Wow, Dutchie. I noticed you had that picture in your profile for a while, but I never did quite make it out very well or anything. You really are quite stunning (that's a good thing ). I would never guess you were almost twice my age, what's your secret to keeping such a youthful appearance (you know where the fountain of youth is, don't you? )? Maybe you can post a pic of you with your short hair one day, I'm sure the cancer patient who got your hair is happy you made that sacrifice, though.
JoinedPosts by crownboy
Who is the best looking, most intelligent,
by Dutchie inbest dressed, wittiest, sweetest, nicest woman who posts on this forum?.
it's eyegirl .
the fact that she sent me the best christmas gift that arrived in the mail today, to my total and complete surprise and delight, has absolutely nothing to do with my assessment of this person!
Preaching the kingdom or what?
by acsot ini was at the meeting on sunday and one brother mentioned how jws are heeding the scripture at matthew 24:14, you know, about the kingdom being preached, and he said how in every corner of the world jws are now found and it's a fulfillment of the scripture.
then the thought struck me that if that were true, then when people think of jws they should think "god's kingdom".
not in my experience, as when going from door to door or what colleagues at work have said.
dantheman said:
The "ministry" performed by JW's is a figment of their imagination, fed by a neverending indoctrination program from their megalomaniacal leadership.
Hardcore JW's are, imho, religious addicts. Grandiosity is a mark of addiction. The grandiosity of the WT leadership is a big part of what makes the JW religion so intoxicating and paralyzingly addictive for so many unfortunates.
That is an extremely true statement. True JW's really believe that by spending two hours a day mostly knocking on doors of people who they will not meet, (and ever so often talking to people who are not interested in their message), is a job of such profound importance, that the fate of our world depends on it. One of the elders in my congregation is fond of saying "the preaching work is the most important work being done on earth today". If people can seriously convince themselves of this stuff, they'll hardly have time to notice that it isn't true, since they're too self absorbed in their own little world to notice.
Jesus ... the greatest sacrifice?
by Simon inthis will probably sound controversial to anyone who is still religiously inclined so i apologies upfront and do not mean any offence by it.
it's just my 'pondering'.. i was thinking about all the times that i heard form the platform and read in the watchtower that jesus made the greatest sacrifice ever in history by giving his life in exchange for all minkind, to die for our sins etc.. but even if this were true, would it be such a great sacrifice?.
giving one life in exchange for thousands ... millions ... billions seems to be not too big a sacrifice for the return and one that many people would make today.
SixofNine said:
I remember how, come memorial time every year, I'd find myself frustratedly trying to muster up some deep emotion that I thought the story of Jesus "sacrifice" was supposed to, "should", make me feel. Inevitably, my thoughts would turn in the direction of your post, Simon, ie: "what was the big deal?" and, "even if it is a big deal, why settle for this solution, God?"
I'd have to simply turn my thoughts off, so as to not feel like I was being ingrateful.
I had similiar experiences too, Six. Maybe some of us just aren't meant to be believers .
Good topic, Simon.
The Watchtower's 'Faith Without Works' Scam
by metatron ina particular topic that evokes much smugness on the part of.
witnesses is what james said about "faith without works'.. once this subject is brought up, they jump to the conclusion that.
all others who fail to record hours spent in this usually unwelcome.
Great post and points, metatron.
One thing that really got my attention when I started learning "the truth about the truth" is the fact that the JW's take so many scriptures out of its original context. Since the "preaching work" was rammed into our brains so much, we automatically associated it with James 2:17 without much thought to the real context, which as you pointed out has nothing to do with the "preaching work".
(Interesting that JW's seemed to have missed James 1:27, BTW )
Wall Street Journal on JWs
by teenyuck ini recently subscribed to the wall street journal online.
i found an editorial written by a senior editor, who was a jw!!.
article 2 of 14 .
Actually, JT, the Stratton folks couldn't have been too dumb in making that law, since the village won at the District court and Appeals court level (though they were told to make the ordinance more neutral). I did agree with the Supreme Court's ruling, though (one of the few times that I'll agree with the JW's). Gotta protect that 1st Amendment .
That idea you gave to the Stratton people and to your neighbours was very good, BTW. Would have been alot easier for the Stratton people if they had done that to begin with.
Evidence for Evolution?
by LucidSky inall historical and archeological evidence aside, the biggest evidence that convinced me evolution is factual is speciation (also called "micro-evolution").
this is the transformation of one species into two such that the two can no longer interbreed.
there is no need for historical evidence to prove this -- cases of speciation have actually been observed.
Awww, rem, you had to go chase him away, didn't you?
Perhaps he was insulted by the facts as well?
BTW, Zechariah, since most bible writers aren't positively identified how do you know they were "educated"?
Evidence for Evolution?
by LucidSky inall historical and archeological evidence aside, the biggest evidence that convinced me evolution is factual is speciation (also called "micro-evolution").
this is the transformation of one species into two such that the two can no longer interbreed.
there is no need for historical evidence to prove this -- cases of speciation have actually been observed.
hooberus, if you think Einstein subscribed to your pseudo-science, then you are garavely mistaken. He didn't believe in the bible, so he wouldn't foolishly allow his research to be shaped by those fables. If you think he "may have believed in some sort of creator", then you are probably wrong, as he was most likely an agnostic. A good article on the topic can be found here:
What's your political compass?
by crownboy ina political compass test from:.
my results were:your political compasseconomic left/right: -5.12. authoritarian/libertarian: -6.00. .
As I suspected, I answered a couple questions wrongly the first time around (a little bit too economically leftist) so my new scores are:
Economic Left/Right: -3.12
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -6.15More in line with me, I think.
Super Bowl Predictions
by WildTurkey in.
im a huge cowboy fan but i dont think they will make it to the super bowl, damn sure would love to be wrong.
ok here is who i think as of right now pittsburgh stealers and san francisco 49ers and god i hate them both, well thats my pick how about you?
*hands over pan of humble pie to dubla*
Looks like your fish are drowning in losses my friend. So I guess that's 9 losses in the last 10 games, huh? (If you didn't see the Monday night game half time show last night, guess which game was chosen as the greatest Monday night game of all time? )
About the only thing I can say is that the Chris Chambers non-catch for the TD was a pretty close call. The strange NFL rule book was indeed correct, but they should probably change that rule. It's pretty close to that Bert Emmanuel non-catch in the NFC champoinship game the year the Rams won the Super Bowl, but in that case the referees were right, too. And despite Joe Theismann's bad analysis, Ricky Williams did indeed fumble that ball, OK?
You really believe Gadson and Ivy League boy are the two best players on your team? I'm sure Zach Thomas, Jason Taylor, Sam Madison and Ricky Williams might disagree with you on that opinion.
Birthday Wishes to Dutchie
by DakotaRed into one of the kindest posters here who has never said an unkind word to anyone.
may you have a very enjoyable day and celebrate many more in health and happiness.
glucklicher geburtstag happy birthday dutchie.
Happy birthday, Dutchie, hope you had a great day today, and hopefully you'll have many more birthdays to come.
BTW, great work SixofNine.