minimus, I believe the special talk is indeed on the topic you speak of. Of course, my memories of last Sunday's meeting is somewhat foggy since I was asleep about 80% of the time .
JoinedPosts by crownboy
Something special is happening this weekend!!!!
by crownboy in.
that's right folks, this weekend is the annual jw "special talk".
my congregation is having a bethelite come in and do this talk, but really, what's so damn special about the special talk anyway?
The Dixie Chicks
by Stan Conroy ini don't understand the logic of boycotting the dixie chicks because of the comments the singer made about being ashamed that bush is from texas.
it doesn't make sense to me.
keep in mind that i'm just a canadian, so maybe i'm just not tuned in to the american way of thinking.
Well, I agree with the posters who say that persons have the right to boycott the Dixie chicks' music. They (the dixie chicks) should have realized that their comments would register negatively with their fan base.
Of course, I find the boycotters actions entirely sophomoric and intolerant, but we are talking about conservatives here . For me personally, I wouldn't boycott somebody simply for being pro/anti war. I'm still going to watch Yankees games pitched by Roger Clemens despite his (nauseatinely) pro war stance, because I respect his right to have that opinion. However, I'm 100% sure that had his comments been as strong in the anti war stance, there would be certain intolerant factions in the pro war camp who would seek to boycott him or otherwise harm him for having that opinion. However, in the end, I defend the right of dixie chick boycotters to act in their sillyness. xenawarrior, are you equally as mad at Roger Clemens for using his popularity as a celebrity to "force" his pro war views on the public?
As a total aside, hasn't the sale of Dixie Chicks records continued to be quite good despite the hysteronics of the boycotters?
(Edited to add: I have never bought any Dixie Chicks music and probably won't anytime soon. )
Something special is happening this weekend!!!!
by crownboy in.
that's right folks, this weekend is the annual jw "special talk".
my congregation is having a bethelite come in and do this talk, but really, what's so damn special about the special talk anyway?
That's right folks, this weekend is the annual JW "special talk".
My congregation is having a Bethelite come in and do this talk, but really, what's so damn special about the special talk anyway?
Laci Peterson's "Fetus" -- topic of abortion debate -- please comment
by bluesapphire ini am interested in hearing everyone's comments on this.
my own personal "jury" is still out on this and i would like to hear different perspectives.
Well, I think NOW is correct. I'm pretty sure this can degenerate into an abortion debate for certain anti-abortion politicans.
I say we create a new criminal category for such an offense that has no bearing on potentially weakening abortion laws.
US Patriotism VS the Rest of the World
by Xena inabaddon and i were having a discussion in another thread regarding the differences between us patriotism and european patriotism.
apparently some people consider the us to be peopled with rabid flag waving, my country right or wrong, ugly americans.
i am wondering what the general concensus of this board would be?.
It's certainly true that many Americans get very jingoist about their so called "patriotism", but as others have pointed out, most Americans aren't like that.
I think the international community supposes that Americans are over-patriotic because of the massive support for the Iraqi war. True, the Bush administration unintentionaly tried their darndest to make us look like bufoons in the international community, and the Fox News channel is America's highest rated cable "news" network despite the network never pretending to ever be an objective news source, however, the overall support for the war has little to do with silly nationalism.
The US support for the war is pretty simple; most US people believe that Saddam Hussein either had a direct link to the 9/11 attacks, or that Saddam Hussein has a large stokepile of WMD that could be used against the US, or was dangerously close to it. An even smaller minority believes that liberating Iraq is a great idea all in itself. So while most may not vote to re-elect Bush, or most may be well feel that Bush will exploit Iraqi resources after the war, the very fact that the security of US citizens was believed to be at risk, was itself the sole or primary reason for supporting the war (if this premise were indeed proven/ strongly hinted at with good evidence, I too would have supported the war and not be a "Bushman" as well.).
