How great is that!? Thanks to accounts of such happy new-beginnings, I acknowledge almost every day a hope that one of my dear, old 'conditional friends' will step into the light and then contact me. Thanks for sharing!
like most everyone here, i had a painful yet liberating exiting of the org.. one of the most difficult parts was saying goodbye to a dear friend.
he couldn't believe that i no longer was a "believer", and during our last conversation 3 years ago, he ran out in tears extremely upset.
i told him that i would always love him and thought there was a good chance that that was the last time i'd ever talk to him.. however last week......he called me!!!!.
How great is that!? Thanks to accounts of such happy new-beginnings, I acknowledge almost every day a hope that one of my dear, old 'conditional friends' will step into the light and then contact me. Thanks for sharing!
my biological family has been shunning me ever since i daed back in 1998.. my mom opened by saying that she's been thinking about me lately and then we chatted a bit to catch up on news.
i told her about my toilet training my two cats, my recent nose surgery, my running and how things are going well at work.
she told me about how my dad had a medical issue come up in july and how it was treated.. normally my biological family will only contact me when someone dies.
I've had pictures and other things promised to me too. I'm still waiting, years later.
Same here. Exactly.
I don't want to be a bucket of cold water on the inherent hopefulness of Elsewhere's post, but...: guard yourself, Elsewhere. IMO, this act of reaching out (on your mother's part) is best met with an attitude of 'pleasant interest' than one of pure optimism.
didn't see this one coming...
I thought this was interesting from the BBC news: "But I am disappointed that she did not make Dumbledore's sexuality explicit in the Harry Potter book. Making it obvious would have sent a much more powerful message of understanding and acceptance." She didn't make anyone else's sexuality explicit, it wasn't that kind of book, so why make Dumbledore's sexuality explicit? It would have changed the nature of the book which was about the hero's journey, not about sexuality.
Funny, that. Overt references to heterosexuality are so commonplace and integral to public life and culture that long-running themes based on that topic are blithely overlooked.
Embedded in the storylines of the Harry Potter books are workups of the heterosexual relationships of: Harry's aunt and uncle (Vernon and Petunia - a married couple, whose sexuality resulted in one offshoot, Dudley); Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Molly Weasley and their resultant offspring [their fertile coupling produced 7 named children - including Harry's closest friend, Ron]; Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black (evidently - at one time, anyway - a heterosexual pairing, resulting in Harry's tormentor, Draco Malfoy); the half-giant Magical Creatures instructor, Hagrid, and the half-giantess Olympe (headmistress of another magical arts school); and, the many students of Hogwarts who dated, hinted at crushes, fell in love, kissed, pined and moped in a simmering stew of adolescent sexual tension whilst in the confines of a co-educational boarding school.
Why, the books are rampant with explict references to characters' sexuality! When does bombardment become subliminal?
i have a scan of the cover of the 2008 watchtower witling only edition that i got from an active jw relative earlier today if anyone is interested in seeing it.
i don't know how to post pictures without them being the type you have to click on to enlarge.
if someone wants to tell me how to do it i can post it or if anyone has access to a photobucket account i can e-mail the pic to you.
Does anyone else see a super-Christian motif running along the bottom of the new WT cover -- the one that carries on behind the open Bible?
..."x" (symbol for "Christ") and a string of stylised fish (symbol for "Christ"), in repetition...
That is a strong retort for those who claim that JWs are not Christians!
there are so many jehovah' s witnesses elder pedophile cases,that i now must collate by case dates this is case 9-18-07 just up!
prominently placed on the jehovah's witnesses news wire church elder pleads guilty in sex court case.
980 cjme news talk radio, canada -7 hours ago.
Willick reported that the teen was "self abusing" and had run away from home
Note: The expression "self-abuse" may describe [self-] cutting, mutilation and other deliberate acts of physical harm.
this has by far been the best xjw forum i have ever been on, but the time is coming when i must move on to other venues.
the net is very time consuming, and i cant keep up with every post on here, no matter how hard i try.. .
im embarking on a new journey here in the next few months, and i just have to break myself free from the internet.. .
I wish you good luck for your good intentions, JG!
Just a question: you wrote
I feel that my calling in life is in the political arena, and I will work to promote family values.
What are "family values," and - once they have been defined [e.g., do they embrace all instances of 'families' or just certain configurations] - how are they an appropriate subject for the political arena in preferance to the social/community arena? I'm especially keen to understand how politics and family values should coincide in the U.S. democracy, where public policy hinges on the swayings and leanings of the majority's preference; how should millions of outsiders legislate which values govern one's family?
I am very interested to read your reply.
an australian on an american domestic flight was taken aside and questioned because of an incident.. the australian lady requested something salty like pretzels on an american domestic flight.
the stewartess thought she was swearing when she replied 'fair dinkum '.when the stewardesss said they had no pretzels.. just saw it on the tv tonight.. come to think of it havent herd the queen saying fair dinkum lately..
Ha! To my great dismay and puzzlement, I was constantly asked by the native Dutch whether I was from South Africa when I lived in the Netherlands! They insisted that my accent (when speaking Dutch) was that of an Africaaner, although I am a native English speaker and learned to speak Dutch in Amsterdam. [There's just no fooling some people. ]
dear all,.
those of you who have posted here regularly for the past four years have helped me immensely in my recovery from watchtower and have shared with me in my journey.
you will also know that, after winning my battle with watchtower (save for one daughter who is still stuck fast in the org and shunning the rest of us), i have been fighting an even greater battle these past three years - cancer!.
Best of wishes to you, Dansk! To Claire and your children: love - you have; keep the faith and the hope, and I'll be doing the same with you.
a few of years ago at a circuit assembly the district overseer said that in another area that there was a 3 year old that wanted to be an unbaptized publisher.
the boe said that he needed to know how to read, so his parents helped him fine tune his reading skills and he qualified as a publisher at the age of 4.
4 years old!!
Absolutely, R.F.!
I was a zealous, unbaptised 'publisher' at the age of 5 (before that time - from age 3-1/2, my field service time and literature placements were simply added to my parents' monthly reports; and, yes, I did read and comment profusively, and was used in congregation and circuit assembly demonstrations). Despite my persistent requests - starting at 5 years - I was made to wait until age 9 to get baptised. I think a conservative spirit prevailed in my congregation!
- V
i often write on the swedish board for ex-jw:
it's so much easier for me to write in swedish.
it takes a lot of effort to find the right words in english.. i understand most of what i read here, but it means more hard work to try to express my thoughts in english.. anyway, i finally wanted you all to know that i appreciate this board.
Hi Madame,
I suppose we'll all be able to see your newly instated details once the JWD database has been refreshed.
To answer your question, no - I am not Swedish. I live in Norway, where one is obliged to understand Norwegian, Danish and Swedish (sometimes even Icelandic - if one wants to read the labels on products such as deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.! But that one is beyond me at the moment ) just to have a normal life.
After several soggy days, we finally have sunshine and summer temperatures here today. I hope it lasts awhile!