I have just pissed myself.......
JoinedPosts by bigmouth
by Jesus Witness inhow many true gods are there.
did not like hell or jesus being god and i'm sure quite a few other things too.
after all jesus did say:
WWJD? What Would Jesus Drink? probably Guinness.
welcome JustinoOO, hey you're newer than me!Look forward to hearing from you
Brief Announcement: I have disfellowshipped the Watctower Society
by bigmouth init is with little or no regret that i have found it necessary to disfellowship the watchtower bible and tract society in order to protect my good name.
after unrepentantly fornicating with the scarlet coloured wild beast for 10 years and having been exposed by a worldly organization, i have not been able to find any note of contrition or shame.plenty of time has been allowed for an apology but nothing has been forthcoming.indeed, minimising the sin indicates a haughty attitude.
i,for my part,will forever be ashamed of my association with wtbs.i apologise to bible students i've had and the fear i have displayed in saying nothing for 24 years.
misspeaches I'd love to! I'm just thinking of a way to have the most impact or create the most damage.Should I do it at a congregational level,nationally or straight to the head honchos? Will anybody care less than they already do? Any ideas?
My own Brother writes.....
by geevee injust receieved this this morning.
initially i was seething.
but now i think that the best reply is no reply.
geevee,how distressing!I'm passive\agressive and have the patience of Job.(comes from doing lots of waiting!)I think you are right; do absolutely nothing.Something about the letter tells me he doesn't want dialogue on equal terms but I suspect he does care about you.Just wait....
Nasal Surgery
by Alana ini had a septoplasty, turbinate shaving, & removal of a nasal bone spur this last monday.
i almost posted that i was going to have a procedure and ask that you all keep me in your thoughts.....but, thought that compared to what some here are going through, that this would be nothing at all.
has anyone here had similar surgery?
Hi Alana .I've had the op. twice as the first one gave relief for only about 2 years.Sometimes all the polyps and things can't be safely got to because of the need to poke around near the optic nerves.I needed my ops mostly because of sleep apnoea.I found the worst pain was on waking up and having to talk to some clown in a green gown!And the stitches got caught on food.I think you'll be fine.bigmouth
Brief Announcement: I have disfellowshipped the Watctower Society
by bigmouth init is with little or no regret that i have found it necessary to disfellowship the watchtower bible and tract society in order to protect my good name.
after unrepentantly fornicating with the scarlet coloured wild beast for 10 years and having been exposed by a worldly organization, i have not been able to find any note of contrition or shame.plenty of time has been allowed for an apology but nothing has been forthcoming.indeed, minimising the sin indicates a haughty attitude.
i,for my part,will forever be ashamed of my association with wtbs.i apologise to bible students i've had and the fear i have displayed in saying nothing for 24 years.
Thank you all so very much! I'm overwhelmed. If any were wondering,I don't actually have a big mouth (yeah,right) it's just that I couldn't think of a clever alias and as I'm a Smiths/Morrissey fan I took the song title from Bigmouth Strikes Again.Those of you in the U.K. will be more familiar with band from Manchester.
Brief Announcement: I have disfellowshipped the Watctower Society
by bigmouth init is with little or no regret that i have found it necessary to disfellowship the watchtower bible and tract society in order to protect my good name.
after unrepentantly fornicating with the scarlet coloured wild beast for 10 years and having been exposed by a worldly organization, i have not been able to find any note of contrition or shame.plenty of time has been allowed for an apology but nothing has been forthcoming.indeed, minimising the sin indicates a haughty attitude.
i,for my part,will forever be ashamed of my association with wtbs.i apologise to bible students i've had and the fear i have displayed in saying nothing for 24 years.
Thanks for the welcome.(AArrrrggghhhhh I'm getting love bombed by the apostates!!) Actually biddie this isn't a new thing for me,it's just moved into the conscious realm now and I've just decided to acknowledge it.I hope that made a bit of sense. The last time I stepped into a KH was when my mother died about 7 years ago.I haven't been to a meeting for about 10 years. I have spent the last 12 years in and out of hospital with depression.Despite my greatest efforts I was never good enough for the organization, never enough FS,study ,prayer.Add that to low self esteem and you are trapped. Unless.....
Brief Announcement: I have disfellowshipped the Watctower Society
by bigmouth init is with little or no regret that i have found it necessary to disfellowship the watchtower bible and tract society in order to protect my good name.
after unrepentantly fornicating with the scarlet coloured wild beast for 10 years and having been exposed by a worldly organization, i have not been able to find any note of contrition or shame.plenty of time has been allowed for an apology but nothing has been forthcoming.indeed, minimising the sin indicates a haughty attitude.
i,for my part,will forever be ashamed of my association with wtbs.i apologise to bible students i've had and the fear i have displayed in saying nothing for 24 years.
It is with little or no regret that I have found it necessary to disfellowship the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in order to protect my good name. After unrepentantly fornicating with the Scarlet Coloured Wild Beast for 10 years and having been exposed by a worldly organization, I have not been able to find any note of contrition or shame.Plenty of time has been allowed for an apology but nothing has been forthcoming.Indeed, minimising the sin indicates a haughty attitude. I,for my part,will forever be ashamed of my association with WTBS.I apologise to bible students I've had and the fear I have displayed in saying nothing for 24 years. What should I do with all the suits?
*Serious Question* ...Do you ever HATE yourself by times?
by Legolas in.
if you do, how does one shut off that feeling?.......
anyone got any suggestions?
I used to hate myself all the time!!After 12 years of hospitalisation and therapy I'm perhaps half way through.It's taken all this time to read anything 'bad' about the organisation and I've just confided this to my current psychologist fot the first time last week.This thread gave me the prod to write in.I've been reading the posts here for a few weeks now and I,m starting to pick some of the personalities. Maybe I can add something useful?