I am new to the forum, but would love to be a part of the exchange. I do it at work and it is lots of fun.
JoinedPosts by truckerich
Secret Santa (Gift Exchange) 2006
by Angharad inhope this hasnt been posted already, if it has someone tell me as i dont want to step on anyones toes !!.
well christimas will soon be here !!.
gadget did a great job of organising the forum gift exchange the last couple of years so i thought i would give him a break and volunteer to organise it this year.. for those that are new basically what it involves is that those who want to join in will post to this thread and then pm me their name and address.
My Mini Van was stolen last night!! (long)
by ButtLight inmy son takes my van to school everyday.
so yesterday, after school, he decides to leave the van there, ride with his buddy to work, and pick it up later!
he comes home about 8:00 pm wild!
Regardless of whether your son left his keys in the van. NO ONE especially a teacher has the right to enter someone property and move it. What would have happened if someone saw him/her do this and take the van somewhere else. He would have been the last one to see entering the van and driving it away. This is serious stuff...I would take it to the Superintendent of your school and see that this teacher faces the consequences for his actions.
Also, speaking as a teacher myself...Parents have alot more power then they realize and the only reason some teachers get away with murder so to speak is because parents don't speak up enough
My Mini Van was stolen last night!! (long)
by ButtLight inmy son takes my van to school everyday.
so yesterday, after school, he decides to leave the van there, ride with his buddy to work, and pick it up later!
he comes home about 8:00 pm wild!
Regardless of whether your son left his keys in the van. NO ONE especially a teacher has the right to enter someone property and move it. What would have happened if someone saw him/her do this and take the van somewhere else. He would have been the last one to see entering the van and driving it away. This is serious stuff...I would take it to the Superintendent of your school and see that this teacher faces the consequences for his actions.
Also, speaking as a teacher myself...Parents have alot more power then they realize and the only reason some teachers get away with murder so to speak is because parents don't speak up enough
Questions for the forum...I need some help understanding
by truckerich ini was just wondering just because the wts have made a mess of things and have done things that are questionable.
is jehovah still the name of god?
does he exist?
Words can't express the emotions that I am feeling at this moment. First of all I want to say thanks for all the replies. I thought as I was writing my post I would be opening a can of worms that I couldn't possibly handle, but everyone of you said things to me that made a lot of sense. I do plan to do some more research on how others have handle being out of the WTS. I must say that I have read some of the testimonies on Freeminds. org and other exjw sites some of them more than twice. I am sorry this is a short post, but I need to get ready for work and won't be back online later this evening.
Thanks again
elders and alcohol
by chuckyy inwhen i was an elder most of the rest of the body drank like fish, some would regularly get drunk and it was always ignored.
then these very same elders would reprove a young lad for excessive drinking!
was there similar hypocrisy in your cong????.
Something funny came to my mind when I first read the subject line - One time after the memorial I asked my father what did they do with the wine since no one could drink it- My father laughed and looked at me and said, "Your mother's uncle drinks it!" I never quite understood that comment until years later when I learned that he was an alcoholic even though he was the congregation's PO and the city overseer. He also took much pride in a picture he had displayed in the Kingdom hall's Library with him and Fred Franz....to this day he is still known to have a couple of drinks before each meeting.....
Questions for the forum...I need some help understanding
by truckerich ini was just wondering just because the wts have made a mess of things and have done things that are questionable.
is jehovah still the name of god?
does he exist?
I was just wondering just because the WTS have made a mess of things and have done things that are questionable. Is Jehovah still the name of God? Does he exist? Did Jesus really come to Earth and die for us? Should I stopped believeing some of the things that I have read in the Bible. The scriptures...not just in the NWT Bible, but in the other bible. I am really having a difficult time. These are just some questions that I have been pondering for quite some time. I think this is happening because the other day my seven year old son came up to me and asked why don't we go to church. How could I tell him that his mommy spent the first 26 years of her life in an organization that has left a bad taste in her mouth. I would love to go to church and pray to God, but after what I have been through that seems rather impossible for me.
I know you all don't know much about me because I haven't posted much about myself, just a comment here and there, but believe me I do keep up with the discussions on this forum and all that I have read has really opened up my eyes to the "mess" the WTS has been with the UN-Incident and not to mention the what the Silent Lambs org. have told up about the cover-up which I believe totally happened and is happening with the cover up child molesters which I have seen for myself. That very thing happened in my old Congregation and no one did a damn thing about. They blamed the girl because she was young and wordly, a foster child who was said to have taken advantage of the brother's situation-his wife was dying. So much more...I could go on and on.
I guess my question is What part of the Bible should I believe? I am a fairly intelligent and smart woman, but a part of me still misses having God in my life and when my son, who has really never been in a Kingdom Hall with the exception of a few meetings and a memorial or two, came to me and ask about Church and made me a Iittle keepsake with beads that spelled out "I Love God" that really blew me over. It was like where do we go from here? Is Jehovah trying to reach me through my son?
I hope everyone understand my ramblings.....thank you for taking the time to read it.
Higher Education
by uwishufish inthis may have already been done if so sorry.. how many have gone on to earn college degrees after leaving the borg?
in what feild?.
how many are full time students now earning a degree?.
I haven't made a reply in such a long time, but since I quit going to meetings...I have gotten by B.S. in Special and Regular Education and a M.S. in Special Education. I have been teaching for five years and love it.
Need Some Help Understanding
by Broken Hearted ini am a non jw, who has met a jw and we have been online chatting for last 9 months.
i have fallen in love with him.
he has been trying to push me away lately, and finding out one of the reasons is because of the religious background.
Brokenhearted...He was probably reported to the elders because his ex-wife wanted to be scripturally free to married ago...I know of a brother who wanted to marry again but couldn't because he divorced his wife and wasn't "scripturally" he stayed single for a couple of years..that is until he met a sister he wanted to marry...well he and another brother decided to play detective...followed his ex-wife around one evening...she has met up with a man...they went to his house...and to make a long story short...the brother and his witness because you have to have two witnesses to an act in order for it to be true....staked out her house all night long and the next morning...both of them approached her as she was leaving..questioning her about her actions that night....needless to say...the brother was freed to be marry again....and was married two months later....
Personally, I knew I didn't want to marry a brother because most of them hide behind the Bible's principle of submission whether they are right or wrong...I remember the first time I told a sister that I didn't want to marry a brother...she was offended and went to the brothers...about it...when I was approached by the elders...I let them know that marrying out of the truth isn't a disfellowshipping offense...actually talking to someone isn't a disfellowshipping offense...
What First Pops Up Into Your Mind When You Hear "Jehovah's Witnesses"???
by minimus innow, i think "stupid".
Oh!!! I almost forgot...offending the brothers with my semi low cut dresses because my cleavage was visible...
What First Pops Up Into Your Mind When You Hear "Jehovah's Witnesses"???
by minimus innow, i think "stupid".
Y'all don't know much about me...I usually make a comment here and there....maybe someday I will share my story with you...but for now the first thing that pops up into my mind is...are those old green bibles..and the little pink great teacher book...