Joelbear, as you know,the lithium can be very effective for your condition.Make sure you get those blood tests to get your dosage to a therapeutic level and stick with it.DO NOT suffer in silence.If you need to go into hospital then good.Can you access talk therapy individually or in a group?If you can't deal with friends or relatives in the meantime at least keep posting here.We'll watch out for you.Pete
JoinedPosts by bigmouth
Nowhere else to go
by joelbear inthere is really nowhere else for me to post about what goes on inside me.
i know that my problems aren't all because i was a witness.
the agony in my mind has led me to a psychiatrist.. he has diagnosed me with cyclothymic mood disorder, a milder form.
Newly freed
by one of 12 ini have been viewing this site for the past three weeks or so and relate to alot thats been said.
i was born into the organisation, in a family of twelve children.
married for 22 years with 6 kids of our own.
Welcome darling.I knew you'd see things my way.Now stop wasting time on the computer.
Wonders never cease!
by ColdRedRain intoday when i was at school, i saw a former friend of my brother.
she told me that mr. spiritual was a gangbanger in high school.
this was the same guy that gave me hell because i listened to "unspiritual" goth music when i was in my teens.
From 'gang' meaning a gathering of ruffians and 'banger' being slang for sausage.
why do...
by ballistic inpeople that hear voices telling them to do things always end up murdering someone.
why not voices telling people to make someone a nice cup of tea, or voices to pay a compliment to someone or give to charity?.
hey - i am no way trying to take the piss out of anyone with these kind of mental illnesses, just a genuine question having watched films two nights running dramatising murders caused by people hearing voices.. there is a deeper issue here, why when things go wrong with the brain do they deviate to the "evil" and not to the "good".
Aarrrrggghhh the voices! the voices....always the voices.........
What are JW's leaders going to do when we hit the year 2014 and no Armaggdn
by booker-t inwe are fast approaching the year 2014 which will be 100 years since 1914. what are jw's and the wt going to do if armaggeddon has not occurred by then?
will they come up with a bunch of "new light" to do away with 1914 all together?
will they suddenly announce that jesus came into kingdom power in the year 2014?
They will all be posting on Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum and there will be a few cranks running eschatology courses in the desert.
Hello Everyone From a Newby
by Apostate Kate ini just wanted to introduce myself.
i have read many threads here for several years, but never made a commitment to stick around.
tonight i understand why.
Welcome ApostateKate,I'm new also and I reckon there has been a flood of newbies in the short time I've been here.I'm thrilled that even my 'born in the truth' wife posted for the first time yesterday!Maybe this is the Great Crowd..............?
Fear and surprise,surprise and fear and a fanatical devotion to the Pope
Telling 'householders' they are going to die at Armageddon
by rebel8 inif i recall correctly, the wts predicted there would come a time when the job of jws in fs would shift towards telling people they were about to die rather than trying to convert them, and the wts would let them know when to start doing that.
something along the lines of there being a point in time when it was too late to convert and the wicked must be told they were going to die.
does anyone else remember this teaching?
Rebel8, Yes, this is exactly how I remember it down here at the time period you mentioned.As usual we all got terribly excited but couldn't be bothered checking if it had any basis in scripture.
Are You Afraid To Die?
by minimus indo you every worry about dying?
do you think that you probably won't have a very long life?
I've had occasions when I have had no fear of dying and times of terrible fear of dying.It depends on my mental well-being at the moment.After being told that I will live forever for so long but never being able to live up to the WT standards I figured I had run out of energy and would be killed.I have lived for years with the sure expectation of divine slaughter being imminent.Now I'm ambivalent about it and just want to do the best for my wife and kids.
And Ballistic, I never realised my country was such a cool shape... (Yes, I said my country, as in one day I shall be ruler)
Did you know the F117 Stealth Bomber was based on the shape of your country so that it would get Arab support? And will you be a 12" ruler?