One, of course, realises that while machine language translators (such as Babelfish) may be useful for grasping the gist of a text (albeit with some measure of mental strain), "translations" so produced can hardly be said fluently to convey - completely accurately - the meaning of any given text.
As such, the posted Babelfish translation is no more representative of the requested English-language text (by Lisa Myers and Richard Greenberg text on MSNBC) than is the following Babelfish English translation of the subsequently posted Spanish-language text (from
The PP accuses six magistrates of the TC to sign "a false" writing
The Government and the PP already have showed to the Constitutional Court (TC) their opinion about the recusaciones raised by the popular ones against the three progressive magistrates, to expel from the debate to them on the resource against the reform of the Statutory law of the Constitutional Court (LOTC), well-known like the amendment Houses - by means of which the mandate of the president was prorogued -, identical reason for which the Government previously asked for the recusación of two preservative magistrates. Both follow, in their allegations, their line and with the same exposition. Whereas the Attorney General requests to the Plenary session of the court who rejects these three recusaciones, the PP accused yesterday six magistrates to sign "a false" writing that they denied the base of his recusaciones. On his writing, the Attorney General Joaquin de Fuentes Bardají is based on a letter sent by six magistrates - the three challenged by the PP, the president, the vice-president and a preservative magistrate to the president of the TC in functions, Vicente Count, in whom they deny that the three challenged by the popular ones positioned in a meeting in favor of the amendment Houses. In the text they explained that after knowing the prorogation the mandate of the president, this one met, of three in three, with its companions of the court exclusively to inform to them into the subject. Nevertheless, the supposed positioning in favor of the measurement on the part of three magistrates of progressive tendency is on which the PP in their day was based to present/display the recusaciones. Now, the Attorney General requests that the recusaciones raised by popular because is based on "the supposed" manifestations spilled in a meeting of magistrates - gathered in mass media and who "radical and have been unquestionably rejected by all and each one of the participants in this meeting" are rejected. Nevertheless, in his opinion, the recusaciones presented/displayed by the Government are based on the manifestations in a written document - on which two preservative magistrates showed to their rejection the prorogation Houses "and whose existence is unquestionable", personal to the president and the rest of members "and which causes the meeting and the adoption of a decision of the Plenary session". Thus, the Attorney General asks the court who asks the magistrates affected by the recusación of the PP on the "veracity" of the facts.
" El PP acusa a seis magistrados del TC de firmar un escrito "falso"
El Gobierno y el PP ya han manifestado al Tribunal Constitucional (TC) su opinión acerca de las recusaciones planteadas por los populares contra tres magistrados progresistas, para expulsarles del debate sobre el recurso contra la reforma de la Ley Orgánica del Tribunal Constitucional (LOTC), conocida como la enmienda Casas -mediante la cual se prorrogó el mandato de la presidenta-, idéntica razón por la que el Gobierno solicitó anteriormente la recusación de dos magistrados conservadores.
Ambos siguen, en sus alegaciones, en su línea y con el mismo planteamiento. Mientras que el abogado del Estado pide al Pleno del tribunal que rechace estas tres recusaciones, el PP acusó ayer a seis magistrados de firmar un escrito "falso" que desmentían la base de sus recusaciones. En su escrito, el abogado del Estado Joaquín de Fuentes Bardají se basa en una carta remitida por seis magistrados -los tres recusados por el PP, la presidenta, el vicepresidente y un magistrado conservador- al presidente del TC en funciones, Vicente Conde, en la que niegan que los tres recusados por los populares se posicionaran en una reunión a favor de la enmienda Casas.
En el texto explicaban que tras conocer la prórroga del mandato de la presidenta, ésta se reunió, de tres en tres, con sus compañeros del tribunal exclusivamente para informarles del asunto. Sin embargo, el supuesto posicionamiento a favor de la medida por parte de tres magistrados de tendencia progresista es en lo que se basó el PP en su día para presentar las recusaciones.
Ahora, el abogado del Estado pide que se rechacen las recusaciones planteadas por los populares porque se basa en las "supuestas" manifestaciones vertidas en una reunión de magistrados - recogidas en un medio de comunicación- y que han sido "radical e indiscutiblemente rechazadas por todos y cada uno de los intervinientes en dicha reunión".
Sin embargo, a su juicio, las recusaciones presentadas por el Gobierno se fundamentan en las manifestaciones en un documento escrito -en el cual dos magistrados conservadores mostraban su rechazo a la prórroga Casas- "y cuya existencia es indiscutible", remitido a la presidenta y al resto de miembros "y que provoca la reunión y la adopción de una decisión del Pleno". Así, el abogado del Estado pide al tribunal que pregunte a los magistrados afectados por la recusación del PP sobre la "veracidad" de los hechos.