Can you have a group of one?
I am of many minds about the question. Yet, they all share the common assumption that [...] which binds them together in the single conclusion that [...].
Can you have a group of one?
I am of many minds about the question. Yet, they all share the common assumption that [...] which binds them together in the single conclusion that [...].
does that title sound blasphemous?
well, i'm sorry if it does - but who ever imagines what the world would be like if sexual urges .
could not be satisfied by oneself?
Do you have any statistics for the percentage of rapists in this category?
No, I do not... for any specific national population. Mine were just questions raised in response to an earlier blanket statement; they were intended to incite deeper reflection before accepting a possibly facile conclusion.
from my inbox.
> the talk was centered on being tired/weary.
>stand tall and only to lose them all at once violently ...was she tired?
All in all (overlooking the simple-mindedness of the assumption that giving birth to even more children could possibly compensate for the needless annihilation of earlier offspring), a surprisingly encouraging message.
HOWEVER, did Swingle (or his cited source) need to have his outlook "adjusted?" Consider:
Then she lovingly pointed out, that at one time, all Job could do, was
>sit in the dirt, and scrape his sores.That was his act of worship, proving
>Satan a liar. He did not lose faith. So, next time you are being hard on
>yourself for circumstances beyond your control....remember the account of
[BORROWED FROM ]***w808/15pp.30-31QuestionsFromReaders*** QuestionsFrom Readers?
AtColossians3:23Christiansarecounseledtoservetheirmasters"whole-souledastoJehovah,andnottomen."DoesthismeanthatsecularworkdoneastoJehovahispartofoursacredservice?The Greek word la·trei´a, translated "sacred service" in the NewWorldTranslation,refers to dedicated worship or service to God. (Rom. 12:1) Jesus himself showed that it involves giving one’s primary allegiance to Jehovah. (Matt. 4:8-10; Luke 4:5-8) It is service directed toward advancing the interests of Jehovah’s kingdom.
In ancient times, God’s dedicated nation of Israel rendered "sacred service" in obedience to the requirements of the Law covenant, in order to become to Jehovah "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." (Ex. 19:5, 6) This service provided types and shadows of realities to appear later under the New Covenant arrangement, in connection with God’s kingdom by Christ Jesus. (Heb. 8:5; 9:9, 14) Thus anointed Christians are told: "Seeing that we are to receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us continue to have undeserved kindness, through which we may acceptably render God sacred service with godly fear and awe." (Heb. 12:28) Their companions, the "great crowd," who look forward to everlasting life on earth, must likewise show godly fear as they perform their assigned "sacred service" in the earthly courtyard of Jehovah’s temple.—Rev. 7:9, 15.
Does this "sacred service" mean simply ‘living a good life,’ being a fine example in raising and providing for one’s family, keeping the house clean, applying oneself at school, and so forth? Hardly, for the Israelites did such things over and above the sacred service that Jehovah commanded them to perform. (Ex. 7:16; 12:25, 26 [la·trei´a, Greek SeptuagintVersion]) And though the Sabbath law required them to ‘render service, and do all their work six days,’ certain sacred services were carried on even during the seventh day, such as at festivals and in giving instruction in the synagogues.—Ex. 13:5, 6; 20:9; Acts 13:14, 15; 18:4.
Today, there are people who live clean, moral lives, but who have no interest at all in God or his purposes. Surely their lives cannot be described as "sacred service." Obviously, this has to do specifically with service to God, done out of appreciation for sacred things—something out of the ordinary that calls for the sacrifice of time and energy. It is different from secular work or everyday living, though with Christians this also should be done "for God’s glory."—1 Cor. 10:31; Rom. 1:9.
Outstandingly, in this time preceding the "great tribulation" our "sacred service" requires obedience to Jesus’ commands to preach and to teach "this good news of the kingdom," warning the people and making disciples. (Matt. 24:14, 21; 28:19, 20)
It also embraces our assembling for worship, our family studies of the Bible and discussions of the text for each day. It extends to special service in the pioneer and missionary fields, and at Bethel homes operated for supplying spiritual food and providing good organization for the worldwide work of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It includes the services performed by traveling and congregational overseers and ministerial servants, as they care for the spiritual interests of their brothers. (Deut. 31:12, 13; 6:4-9; Eph. 6:4; Acts 1:8; 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:2, 3; 1 Tim. 3:1, 12, 13) This "sacred service" of all of God’s organized people is rendered from dedicated hearts, and with the help of Jehovah’s spirit and his holy angels. (Phil. 3:3; Acts 27:23) If we by such service ‘keep on seeking first the kingdom and [God’s] righteousness,’ Jehovah will see to it that the daily necessities of life are "added" to us.—Matt. 6:33; Luke 12:31. [ITALICS ADDED; note that Job performed made no so extraordinary output of time and effort, yet he still had the "daily necessities of life" added (or returned) to him. Perhaps that means that simply his frame-of-mind was sufficient to satisfy his God... who was evidently less avid for constant external displays of devotion than the WTS!]Our "sacred service" must be modeled after the kind of service that Jesus did on earth. (1 Pet. 2:21-23) It is performed out of love for God and love for neighbor, the kind of self-sacrificing love in which Jesus set the example. (Mark 12:30, 31; John 13:34; 15:13) This
service places emphasis on our public preaching, for we are told: "Let us always [through Jesus] offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name." At the same time, we must "not forget the doing of good and the sharing of things with others"—no, not as mere charitable works, but from the heart in behalf of fellow worshipers. Thus when our brothers are in need, suffer calamity or are in distress, we will render loving assistance, so that all may be encouraged to hold fast the public declaration of their hope without wavering. "With such sacrifices God is well pleased."—Heb. 10:23-25; 13:15, 16; Rom. 10:10-15; Jas. 1:27.Do you have to readjust your viewpoint on "sacred service"? If so, may you do so in the spirit expressed at Second Corinthians 13:11: "Finally, brothers, continue to rejoice, to be readjusted, to be comforted, to think in agreement, to live peaceably; and the God of love and of peace will be with you."
hi guys... on an off chance that someone here might know..... my manager is one of those very well spoken, very clean cut & well attired breed of men.
however he wears this dull gold ring that looks very ordinary.
it has me intrigued because it just doesn't match up with everything else.
