The only time I was ever called to a judicial meeting was when another bro.and I got absolutely HAMMERED at a work do I 'organised'.I had 3 elders,1 neutral,1 sympathetic and 1 aggressive just like the movies.I said 'sorry' and I meant it.At the time.But alcohol had been such a good friend to me,how could I just leave him??
JoinedPosts by bigmouth
Good cop, Bad Cop...JW elder style
by Dune inwell i'm still a witness so i was out in field service yesterday with this brother.
our conversation hit the usual stuff cars, television, movies.
then he went on to relate how about a month ago, the two head elders (head as in, the other elders really dont matter)took him into the back room and fryed him.
Need help! Have you read Randy's books?
by bythesea inhey gang, i have been searching for a way to dent my hubby's mindset on the theology of jws and came across two books by randy watters that i wondered if any of you had found useful.
"refuting jws" and "the truth will set you free".
if any of you have read these i'd appreciate some feedback from you before ordering them.
Welcome to you Van Gogh.
bythesea.I agree with garybuss,I have never yet convinced a Witness of a doctrinal error using literature of any kind.I believe you will need to reach your husbands heart before he begins to use his mind.He needs to see what it is that guts you for him to take your concerns seriously.For me it was the UN disaster that shook me from my fear of discussing it with my wife and shortly after it triggered different things for her and now she posts here too!(1 of 12).I hope your husband is treating you well.You may be going to have a tough time.Look forward to you keeping us up with how you're getting on.Pete. -
If you had 1 hour left to live, what would you say to Jehovah?
by JH in.
this should be interesting
So....where did it go wrong?
or....great joke you majesty! -
A new climax in immorality. Or "normal" practise?
by Erich indo you think awake would find it immoral enough to drop a line, or - does such a practise even agree with bible`s minimum standards?
don`t forget: organ-transplant is allowed.
there is no verse in bible found condemning such practise.... see:.
Would you like ice with your embalming fluid??
I have just soiled my lederhosen -
Out of the Mouth of Babes...
by RichieRich inso this week on the service meeting there was a part in the km about divine education.
true to form, it was another anti-college, pro-pioneering propaganda piece put out by our buddies in brooklyn.. in the third paragraph, it babbled forth about how colleges and universities don't teach people to overcome racism, tribalism, and something else.
(someone please post scan on dec. 2005 km front page).
gets to where it says "tribalism", and actually ....
I thought you were going to say she said 'tribadism',like when you get organism and orgasm mixed up! -
PHOTOS - Does the WTS change them?
by hamsterbait inin line with ritchie rich's thread where abad points out that the wts has an ongoing editing policy for the littermanure.. they have heavily edited the bound volumes as opposed to the original ragazines.
they even got rid of kingdumb melodies from the song book, because their composer turned away.
ditto the aid book.. has anyone noticed if they remove people from old photos who are no longer approved?
garybuss, have you got one of them pens that do green as well?
Why is the middle chick naked ( I think) but the other two are clothed? Why don't they look middle eastern? -
Active Imagination? I blame the WTS
by Mysterious ini remember always having one of the best imaginations in my class even when i was in high school.
my secret?
all those meetings to zone out in.
rmt1 that was near on word for word what I was going to say!Well done you!
What's the worst response a person ever said to you in the field service?
by JH ini remember knocking on a door in the field service, and the girl who answered the door, looked at me and said in french, "allez vous faire crosser" .
although i didn't laugh, i found it very funny.
the brother with me also had a smile on his face, but didn't say a word, as we walked back to the car.
"sorry,we're not into fat little preachers today!" said to my mate,not me.
Actually the worst said to me was "let's do some more FS after lunch" -
Beware is this a new Elder tatic to get you?
by skyman ini have a friend that was dumb enough to allow two elders in his house at the same time to talk to him, he let them in.
i have told him over and over again never to talk to two elders at the same time.
i'll get to the point.
Welcome Stihlman! I've got an 023C with an 18" chainbar,how 'bout you?
seriously....I believe that individuals need to be ' threatened'.The elders involved need to know that they are personally responsible for what thet say and do to you.Threatening the WTBTS means nothing because they are not operating at the coal face and at least an individual is frightened into realising that he cannot hide behind an organisation doing their dirty work.
Look forward to hearing from you.Pete -
Song you are listening to?
by greendawn inwhat song are you listening to right now or what was the last one you listened to?
Everybodys Happy Nowadays-Buzzcocks and then sometimes I Have Forgiven Jesus-Morrissey
ha ha