on the tribulations of others. I mean, I guess its ok seeing as how they are all going to die soon anyway, right? soon? Anyway, this venture will undoubtedly fail like every other scheme she has come up with in the last 5 years.
It seems that witness culture in general leaves someone bereft of fellow feeling for other humans, it also seems to strip them of common sense. I don't know if those are symptoms of being a witness or causes though.