haha, that was good.............but I want to know how it ends?!
JoinedPosts by deeskis
Change the past (Short Story)
by free2beme inallen parker was a well known professor, looked up to by all those in his field of study, so when he spoke about something people tended to listen.
so when he stood in front of the group and began to lay out his plan, all of those in attendance listened attentively.. "what i am proposing to do, is to pin point a time in history in which we could make things better for the present time.
show life in the way you dream it to be.
worst week in my life
by Hortensia inlast monday my husband, a nice guy, after ranting for a bit about terrorists, came over to me, to kiss me i thought.
he hit my head and then started to choke me, shouting "be healed.
" i managed to get away from him and he kept yelling "be healed" and saying that i was bewitched and had put a curse on him.
You can't just go with the flow here. For your own safety and others you have to speak with the doctors, find out what is happening etc. I wouldn't feel safe just changing the locks. If he's on the loose and still psychotic then you're still in danger.
Thinking of you
For Women Only
by journey-on inhah!
you guys couldn't resist, uh?.......
but, really ladies, did the women's lib movement in the 70's (and later for you younger ones) affect your attitude toward the jw admonition to be in subjection to your husband?
An excellent read
I remember reading that book when I was about 20 - It was excellent.
and yes I have questions about the traditional biblical view on woman's role. I reckon that it's because the bible was written by men, to keep the masses in line.........in particular women.
The "Orwellian World" of Sister Spry
by belbab ingary botting, co-author of the orwellian world of jehovahs witnesses, sent me a link to the sister eunice sprys story that has been reported on other posts on jwd.
his subject title for his message was: jehovah would be proud.
gary was seven at the time, he says he doesn't know if the newspapers reported it.
BTT, never heard this one before......very interesting
Anybody want to sell me the original Jan 1st 1989 watchtower?
by ninja inthe one with the "preaching work will finish in our 20th century" quote ....i will pay good money for it....pretty please....it could sway someone out of the watchtower trap... they wont look at photocopies...here's hoping...
This is good.......
Does anyone know the Caldwell's in Australia?
by ssrriotsquad ini'm sure plenty of you'se have plenty of stories to tell regarding this family.
especially if you were on the wrong side of them.
i know of a few that i heard but am wanting to more of what they are like.
Don't hold back SS, tell us how you really feel about them!
Can't say I've heard mention of them.............
(BTW "Bobbies" were named that because Robert Peel was the founder of the police force in England, Bob or bobbies short for Robert! Useless information I know)
Songs that make you cry...
by El Kabong ini've been kind of sad the past few days for several reasons, but, there are certain songs that just cause the tears to flow whenever i hear them (and especially alone).
only time by enya.
i know that this song is often linked to the sept 11 attacks, but it really is just so hauntingly beautiful.
Songs we used to sing as kids.......(no not kingdom songs!)
Nobody's Child........... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RLeKcRVbN0
The Massacre of Glencoe.......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cPitxtk4m0
For These are my Mountains............ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayrkSoVvK7A
The date has now been set i now will have a step mum :(
by helncon inwell where do i start as of the 21st of april 2007 i will have a step mum 2 step sisters and a step brother, and i think even a few step neices and nephews.. i will only ever see them officially on this wonderful happy one day that my dad gets married.
oh great joy !
other than this time i will never have anything to do with them.. now when i got the phone call to say that this wonderful event was happening it came to me that after the words that my dad had spoken to me only last week stating that he had been told by the elders that his is to limit his contact with his df children or he will be facing df himself.. when i go to this wedding i will be saying congrats to my dad and i will be sitting in the front row and will have lots to do with him as i'd say this will be last time i will ever have contact with him.
It was good to meet you the other day and put a face to the name, Glad our daughters hit it off and occupied their time!
So............on Sunday you weren't sure whether you would be able to attend the wedding. I guess that this is a positive step that your dad is sticking up for you?? Hope it all works out for you.
I Got Married
by Lehaa ini know i don't post here very often any more, but i just had to share the great news with you all.
my soul mate and i got married on the 10th of march.
had an absolute blast, was a totally undub event.
Congratulations to you both.
I love the killer shoes, and the bike number plates!
Remembering who we were (Short Story)
by free2beme inrecently i had began to have weird dreams, ones i could not ignore and i needed to speak to someone about it.
so i asked one of the elders i respected a lot to make some time to speak to me after the meeting one night.
i knew it would be a conversation that would take awhile, so i told my family to drive in a separate car, which allowed me not to worry about how long they were waiting for me.
very good