Hello I am new and this will probably be the last time I post. Nice forum by the way but honestly and with all due respect it is not something I would like to be associated with. I joined saying "oh cool a JW forum" but after reading just 2 posts I realized it is the Black Veil all over again. I mean there is no "about" page really describing this website that I saw or anything. So IMO I assumed that you are still JWs, but a lot of you speak like you are not which is pretty decieving. I mean if this website was supposed to be for "free minded" slash former JWs slash I still call myself a JW then the website should at least mention that. Some of the topics were just pointless, instead of focusing on how being a Jehovah's Witness greatly seperates you from everyone else, I read just a lot of attacks and attempts to find faults in the organization. I mean, we are only imperfect humans with a heart that is inclinded to do bad so of course people will think this way but it just makes me sad in my heart. I know people will just use some type of reasoning to reason their way out of certain things, I mean you are only as smart as your mind is, so it is not very wise when you are not walking with wise people. I understand that this forum is open to EVERYONE because there is no real way of filtering people on the internet so I assume quite a few of the people on here are Apostate and probably some other type of "free mind" organization. (probably why this website does get so many hits) and there are probably very few who are true Jehovahs Witnesses which if they are they should disjoin themselves from this as soon as they wake up. Just another thing, more than half the "alias" names that are being used by members have something to do with the world. Just being here a few minutes I have seen one that had the word devil in it but with a cryptic form so it could be said "it doesn't say that" and I have seen one that formed a cross and another blah blah blah. Yeah it is clear.
For the things that we do not understand do not become discouraged by them my brothers, Jehovah's wisdom is not searchable because it surpasses us all. There some things we will just have to wait on or accept. Exodus 33:21-23
Keep in Faith of Jehovah, do not expect him to prove himself to you, we should be but humble humans who are proving ourselves to him!Matthew 12:39 ?A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jo´nah the prophet."
I know most are probably rolling their eyes or planning a big reply of some sort or preparing some type of "enlightened comment" but as inticing as it would be to stick around and see what you would say I will resist because it would just be honey coating on a molded truth. I have seen many of you saying the same things, "I used to be a JW" "I DAed myself" "It is the true flock but not led correctly" etc. Just remember, just because you were disfellowshipped does not mean that the elders did not have a right to, they have a big job (an I know a few of you here, I know some were elders) they must do to keep the organizatio going as clean as possible, they are imperfect too, I have seen an elder read an article (out of just curiousity) of an apostate and it took him a whole year to return to the Truth. What does that tell you? If you are listening it should tell you that Satan is the master and the Father of the lie, he knows every and which way to craft a lie to get you to astray from the correct path.
When I began to study I came upone persecution like I have never felt. When I became inactive it kept on for a bit but it stopped until a few years later I began studying again, isn't that funny how that works? I did not look at it as persecution, I looked at it as if it were a sign for me that I was headed the right path because it became tough, no one said it would be easy, I do not wish to have my "ears tickled" which is why I am still a Jehovah's Witness, I feel complete, Jehovah designed us to have a need for worship.
I have gone long enough talking and typing this out. It would truely say a lot if this post stayed on here for more than a month but I do not expect it to, but now that I said that who knows.
Best regards with love may you all find your way again brothers so we can finally and truely be free, from this World of Satan.