I guess JT could have been on the cover of Black Enterprise magazine had to listened to his old boss.
Of course, you do make valid points. There seems to be a defeatist mentality in the black community in general, but definitely more so among black JW's. I've known quite a few talented brothers myself who "put kingdom interest first" and squandered opportunites for potential success. In my congregation (black), there may be only 2 brothers with college degrees, none of the elders (though they all have good jobs), and I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in my age group that's in college. I'm certainly glad you are doing well for yourself, and stay safe, I think I heard the maniac snipper struck again this morning. BTW, what did you secularly as a JW? Are you in college to better yourself at your current job, or to change careers?
Also, as larc pointed out, blacks aren't the only ones that get screwed by the Watctower, either. I've seen tons of convention experiences with white brothers talking about giving up opportunites. Maybe if the Society had richer members, they wouldn't be scraping for finances? So silly, and sad.