YEA !!! GOOD!!! This Act has a limited life. May our Congress let it die.
Agreed, Amazing.
May this odious piece of legislation go the way of the dodo.
BTW, how are you going healthwise?
well, thank to a sharp poster named countrygirl, (sec.
211) amends the communications act of 1934 to permit specified disclosures to government entities, except for records revealing cable subscriber selection of video programming from a cable operator.
YEA !!! GOOD!!! This Act has a limited life. May our Congress let it die.
Agreed, Amazing.
May this odious piece of legislation go the way of the dodo.
BTW, how are you going healthwise?
i just finished reading the following article about protests in iran:
associated press .
tehran more than 250 university teachers and writers added their voices to students' bold demands for democratic reforms in iran, telling supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei he must answer to the people and abandon the idea that he is god's unchallenged representative on earth.
It's amazing that and omnipotent god needs some half crazy guy(s) to represent him on earth to begin with. You'd think Mr. All Powerful could deal with us without any mediators (especially mediators who ask you to more or less treat them as you would "the big guy" ), but as someone else said on another thread similiar to what is being discussed here, perhaps god is too busy watching football on a big screen TV to be fully involoved here.
total crime per 100,000
murder rate per 100,000
Another misleading statistic about gun violence in America is about the number of children who die from guns. Most of the numbers factor in near adult aged gangbangers who get killed for totally different reasons than little Johnny who accidentally shoots himself with his dad's pistol. Most of the deaths include the first group. (see: . Other sources also calibrate this, I'm just too lazy to look it up now ).
Guns don't kill, people do. The reasons for high murder rates are more complex than the ability to get a firearm easily.
now, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
Well, most dependible sources outside the US government, and some sources within them were pretty sure that there weren't any. A former chief UN weapons inspector who is both American and Republican (Scott Ritter), gave pretty good reason to believe that there weren't any in there, or at least not any that merited the US' war. So we are left to believe that Saddam has out smarted the rest of the world by dumping his manifold weapons in areas only members of conservative based think tanks think might be possible, or we are left to accept the fact that much of what the administration said was false.
Personally, I think the administration will eventually admit the weapons will not be found, but they'll either say that Syria some how got them (great pretext to go to war with them), or, more likely, that there was an exceptional breakdown of US intelligence, and while the US was wrong about the WoMD, they did not have any nefarious reasons for this. Just another case of the US wanting to do the right thing, but just getting it wrong . Or they could just cart out more "moble labs" that were found in non-Saddam controlled northern terriotories (that have nary a trace of chemicals), and declare that as evidence, as Dubya kind of did in the recent G-8 summit. Of course, it is possible that weapons could be found, as I don't put it past Saddam to try such a thing, but given all the things that have happened so far (fake Nigeria documents, etc.), I think it's reasonable to assume that it is unlikely. But hey, if the economy recovers it won't matter that much for Dubya come next year anyway.
I do agree with dubla in believing that Saddam is already dead.
rem, if the only reason for believing that someone named Saddam Hussein existed was dependent solely on very shaky intelligence, and that intelligence insisted that he would be found after an invasion of Iraq, then I think his failure to be found at this time would be a good reason to doubt his existence.
i was always taught in the jw religion, that humans have really only been on earth for 5000 years or so... there is so much evidence of the neandertherdal people, with scientists finding many skulls, bones, & such, but scientists date these bones 100 thousand-millions of years old... the society used to always add that carbon dating is not accurate.
i also noticed that jws never talked about the dinosaurs much... what do you think??????
---- kristine
Interesting thought, Andie.
BTW, nice pic.
some of my comments (and that of others) on other threads have highlighted a basic differance between those of us who belieave jesus christ did exist, and those of us who recon he did not.
i belieave jesus as described in the gospells did not exist.
so i decided to start a thread that adresses this issue face on.
I tend to believe that the Christ myth is indeed based upon the life of a real person, (possibly) named Jesus. However, it's pretty obvious that the ridiculous miracles (still waiting to hear about those dead folks that came out of the memorial tombs as "Matthew" talked about ) , etc., which have never been mentioned by other people, are made up, and indeed a great deal of the Christ myth was ripped off from pagan sources.
i was always taught in the jw religion, that humans have really only been on earth for 5000 years or so... there is so much evidence of the neandertherdal people, with scientists finding many skulls, bones, & such, but scientists date these bones 100 thousand-millions of years old... the society used to always add that carbon dating is not accurate.
i also noticed that jws never talked about the dinosaurs much... what do you think??????
---- kristine
Well, actually it's 6,000 years not 5,000 years (1975 was supposed to mark the 6,000th year of man's existence). However, that is wrong anyway. Even if a person does not accept the evolutionary theory, and you ignore all pre- human fossils, humans alone have existed for over 100,000 years. (See this story for an interesting development: )
Plus, erroneous carbon dating tends to make fossils appear younger, not older :
Plus, don't forget there are other methods of dating fossils/ artifacts, such as argon-argon dating.
how did you find this site?
did you make a search in google for jw's, or did someone tell you about this forum?.
how did you end up here?
How did you find this site?
I followed a link from Randy Watter's Freeminds website. I read this site for a little while before I registered.
do you believe that the dead are really dead, unconscious, without life, like the watchtower taught us, or do you think that they are still alive, but in another world or another form?.
do you believe that you had a previous life before this one?.
Realist, you beat me to the punch .
I believe in life before death; everything else is just speculation.
are there others out there like me who have become atheists after leaving the jehovajh's witnesses?
i now have a internet radio show at www.screamingmonkeys .com every mon, wed, and fri at 12noon &9pm est.
its a free thought show with lots of bible humor.
Atheists do not know of a God. Agnostics believe but are unsure. The above definitons are more accurate.
Well, as COMF pointed out, an agnostic is a person who is not sure whether or not a god exist.
An atheist either has a negative belief in god (weak), or a positive disbelief in god(strong). I would call myself agnostic to the "god concept".
I think a lot of former JW's go the freethinking route because scrutiny of the JW's a lot of times leads to scrutiny of the god concept itself. At this point, many realize that there really isn't much to believe in when looked at critically.