Do you really need liquor at a wedding reception?
Of course you don't need liquor at a wedding reception, but I genuinely see no reason why there should necessarily not be any. Most people who drink liquor at weddings/parties, in general don't get stoned drunk and act as irresponsibly as that Witness in the thread you were referring to did (or, if you are like me, you don't drink at all, except for a little champagne or wine once in a while). So while there can be reasonable fear that an "incident" could occur at your wedding if you serve alcohol, it doesn't mean that one will. You could just as easily give your guest accidental food poisoning at your wedding, that doesn't mean you should eliminate food .
In the end, it comes down to a personal decision. You made a decision not to have alcohol at yours; and your wedding and after party turned out great, and I'm glad it did for you (and congrats on being married for 8 years ). Every wedding I've attended has had alcohol served at it, and I've never seen anyone act as stupid as the JW in that other thread, infact, not even close. So, I guess as far as I'm concerned, a wedding would be good with or without alcohol, because there are other things that can be done besides drinking, but including drinking isn't bad in itself also.