The one with the "preaching work will finish in our 20th century" quote ....I will pay good money for it....pretty could sway someone out of the watchtower trap... they wont look at's hoping...
Anybody want to sell me the original Jan 1st 1989 watchtower?
by ninja 39 Replies latest jw friends
That'll be a tough one to find. After the dubs get their bound volumes, the marked up single issues usually go in the ol' Glenwood. Wish you the best.
Good luck cuz.
Most of us been looking for that gem for a long time.
The one with the "preaching work will finish in our 20th century" quote ....I will pay good money for it....pretty could sway someone out of the watchtower trap... they wont look at's hoping...
I quit my +50K a year job that I cherished,to go pioneering (all my sacrifice did was make other bro's jealous) around the time that article came out.Was flat broke in 18 months, now 2007
Was that quote removed from the WT CD? Is it in the bound volume for 1989?
drew sagan
I would suggest just getting the reprints. If they question it tell them to check it for themselves.
I would like to add that it may take more than one bad Watchtower quote to move a JW. People tend to come out of the org when they are ready, us outsiders are there for moral support more than anything else. -
Here is the 1989 Watchtower Bound Volume.
Only 10 bucks! Don't know if that quote was removed in the bound volume. But yah never know. -
it is in the original mag..but changed in the bound volume........thanks anyway rofly...hey drew..I know it is probably wishful thinking but I am sure it would make them think outside the box on this occasion
What page is it on? My father and grandmother hoard all the Borg's literature.....I can go take a look to see if they've got it but I need the page number.
I found something on the CD ROM that is similar in its wording:
Watchtower 1989 9/1 pp. 14-15 Organizing Now for the Thousand Years to Come ***A great crowd of non-Israelites went out with them, choosing to throw in their lot with the people of the miracle-working God, Jehovah, who was mightier than all the gods of Egypt. Despite many hardships, some time later this "vast mixed company" having goodwill toward Jehovah’s chosen people was still with them in the awesome wilderness of Sinai. (Exodus 12:37-51; Numbers 11:4) Along with the Israelites, that mixed multitude evidently entered the Promised Land under the leadership of Moses’ successor, Joshua, for God ordained that provision be made there for such alien residents.***
That vast mixed company from Pharaonic Egypt prefigured a great crowd of the 20th century. They are not spiritual Israelites but are other sheep of the Fine Shepherd, Jesus Christ. With the anointed remnant, they look forward to complete deliverance from antitypical Egypt, the world system of things of which the Greater Pharaoh, Satan the Devil, is the god. (John 10:16; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 7:9) But what must they do to survive the violent destruction of Satan’s old world and enter the promised new world under the Greater Joshua, Jesus Christ? (2 Peter 3:13) They must keep in line with the organizational arrangements of the nucleus of Jehovah’s visible organization, the anointed remnantBy clearly identifying the great crowd "of the 20th century", it was another bold statement that they fully expected The End to come before December 31, 1999.
Freedom Fighter
My mum has a stack of old magazines - I'll have a look also.