for anyone intrested, read---"worldwide mass class action suits against wts" thread from 2002 on jwd. also or you could read shunned father's topic history. all very interesting if not very revealing. i know this question has been asked and ignored so i'll try to get an answer to what i see as a simple enough many of this girls 17 years did mr. hughes teach her that it was an unforgivable sin to take a blood transfusion? edited to add...jgnat i would say the order of events began with bethany's birth and her indoctrination(with her father's willing assistance) into the org. sf...somehow i missed your post so thanks for answering my question...17 years is how long mr. hughs taught his daughter to abstain from blood and it wasn't until his daughter was on her death bed that he had his epiphany. that is truly sad, but her death was as much his responsibility as anyone else that refused her transfusions...and as an aside she did recieve blood and she died anyway.
JoinedPosts by just2sheep
by SHUNNED FATHER inthankyou for wanting to help.
i believe i have a good chance of winning this lawsuit.
the watchtower lawyers are defendants and have tried three times to have the lawsuit thrown out and have failed.
i believe it is better to be a live dog than a dead lion.
i believe that the love of money truly is the root for all kinds of injurious things.
i believe that for every drop of rain that falls, someone gets wet....
d dog,
i was a little foggy on that third thing...what i was thinking and trying to relate is an engine is an engine, whether it is filled with gasoline and pushing that classic t-bird, or jaguar down the highway or it is dry of gas and sitting beside the road it is an engine.
gasoline is the same whether it is sitting in an underground storage tank over at the wal-mart or rushing it's way through the engine, it is gasoline.
the gasoline is the fuel---the engine the machine. and everything these two do in conjunction with each other is work, or action or something, so the 1st two in the action of creating the work, or action or something is the third enity. i don't like to get caught up in which word is the right word if several words relate basically the same thought so any of these words can work in context, you might be able to provide even more. one way to put it---(object+fuel=third enity) = action
the human body is the machine...the spirit is the fuel...together they are a person capable of all the work,action or whatever you want to call it. seperately they are what they are...i know what a human body without life force is, i don't know what life force without a human body is.
i don't know what the wtbts' answer would be, but i wasn't giving gill their thoughts i was giving him my thoughts.
i'm not sure what you are saying about jesus. could you expand this thought please.
the "nature" of man may well not be the "physicality" of man. i just don't know.
you are correct about the soul and body being seperate enities, however added together they are a third enity. together they are what we call a "human being"...gasoline and the combustable engine are seperate things. combine them and you have a third thing. if the one responsible for the third thing(autos,motorcycles,machinery, etc.) chooses, for whatever reason, to not refuel(resurrect, remember, etc.) the engine when it runs out of gasoline it is still an engine, but it has no "life force" or fuel.
we all know that humans can kill another humans body. some of us believe we can all be "refueled", or resurrected, remembered or reincarnated. humans can kill humans, but humans cannot "refuel" humans.
another way i think of it is...are you damned because i say "goddamn you"?
am i "dead" because you say i am?
Kool - Aid
by dozy ini was puzzled by the numerous references to this as we don't have this product in the uk , but realise (after googling) that it refers to the jonestown massacre.
the implication presumably being that jws are so dumb , they will do anything that those in authority ask them to do.
(shame this doesn't apply when i am looking for volunteers to stand in for the tms.
c orrect me if i'm wrong(lol),
but didn't a part of that 900 die from shotgunaid, pistolaid, or assaultrifleaid? i don't think everyone would drink the drink when offered so the hard core administered an alternative. but i'm sure your mother told you...bad associations will get you killed!
just goes to show--you don't have to drink the koolaid, you just have to be there when it's passed around.
by candidlynuts in.
you asked in your first post i'm just curious, is there anybody else on this sight from england, because everybody so far seems to be american or canadian.. cheers.
i'm american but yes there are some from england.. i posted this so they can say hi to you and welcome !
hi hazeljane,
cool name.
by juni ini don't know where the elders learned this one.
maybe it was local - i don't know.
but.... these were shepherding calls to build you up spiritually so therefore no serving of coffee or cookies were allowed.. was this true with your congregation's shepherding visits?.
reminds me of the geico gehko commercial..."free pie and chips? of course i want free pie and chips. it's pie and chips for free!
RACISM Behind 1909 Watch Tower Magazine Name Change
by West70 infrom 1879 through 1908, the magazine owned, operated, and edited by charles taze russell (not the zion's watch tower tract society) was offically named "zion's watch tower and herald of christ's presence".
with several changes caused by the move from pittsburgh to brooklyn to escape maria russell, her lawyers, and the pennsylvania courts, it was decided that the official name of the magazine be changed to "the watch tower and herald of christ's presence".
here are the official reasons for dropping the word "zion's", as stated in the december 15, 1908 issue: .
"i'm for including EVERYTHING"... terry, on this point we can agree to agree. if either one of us were racist we wouldn't be having this conversation so i'm not shrugging off or dismissing anything, i just don't feel i can do anything about policies or laws, and there were racist laws not just policies but laws, from 100 years ago. if the wtbts didn't have a problem with love and abuse of the flock none of us would be here. everything will be included in the indightment when the responsible ones are called to account. as one sheep around here is constantly reminding the other sheep, you reap what you sow. happy reaping to you and yours.
Things I love about Texas
by IP_SEC inbeing that it's such an auspicious day for the great state.. things i love about texas.. 1. shiner bock.
2. san antonio.
3. corpus christi.
all the good things others have pointed out plus it is where i met my significant sweetie.
RACISM Behind 1909 Watch Tower Magazine Name Change
by West70 infrom 1879 through 1908, the magazine owned, operated, and edited by charles taze russell (not the zion's watch tower tract society) was offically named "zion's watch tower and herald of christ's presence".
with several changes caused by the move from pittsburgh to brooklyn to escape maria russell, her lawyers, and the pennsylvania courts, it was decided that the official name of the magazine be changed to "the watch tower and herald of christ's presence".
here are the official reasons for dropping the word "zion's", as stated in the december 15, 1908 issue: .
are you telling me no white european american of color(just a different color) has never been discriminated against? my momma raised two children working as a nurse's aide beginning in the late 1940's. i can gurantee, you empty more than peoples' garbage on a job like that. can you tell me her color?
you are absolutely right, people of color were not treated with decency or respect in the past or for that matter the present. but then no one else is either. your comment about the "wrong shade of color" makes me ask...what is the wrong shade of color? mine? yours? swedes? tutsis? i don't see any thing wrong with any of them, and i don't think you do either.
you see a "horrible" disconnect with a church that claims a connection with the "king of the universe" and their lack of history in the civil rights movement. i see a "horrible" disconnect with the same church that makes the same claim(as do all religions) that has a lack of history in dealing with the problems i mentioned in my 1st post...blood, shunning, lawyers as religious leaders, hypocracy of all sorts at all levels, pedophiles in positions of power, lust for mo' money... you don't. hmmmm.....why, oh why?
let's take care of today's problems because those are the only ones you and i can actually have an affect on. history has passed and can only be changed in theroy not in fact.