Thank you, Atlantis !
I was at Bethel for the Centennial and it was a big birthday bash.
1984-centennial-watchtower-edition-pdf (the watchtower celebrates its own birthday) bm=bookmarked s=searchable r=reduced to 15-mb other tidbits: p. 30-- gives directions to russell's grave (and refers to the pyramid there).
p. 28-- speaks favorably of the editorial committee set up by russell in his will.
rutherford abolished the editorial committee and wrote against it.
Thank you, Atlantis !
I was at Bethel for the Centennial and it was a big birthday bash.
1929 "christ's promised return"--pdf--e. c. henninges bm=bookmarked s=searchable r=reduced from 21 to 4.5 mb click the link by the (red arrow) at the bottom of the next page. another download link.
click the (yellow/orange) download button at the bottom left of your screen after the seconds count down to zero.
Thank you very much !
You are a tireless worker(s) !
i don't know if it has been already scanned in pdf, but here is the scan of my own.. booklet of maria russell exposing the treatment of hers by charles taze russell:.
Thank you !
1934-"the-new-covenant-advocate-and-kingdom-herald" magazine.
"armageddon" e. c. henninges b=bookmarked s=searchable r=reduced from 28 to 11.5-mb click the link below and when the next page appears click the words (download file) to the right of your screen. here is another download link just in case!
Thank looks like an interesting read !
live with jehovah's day in mind, or as some of the friends call it, ( the minor prophets book ) (credit goes to spy-on-the-witchtower-anonymous-member-of-jwd) download instructions: click the link below and when the next page appears scroll down to the bottom and click the download link by the "red arrow.
" here is another download link just in case the first site is doing maintenance.
click the link below and when the next page appears click the "orange" download link at the top of the page.
Thank you for this publication !
Keep up the good work !
very rare!-1909 m. l. mcphail-the covenants-their mediators and the sin-offerings!
s=searchable-(due to the age of this book the searchable feature may not function for every word.
it does work however, and sometimes typing in a "phrase" might help.
Once again, Thanks very much !
bible topics for discussion--by request--(approx.-14mb) request from researcher: hi atlantis!
i was wondering if you had a copy of that little booklet we used out in the ministry work called 'bible topics'.
it was sort of an a-to-z topic booklet with scriptures listed for that particular subject.
Even though I didn't request this particular item, thank you for all you do !
You assist many.
r=reduced in size.
(credit goes to "gladiator").
crisis of allegiance!
Thank you ! A great read.
many new ones or lurkers may not know this but charles russell was not the first wt president like they teach!
who cares you may say?
well if i showed you where they acknowledged this in 1993, but as recent as 2001 they were still printing he was, would that not be valuable to you to show others the watchtowers deliberate deciept??
George Washington was not the first president of the United States either yet he is often referred to as such.
(see )
come be my follower!--pdf--2007--(searchable, approx 23mb) (credit goes to: "two anonymous jwders") click the link below and when the next page appears scroll down and look to your left for these words: (download description education), the download link will appear under those words when the (seconds) count down to zero. another download link: click the link below and when the next page appears scroll down until you see a (green box), counting seconds down to zero.
then click that (green box) when you see the words (download file) cheers!
Thank you and the "Two Anonymous JWDers" !