justiceone is really Dr Evil! (a wink to those who know)
JoinedPosts by bigmouth
My mission...Help please
by Justice-One ini will be going to the convention soon.
i'm working on a flyer to leave in bathroom stalls.
some things to think about:.
Did u convert to JW because u were ignorant, arrogant or some other reason?
by jwfacts into believe the watchtower story takes a high degree of arrogance.
to think you were so special that god drew you to his organization for salvation.
but 6 billion other humans deserve destruction, is placing huge value on your own importance.. if you converted to being a jw do you think you were sucked in because you did not know the full story (ignorance) or was it because you really wanted to believe you were more special than everyone else (arrogance)?
I had an abusive and manipulating mother who studied for about 13 years! I was always on a knife edge trying to please her but somehow always falling foul of her moods and temper. I think getting baptised at 18 was my last shot at making her happy. Didn't work. Things got worse. Exhausted myself and faded (disappeared). Hospitals, depression, more study, more field service, more prayer, hospital. You get the picture.
Pete -
Don't Like Your Avatar, Don't Like You!
by bigmouth insome time ago i attracted some really agressive responses that surprised me because i had no intention of offending so i had to learn a lot about how to word things on this forum, smiley faces etc so others would know i was pulling their leg, but i oftened wondered if a posters nickname or avatar puts you off instantly??
you know, first impressions.
i would think someone like satanus or mouthy would be intimidating but miss peaches was as nice as pie and this thinking might reflect how i would reply.
I'm pleased you're going to work on that tijkmo! I'll catch up with you after the service meeting to discuss how you are getting on with your 'problem'!
" the appropriate view."
Wednesday, you are right. As the householder opened the door you had to size them up quick smart into a category of some sort and then tailor your presentation to them. Goats! -
Don't Like Your Avatar, Don't Like You!
by bigmouth insome time ago i attracted some really agressive responses that surprised me because i had no intention of offending so i had to learn a lot about how to word things on this forum, smiley faces etc so others would know i was pulling their leg, but i oftened wondered if a posters nickname or avatar puts you off instantly??
you know, first impressions.
i would think someone like satanus or mouthy would be intimidating but miss peaches was as nice as pie and this thinking might reflect how i would reply.
Some time ago I attracted some really agressive responses that surprised me because I had no intention of offending so I had to learn a lot about how to word things on this forum, smiley faces etc so others would know I was pulling their leg, but I oftened wondered if a posters nickname or avatar puts you off instantly?? You know, first impressions.
I would think someone like Satanus or mouthy would be intimidating but miss peaches was as nice as pie and this thinking might reflect how I would reply.
So, do you make up a mental picture of someones personality and does it influence you when you reply? -
jim morrison,who that?
Sorry badboy, lead singer of the Doors you youngster you. I thought I was being clever.
Actually any article on how the times were SO bad were embarrasing. Anyone who knew something of history could reply that earthquakes had remained constant and that wars had decreased markedly in frequency and intensity since 1914. Course, I argued with them because the borg told me otherwise.
Pete -
not at all, but Jim Morrisson did some mighty weird things...
anyone know this photograph book?
by Cordelia in.
a friend of mine wants a book, i dont want to ask him what it is but id like to get it for him for a surprise,.
he paints famous people and apparently this book is by a famous photographer he has done two books and its pictures hes took of famous people, i think the photographers called something like marilyn t something but i think its a man!!!!.
Is Marilyn Manson branching out? Seriously. (Stage name Marilyn, actually a man)
The World (YAWN) Cup
by Gregor insoccer could be played without using a ball and nobody would notice.
come on, an hour and a half of watching a big pinball machine, with players falling down writhing in fake agony trying to get bogus fouls called?
endless arguing with refs over tedious rules violations.
Gregor, I just had to check that you weren't an England (or Scotland!) supporter.
I'm not going to defend the 'beautiful game' again here, but a comment you made reminded me of the situation 20 or 30 years ago when various bods were trying to get the American public to embrace Soccer.
At the time the biggest complaint to overcome was that the game was viewed as boring because the crowd wasn't seeing hundreds of goals or points per game such as Basketball and different measures were taken to make it more interesting to a culture that seemed ambivalent to anything not 'American'. It was suggested that football was somehow embraced by all the Communist countries and was to be avoided, although if we could teach the Commies to play Basketball and Ice Hockey then that would be a step toward democracy.
Now I'm going back to watching our Rugby League boys playing something like American Football but with skimpier clothing.
Pete -
Recently Studied With JW's--need help breaking up
by Silvia Plath ini studied with the jw's for two years and some time this coming week i will be making the "phone call" to tell carol my friend, that i do not want to study any longer with the jw's.
i don't know why i let them into my kitchen to begin with, except there was something about her and i don't make friends well with other women, most of my friends are guys, but carol could tell a irish yarn that made you laugh and feel good.
she made me feel safe and she was fun to go shopping with and talk about problems too, she was like the mother i never had.
Sorry to hi-jack the thread momentarily but:
', I was on a study with the Live Forever Book (no longer used for Bible studies), and lo and behold my book said the exact opposite from the witness next to me on the subject of the resurrection of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah.'
Quandary, this happened while I was the reader at a book study and I've never been able to find the two different editions since. The BS conducter made me read the sentence 3 times before saying "Does your book REALLY say that?" There was much scratching of heads and exhortations to 'wait on Jehovah'. Can anyone post a scan of this please?
Cheers Pete. -
Recently Studied With JW's--need help breaking up
by Silvia Plath ini studied with the jw's for two years and some time this coming week i will be making the "phone call" to tell carol my friend, that i do not want to study any longer with the jw's.
i don't know why i let them into my kitchen to begin with, except there was something about her and i don't make friends well with other women, most of my friends are guys, but carol could tell a irish yarn that made you laugh and feel good.
she made me feel safe and she was fun to go shopping with and talk about problems too, she was like the mother i never had.
Hi Silvia and welcome. You must have done some reading here for a while from the sounds of it.
I think Honesty got some clear and simple facts and stuck with it and it worked.
In my experience though, no amount of clear reasoning (and the sheer effort involved!), is likely to ever change a Dubs mind. The 'apostate' warning bells go off and everything shuts down.
I think the wording in your post might be sufficient for Carol to get the message.
Perhaps things just might work out well between you both though. You wont be shunned because of being baptized and she can 'return visit' on you whenever she wants to chat and clear her head with no proselytizing pressure and you just may be able to save her ;)