my experience with jw so far taught me, that among them are all kind of personalities, with their particular reason for joining or staying in a religion (cult) like jw.. you find those with mental problems, those born in, who dont know any better, those with serious problems handling life (drug, alcohol, porn addic, who need strict rules to function).. but there are also quit normal people, who manage their life failry good, they often just accept anything of the org on a superficial basis, without giving too much thought, and going more or less through the motions.. then there are those, who really are deep thinkers, often with higher education.
besides their belief they take interest in things like quantum theories, history, even philosophy to a point etc..... however, they do not use their sharpe mind when it comes to examining their own religion.
i can in the meantime even understand this, because mostly they have emotional reasons as well to be a jw, and anything contradicting they put under "cognitive dissonance", and just dont think about it.. however, what puzzles me most, is when some of them, being exposed to apostate ideas, still use all their ability and skills to defend clearly ridiculous positions.. personally i also like to scrutinize things, i tried the same with some doctrine, particularly blood teachings, and could not find a solution, thinking it was my lack of insight.
Highly intelligent and astute people still get caught by scammers and frauds (e.g. Nigerian scams) and we wonder at their gullibility.
Some are greedy, many are trusting but naive.
People like Ron Furuli, I suspect, fall into a category of educated people that are unable to admit error due to pride. Imagine having invested so much of your life in a belief system that you simply cannot concieve that you are mistaken. The psychological cost to you would be nearly unbearable.
Brother Furuli is likely a victim of cognitive dissonance. Poor chap.
the tribulation was not specifically covered in my "bible studies".
but the main "teacher" several times said how she prayed for strength that she would remain true to jehovah when she was tested "in the persecutions".. so, i understand that there has to be some sort of tribulation and persecution of the faithful before armageddon.
why i'm confused is that every stock market dip, new virus or extreme weather event is hailed as the beginning.
I'll give you a quick rundown... The tribulation is a synonym for the battle of Armageddon. JW's expect that, being the only true servants of God, when the end of the system is imminent Satan will cause the world and its leaders to persecute, harrass and imprison them alone.Then Jehovah does his thing.
JW's worry if they're not being picked on. Persecution, real or imagined, is considered a proof that they are God's people.
When bad things happen in the world, JW's get a morbid thrill as each disaster could signal the start of Armageddon.
Share market crash......"this could be it!". Tsunami in Japan....."Hooray! natural disasters!" Earthquake deaths in New Zealand...."Fantastic! 'Earthquakes in one place after another'".
Get the idea? They will be wallowing in this masochism for another hundred years in my opinion.
this has been a question i have asked over and over even when i was a very devout jw.
please do not get me wrong in thinking that i am trying to be mean or cruel or unkind to those who have mental illness, that is not in the least where i am going with this.
what i mean is i think it is cruel to send them door to door, it puts way to much stress on them and it looks bad for the name jehovah.. it seemed that in every hall i have ever been in there were some people who were extremely mentally ill. there have always been some in every hall who were schizophrenics or suffered major depression, or other forms of mental illness.
Why? Because they're struggling to find enough mentally well.
When the love-bombing dries up, reality hits hard.
Not being able to keep up with meetings, FS, study, talks will lead a conscientious publisher down the broad road to clinical depression. Elders are not qualified to give effective psych counselling and going to a worldly psychiatrist is frightening enough without the unspoken taboo by the Society to add to the isolation.
I've spent a greater portion of my life than I'd like to in various psych wards.
A disproportionate number of my fellow patients entertained delusions of grandeur, particularly if they were in a manic phase or had a form of schizophrenia. The most common one was that they were an incarnation of Jesus or God or at least a special prophet of some sort. Some think they are simply a famous person.
XYZ is probably correct in that Christians have Christian delusions and Hindus likewise etc.
I don't believe any part of the brain is wired specifically to worship. The immense force of religious teaching and dogma has a massive effect on the developing child and the way belief is processed through life can come back in very distorted ways when one 'breaks down' for lack of a better phrase.
i heard i was "too interested in making money" and that i was letting "worldly pleasures" get in the way.. did you ever hear anything about your departure??
RIV - If a JW leaves the organization and doesn't become miserable out in the “world” it could be psychologically unsettling to those JW’s still trapped inside the group. designs - They have to demonize us in order to keep the delusion going.
WMF - I think there may be some subconscious jealously involved in this.
The WTS did produce a small booklet entitled, I think, "The Time For True Submission to God". It was directed at Muslims. I had a copy to place with Muslims but never met any! I never read it either!
Can't imagine it was too confrontational as no fatwa was ordered against us infidels.
today i uploaded a new article to my blog showing watchtowers picture of a materialized demon.
the article is titled watchtowers picture of demon materialization and is available at:
The George Eastman Co. (Kodak) modified their 'Ektachrome' range of reversal films at this time and re-branded them 'Ektaplasm'. This enabled ghost hunters and other crazies to record ectoplasm apparitions.