Crawdad2,Ladylee,mommy1; Thank you so much for writing I felt so relieved that I am not the only one that has gone through this all along my brother & mom allways told me I was making a big deal about it and now that Im the adult I know that its against the law to harass and expose themselfs to someone. With this I stopped my mom from making me mad I told her that if that man would ever come near me again I would press charges. They pretty much have left me alone on the other hand they allways are telling me that; GOD doesnt listen to my prayers because I celebrate holidays and I will get destroyed with armaggedon the great they say armagedon the great is the Catholic and the rest of the religions around the world! I dont believe this at all they are all perfect they say they dont sin or make mistakes they even have people that eat the bread and wine when they have the memorials they say there allowed to eat and drink from them because there the chosen ones one of the 144 thousand and that they dont sin at all because there perfect , I believe nobody is perfect because of adam and eve's sin and because God is so loving and great thats why JESUS gave his life for us, through him we have forgiveness for our sins and his HOLY SPIRIT to help us in life. Well to make this story short it is sad that they are that way like they have no humanity in them , GOD teaches us to love theres even a scripture in the bible love the neighbor and they dont obey it because they critize everyone else and there allways gosoping about every one else and they have hate in that reilgion they shun you and make you feel awful I ve seen it done to others and GOD doesnt want that ! Thanks again hope to hear from you again! THERESA