I'm having a very hard time deciphering the words on that audiofile. What exactly is the boy saying?
JoinedPosts by crownboy
Secret Recording of recent GB Meeting!!!
by Elsewhere inattention!
i have come into possession of a actual audio recording of a recent gb meeting in which they are discussing the scandals they are having to deal with.... download audio of gb meeting
(((Larc & Zazu)))
Sorry to hear this bad piece of news, larc. Hope everything works out great. Your wife seems to be doing OK for someone who just had a stroke, so maybe that's a good sign . Take care.
More damning evidence against Al Queda!
by crownboy inwashington, dcin a chilling development, the cia announced monday that it has acquired a videotape showing suspected al-qaeda operatives engaging in what appears to be telemarketing.above: ayman al-zawahiri, osama bin laden's second-in-command, makes what appear to be cold calls from an undisclosed location in afghanistan.. "this video, obtained from a credible third-party source, features grainy footage of a group of men strongly believed to be al-qaeda members making phone solicitations for vacation-home rentals, long-distance phone service, magazine subscriptions, and a vast array of other products and services," cia director george tenet said at a press conference.
"many of these calls have occurred, unthinkably, during the dinner hour.".
added tenet: "we had known about al-qaeda's practice of raising money through drug trafficking and money laundering, but it seems the full scope of their depravity had barely been imagined.".
WASHINGTON, DCIn a chilling development, the CIA announced Monday that it has acquired a videotape showing suspected al-Qaeda operatives engaging in what appears to be telemarketing.
Above: Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's second-in-command, makes what appear to be cold calls from an undisclosed location in Afghanistan. "This video, obtained from a credible third-party source, features grainy footage of a group of men strongly believed to be al-Qaeda members making phone solicitations for vacation-home rentals, long-distance phone service, magazine subscriptions, and a vast array of other products and services," CIA Director George Tenet said at a press conference. "Many of these calls have occurred, unthinkably, during the dinner hour."
Added Tenet: "We had known about al-Qaeda's practice of raising money through drug trafficking and money laundering, but it seems the full scope of their depravity had barely been imagined."
The video is not the only evidence of telemarketing activity within al-Qaeda. According to Tenet, CIA agents tracking the terrorist organization over the past 12 months made steady progress infiltrating its communications network, eventually gaining access to transmissions to and from al-Qaeda operatives. These transmissions included a number of telemarketing "cold calls" to randomly chosen U.S. citizens.
Last December, during a sweep of caves near the Afghan-Pakistani border, Maj. Gen. Dan K. McNeill, leader of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, unearthed further evidence corroborating the phone-solicitation theory. Inside one cave, McNeill and his troops found a bank of empty cubicles with individual phone lines, a bullhorn, and 10 desktop bells, commonly rung in the event of a "sale."
"I couldn't believe what I saw," said McNeill, who also discovered bomb-making instructions and detailed maps of U.S. landmarks in the cave. "On top of all the destruction these people had already unleashed, plans were underway to harass the American people with a merciless assault of offers for everything from discounts on home DSL lines to pre-approved, low-interest credit cards."
For all the evidence collected by the CIA, the "smoking gun" in the investigation may turn out to be an alleged Osama bin Laden motivational videotape, currently in the possession of CNN. The controversial tape, which has never aired on the cable network, is rumored to feature bin Laden urging his followers to think positive and believe in the quality of the product they are pitching, closing on the grim slogan "Smile And Dial."
Among the victims of al-Qaeda's telemarketing efforts is Coral Gables, FL, retiree Bernice Parks, who last Friday spent nearly 45 minutes trying to say no to a pushy aluminum-siding salesman who identified himself only as "Mohammed," only to give in and order full siding for her home. It is believed that the $3,000 charged to Parks' credit cardan amount she thought to be "a rock-bottom value, especially compared to what big companies like Sears charge"was funneled through al-Qaeda's extensive siding cartel.
Nearly all of the $3,000 became al-Qaeda profit after what Parks described as "worn, faded siding that seemed to have been removed from another house" was hastily installed by three Middle-Eastern-looking men in an unmarked van.
"These evil people are preying on bored receptionists, gullible housewives, and defenseless seniors like me," Parks said. "At home, at work... they simply do not care."
In spite of the mounting evidence, al-Qaeda leaders detained in Guantanamo Bay continue to deny that their group is involved in any over-the-phone solicitation.
"Al-Qaeda is willing to do many things to achieve its goals," said Tariq al-Salaam from his holding cell. "Disrupting people with intrusive, unwanted phone calls is not one of them."
Jerry Wiener, a Metairie, LA, 75-year-old who was recently scammed into buying a $4,200-a-month timeshare condominium in "Yumabad, Arizona," urged the U.S. to take action.
"If it was up to me, every last one of those animals would be drawn and quartered in the public square," Wiener said. "I thought these al-Qaeda guys were pretty bad before. But making pushy, aggressive sales pitches to random, innocent strangers who just want to eat their supper in peace? That's about as low as it gets."
Well, they don't get much more evil than telemarketers, do they?