Oh, yes. I see it too, now:
hi guys... on an off chance that someone here might know..... my manager is one of those very well spoken, very clean cut & well attired breed of men.
however he wears this dull gold ring that looks very ordinary.
it has me intrigued because it just doesn't match up with everything else.
Looks like a crown/corona poised above a globe/sphere. Is it perhaps an insignia of some sort, perhaps indicating a honour or order?
hcm city grants certificates of religious activities to protestant sects17:57' 18/10/2006 (gmt+7) vietnamnet bridge - the authorities of ho chi minh city have granted certificates of registration for legal religious activities to 25 local protestant organisations and sects.. .
this is the first time the city has granted such certificates to protestant organisations and sects under the prime minister's directive 01/2005/ct-ttg on protestantism-related affairs.. .
From the aforementioned report on international religious freedom, comes an example of the efficacy of divesting the corporation from the worshipping body and/or denying the JW's religious nature in order to ease operations:
"Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Roman Catholics have stated that the GOC [ed.: Georgian Orthodox Church] Patriarchate has often acted to prevent them from acquiring, building, or reclaiming places of worship. The Patriarchate has also reportedly denied permission for Pentecostals, the Salvation Army, and the True Orthodox Church to print some religious literature in Georgia, although Assyrian Chaldean Catholics, Baptists, Roman Catholics, and Yezidis (an ancient religion with a majority of ethnic Kurdish adherents) have not reported difficulties in this regard. An affiliate organization of the Jehovah’s Witnesses has been allowed to register as a civic association, which should ease problems with regard to the import of religious literature."And again... in Russia:
In one case, a local official reportedly warned that non-traditional religions are used by foreign organizations to undermine the country’s security, grouping together Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the True Orthodox Church, and the New Apostle Church with such groups as Aum Shinrikyo, the Japanese group notorious for the subway gas attack in Tokyo, and Satanists.
hcm city grants certificates of religious activities to protestant sects17:57' 18/10/2006 (gmt+7) vietnamnet bridge - the authorities of ho chi minh city have granted certificates of registration for legal religious activities to 25 local protestant organisations and sects.. .
this is the first time the city has granted such certificates to protestant organisations and sects under the prime minister's directive 01/2005/ct-ttg on protestantism-related affairs.. .
Excerpted from the May 2006 "A NNUAL R EPORT OF THE U NITED S TATES C OMMISSION ON I NTERNATIONAL R ELIGIOUS F REEDOM" (at that time, the Jehovah's Witnesses' application for legal recognition and certification - allowing legal practice of the religion - had been submitted and was awaiting a decision):
' ...the Vietnamese government issued Decree 22 in March 2005. The decree establishes specific requirements for government approval of all religious groups, venues, seminaries, conferences, donations, festivals, ceremonies, and the selection and training of religious leaders. Like the Ordinance, the Decree affirms the right of Vietnamese citizens to freedom of religion or belief, but there are also prohibitions on any religious activities that “undermine peace, independence and national unity; incite violence or wage war; disseminate information against prevailing State law and policies; sow division among the people, ethnic groups, and religions; cause public disorder; do harm to other people’s lives, health, dignity, honor, and property; hinder people from exercising their public obligations; and spread superstitious practices and commit acts to breach the law.”'
Objectively speaking, do you think JWs will fall amiss of these prohibitions?
i've just finished making our christmas cake!.
it took nearly five hours to cook but it's a beauty.. it contained nearly 4 lb of mixed fruits.
12 eggs.
Thanks for sharing, Gill!
Just a question: what does the instruction below mean?
Cook for approximately 5 - 6 hours at 140 F / 275 F / Gas Mark 1
[Specifically, the "140 F / 275 F / Gas Mark 1" portion. I know that I shall have to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, but why are two temperatures given and what is the gas reference? Does it matter if one cooks using an electric oven?]
does that title sound blasphemous?
well, i'm sorry if it does - but who ever imagines what the world would be like if sexual urges .
could not be satisfied by oneself?
As for rape, it should be clear if you can understand my reasoning that if sexual desires could not be alleviated apart from intimate
contact with another person, forcible sexual assault would be become endemic ( can you say "anomie") , domination or not.
Following this line of reasoning - and that of WasAnElderOnce's instructor -
- why do more sexually-frustrated women not commit rapes?
- why do some [male] rapists deliberately target females who are past their prime [with respect to aspects of fertility and the biological 'reproductive' urge]
- why are many rapists unable to 'perform' in consensual sexual situations, but are provoked to sexual excitement at the thought/prosprect of forced intercourse?
- V
hope this hasnt been posted already, if it has someone tell me as i dont want to step on anyones toes !!.
well christimas will soon be here !!.
gadget did a great job of organising the forum gift exchange the last couple of years so i thought i would give him a break and volunteer to organise it this year.. for those that are new basically what it involves is that those who want to join in will post to this thread and then pm me their name and address.