The protest against anti war protest is due to other factors, IMO. In the US, people on the far right tend to demonize people of the center left (most Democrats), left (some Democrats) or far left position (green party,etc.), as being "unAmerican" in general, anyway. So this disposition is simply a continuation of a rather insidious habit that was already there. Since virtually all radio, and now increasinly more TV is controlled by right to far right ideologes, this idea can gain easy access through that outlet, and with most Americans accepting that Iraq really is a threat to US security, people will necessarily be a little pissed at anti war people who appear to not care about the country's national security.
What I find kind of ironic is that my hometown of NYC, the city most affected by 9/11, is one of the more anti- war cities in America. The city council passed a resolution condemning Pres. Bush's war without much fanfare, and even in the midst of war, less than 50% of New Yorkers supported the war (at least in NYC). So I haven't had to hear too much pro war dogma locally, but I've certainly come across a few people of that bent, nontheless.
Married With Children Joke
by Undecided ini was watching married with children for a few minutes before going bowling this morning and it was halloween and they were checking the houses in the neighborhood.
she said this house doesn't believe in trick or treating so we will keep going back and ringing his door bell.
the son said why, she said,"because he is a jehovah's witness and i want him to know how it feels.".
Funny .
I liked the episode of The Simpsons were the JW's were going to approach the Simpson's door, but they changed their mind when they reasoned that what they were doing didn't make sense. As Marge saw them walking away she said (IIRC) "I would have at least feigned interest".
NBA Playoffs
by Aztec insince my red wings tanked so bad and toronto is not looking real good either i am going to start watching basketball.
my pistons are a #1 seed in the eastern conferance and they start the series today against the orlando magic..oh no another disney team!
if there is a god maybe he can save detroit against the demon that is disney!
Last year I went with my (somewhat) local team, the Nets, and they made it to the finals. It looks like the same will happen this year, but I think the Sacremento Kings will do the honors of beating up on the East champions this time. I think the Kings are due to thrash the Lakers. Hell, if it wasn't for the Robert Horry lucky shot last year in Game 4 of the conference championships, the Kings would be going for a two- peat right now. However, I do think the Lakers will make it out of the first round (get all sharp objects away from Kevin Garnett this off season. How many first round exits will this be? Poor guy, but not in the bank, of course ).
Ideally, I would have picked the Mavericks, but I strongly suspect they will choke at some point. I guess having a white guy as the best player on their team will have to suffice as an extraordinary accomplishment for Dallas this year .
( I guess dubla can't plug any Miami teams on this sports thread. )
WOOHOO!!! The Detroit Turkey Wings were swept by the Walt Disney Ducks!!!!
by Jourles in.
of course, colorado is now only one game away from advancing.
but we all know they are going to take the cup this year anyways, as the picture below shows..... .
(oh, wait a second....)
GO DEVILS!!!! (gotta stay somewhat local )
Ok, I NEVER post about anything having to do with god or the bible, but....
by Jesika ini was in chat a few days ago, and the topic of god came up.
i was trying to understand how people can still believe in one.
now, just wanted you to know where this ?
I too am one of those people who "don't get spirituality" (and I don't think I am dense, either ).
For me, praying was something I did because god, for some odd reason, wanted me to do it, and I went to meetings because I believed that it was mandated from god also. I never felt "spiritual" doing any of those things, it was always weirdly empty, almost ritual. I didn't do it out of fear or anything, but the "love" I felt for god was more a respect for what he had done for me than because of some "personal relationship". The idea of praying feverently and beseeching god for favours or strength was never something I felt I had to do; at my lowest points I could always get through them without god. Thinking of god as a "loving father" in a personal way was, quite frankly, a bit of a stretch to me since I never thought of god as a very culdly figure.
Since most of my belief in god was based on my assumption that the bible was absolutely true, once I lost that belief I had to re-evaluate much of what I once held to be true. I toyed with the idea of becoming a Bahai or Buddhist at some point after that, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I simply did not have a "spiritual need" (most of my prayers consisted of a standard form list of things I said before eating, almost like a talisman more than anything). I stopped praying, searching for god, etc., and quite frankly I have not had even the slightest of inclinations to start up doing stuff like that again. Maybe one day I'll resume that "search", but for now, I just couldn't care about it.
The repetitively boring meetings.