Can JWs attend other churches?
by SusanHere ini have an odd situation that came up during a recent visit by my long-time jw sister.
on sunday she agreed to attend our meetings (lds) with us "to see how other churches do things".
i was totally blown away.
OldHippie, I didn't say Witnesses were banned from going to weddings and funerals at other churches, just strongly cautioned against. Did you read my links to a Watchtower article from this year?
A Silent Ram
by DakotaRed inthis is probably going to be the most difficult thing i have ever written.
but, since i dont plan on being around [here] much longer, what the hell?
for some time now, we have discussed and expressed our outrage and horror at child molestation.
What a sad story. Glad to see that you've recovered (mostly) from it, and that the cycle ended at you, and not further down. People should think about the SilentRams too, and your story shows why. Keep on recovering, and thanks for sharing .
DNA and the Lemba and other Africans
by sableindian inhave jehovah's witnesses said anything about the fact that africans are jews.
something that has been known for years, yet jehovah's witnesses' pictures in their books never depict this.
but they scaled it down so eeny teeny weeny itty bitty, that no one could tell what the jews looked like.
Jeez Derek, a simple comment can get you in trouble for nothing, huh?
I agree with Derek on the point about that Shulamite chick not being "black" (and you know what black I mean ). I used to think the same thing before I read the book, and I came across the same passages that Derek talked about. But then again, I used to believe the bible was true before I read it .
Interesting point on the Jewish/ Africa connection. I know there have been Jews in Ethopia for a while, was that African tribe from there? LDH, the Jewish hair comment is true too.
by nakedmvistar inin the midst of the debates -- or wars -- concerning the issues of creation and evolution, there is a tendency to over-generalize.
both sides often refer to the opposing side with the broad term of either "evolutionist" or "creationist.
" and yet there exists within both sides a great deal of variety and even controversy.
Liberty, your points are well expressed. Evolutionist didn't just jump out of bed, open a 2,000 year old book, and declare the theory valid. Unfortunately, that's precisely what YEC's and other creationists who base their "science" on old books do. Evolutionist can prove their case, it just requires some research and time on the part of people to recognize this. Most of the other creationists, who may be "theistic evolutionist" are OK with me, as long as they keep their religious convictions out of the science lab. Science isn't here to prove religious claims, it's here to verify facts about the natural universe. If this proves some "religious point" along the way, fine, but don't fudge the evidence and mislead people (like with the Society's Creation book).
nakedmvistar, I see you've used a Philip Johnson article as your second post (see: http://www.ldolphin.org/broken.html, second article). Johnson's works have been critiqued regularly by scientist (see : http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/johnson.html, also for a critique by a Christain see: http://www.asa3.org/gray/evolution_trial/dotreview.html ). Also Johnson is a lawyer, not a scientist. He's also an AIDS denier, BTW (see: http://iidb.org/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=3&t=001486&p=), which makes me wonder about his "scientific mind".
Basically, your Philip Johnson article is mainly silly because it proposes some "atheist conspiracy" in science, which simply does not exist. Guys like Richard Dawkins speak out about their worldview aside from their scientific work, not in conjunction with it (unlike a lot of creationists). Science may help them understand their world better, but they don't do their scientific work with the goal of "affirming atheism" in mind. Before accepting some of these guys claims do some research, you'd be surprised at what you find .
Can JWs attend other churches?
by SusanHere ini have an odd situation that came up during a recent visit by my long-time jw sister.
on sunday she agreed to attend our meetings (lds) with us "to see how other churches do things".
i was totally blown away.
A Witness can be dissfellowshipped for attending a religious service other than the JW's, so your sister was definitely breaking Society policy, Susan.
As for attending weddings and funerals, it's not outright banned, but the Watchtower looks down on it big time. See these two threads for discussions on a recent article in the Watchtower about it:
BTW Scorpion, SusanHere is an LDS .
Ozone-Good News / Bad News (for WTS)
by ISP inwednesday september 18, .
full coverage.
blair keeps up pressure on saddam.
Wow, and here I was thinking only interracial picnic groups who play with tamed tigers could work together for the good of mankind .
I'm pretty sure you will not see the above article mentioned in the Watchtower, but if an ozone hole starts opening over the Arctic....
"Why Should I Apologize"
by Larry inaccording to metatron's post the borg has an article entitled "why should i apologize?".
could someone scan the cover of this article (nov. 02 wt).
i don't believe the borg would publish such an apropos subject.
... and of course, the obligatory pictures of people of various nationalities (and clothing styles) hanging out in an American suburban type picnic setting . I swear don't people in the new world do anything else? Swim? Invent stuff? Have sex ? Life is just one big interracial picnic in the "New World", apparently.
I always love it when the Society publishes articles that you could turn around on them. Like either last year or the year before, they had a magazine entitled "Should You Believe Everything You Hear?" (with a picture of a politican that kind of looked like John Mc.Cain on the cover). All the reasonings they gave for why you should question your (non- JW) religion were valid reasons for Witnesses to do the same. Maybe they do print those articles to give apostates fodder .