I'm married 20 years this year too.
your note makes me feel all mushey, and I don't feel mushey very often anymore!
Best wishes for the future
like most of you we never did the birthday or christmas thing and so over the years anniversary celebrations were grabbed as a real chance to wrap presents, get festive and party.
this habit has carried on and there's a small mountain of shiny gifts all waiting to be torn open on april 5th.
okay, the kids are bit older now (18, 16 & 12) but we all still make a fuss of this one day.. we'll be going out for a slap up meal tomorrow night, just the 5 of us at our favourite curry house.
I'm married 20 years this year too.
your note makes me feel all mushey, and I don't feel mushey very often anymore!
Best wishes for the future
hey everyone, as the subject might sugest... im new here!
they say first impressions last and i hope i make.
this a good one.. .
Hi "The", you've come to a good place to get some answers and support. I'd recommend that you read Crisis of conscience by Ex Governing Body Member Raymond Franz.
Welcome to the Forum
Best wishes
i was talking to my aunt the other day.
she knows i talk to you apostate folks and i don't think she's very comfortable with it, but that's her problem.. she did, however, ask a question that seems particularly important, not only in and of itself, but even more so when you apply it more generally.. the question was: what do you people have now that you're out?
what has leaving given you?.
The truth, as opposed to the lie.
i rented this last night and really loved it.. have any of you blokes and sheilas seen it, then, and what did you think?
I saw the film when it was first out in the cinemas and was moved by it. Got it out later on DVD for the rest of the family to watch.
The mindset of that generation thought that the aboriginies were inferior and that the kids born with some white in them would have a better chance of a future if they were taken away from their families. I have an aboriginal friend in his fifties who had a similar thing happen to him, he was on the run and passed around to relatives to keep him away from authorities.
The powers that be actually expected that the aboriginals would disappear or be "bred out" within a few generations, and taking their half caste children was part of that strategy. It makes me feel bad that human beings did that en mass to their fellow man.
Yes I'm sorry it happened. It's the same sorrow about what was done to unmarried pregnant women in the 1960's. They were bullied and forced to give up their babies for adoption and had virtually no support or rights. Similar situation to kids in orphanages in the uk who were shipped off to australia as often slave labour after the 2nd world war. They were told their parents were dead, and their family were told that they had been adopted.
The authorities at that time thought that they knew better, and ruled with an iron fist, not to be questioned.
any similarities............
here is your dose of humour for this afternoon:.
a. follow the instructions to find your new name.. .
b. once you have your new name, post it so we can all see it.
hehe - crusty dippin biscuits, at your service!
there's a few of us crusty un's around ;)
g'day hunter gatherers,
i have a copy here of metal meat and fire: the legendary aussie bbq.
it is packed with pictures of australians showing off their home made bbq's and cooking techniques.
no i haven't read the replies to my last post although i'm finding it hard to resist.. but let me just add some things.
there is no doubt that some of you 'apostates but you don't even know it' thought you have given some very clever respones.. just to clarify, i've had my share of the world and i'm glad i'm out of it, you however are hanging around on a jw site this is my first and last day of looking on here - and i'm only on here to wnd you lot up, .
how easy was it really - i'm off sick, how many of you just haven't got anything better to do.
unc, u working the night shift again!?
no i haven't read the replies to my last post although i'm finding it hard to resist.. but let me just add some things.
there is no doubt that some of you 'apostates but you don't even know it' thought you have given some very clever respones.. just to clarify, i've had my share of the world and i'm glad i'm out of it, you however are hanging around on a jw site this is my first and last day of looking on here - and i'm only on here to wnd you lot up, .
how easy was it really - i'm off sick, how many of you just haven't got anything better to do.
you however are hanging around on a JW site
sorry "you", this is actually an exjw site.
yes many of us do check in every day, but we do also have lives. maybe one day you'll appreciate the support that the people on this forum can give.
till then.........adieu
i had drinks with a friend of mine who is still active in the "lie".. i asked him point blank if he still believes that the "end" will come in his life time.
he grew up as a dub and is in his early 40's.
he answered that he hopes so.
yeah, my parents on the weekend. they said they know it has faults but so had king david?!
you planted the seed anyway
greetings have any of you ever used your card on ebay?
were you concerned with security?
i am considering doing it but am a bit worried bout security.
YES!!! Deeskis = the ebay queen!
if you pay by paypal with your credit card you have buyer protection. it's as safe as buying in a shop