is the watchtower farm run by JWs?
JoinedPosts by knothead34
I've Got a Christmas Present Given by Pastor Russell
by Seeker4 ini've got a really good collection of wts literature that i've been working on since the 1960s.
one book i have is a copy of poems of the dawn, copyright 1912, leatherbound.. it's inscribed thus: "eleanor a. shires - a gift from pastor russell - xmas 1911".
the cover is in rough shape, but the pages are perfect.
I got a visit this morning
by Crumpet infor the first time in 4 or 5 years i got a visit by the jws this morning.
i wasnt prepared at all and so handled it not so well.
bear in mind the leaflet on display just made me feel physically ill.. the woman asked if i was interested in finding out god's purpose for the future.
you don't believe in God? What changed your mind?
What are JW's leaders going to do when we hit the year 2014 and no Armaggdn
by booker-t inwe are fast approaching the year 2014 which will be 100 years since 1914. what are jw's and the wt going to do if armaggeddon has not occurred by then?
will they come up with a bunch of "new light" to do away with 1914 all together?
will they suddenly announce that jesus came into kingdom power in the year 2014?
people live to be a hundred years old all the time, so I still don't get it. maybe the light will get brighter if i keep reading the post:) I have ray franz's book and have read about 1/3 of it. it's a really slow read, but i will continue
Catalogue of Biblical Inconsistencies
by Scully in.
i'm going to print this out for my own reference..
first of all, these posts were made to satanus, not you. if you had read my full post, your would have deduced that. Furthermore, you don't know everyone on this board and neither do I. I was commenting on the content of a particular post,not the poster specifically. You are entitled to your opinion as am I. So if I choose to be "closed minded" about not reading other uninspired books and read only the bible, then forgive me. I am glad you believe in the great creator, however it seems that satanus does not and that was what I was eluding to
JWD Milestone coming close
by Lady Lee ini have been watching the page counts for the last 2 months.. jwd is close to have 5000 pages of posts.
as of this post we are still 11 pages away from the 5000 mark (4989).
i bet simon never expected this to grow the way it has or become the wonderful resource and gathering place of so many who need the support and understanding of those who need it.. from active jws to ex-jws to doubting jws to ubms of jws and even the curious as well as the odd student wanting to write a paper jwd has been a great place to learn, get and give support and connect with others.
what is JWD?
Catalogue of Biblical Inconsistencies
by Scully in.
i'm going to print this out for my own reference..
so you want me to listen to someone who calls themselves satanus. Why don't you think outside of the box. this is about religion and believing in God, not any kind of devil worship. what are you advocating here? Satanic worship? Sounds like a good excuse to me for you to do whatever you want without any guilt or conscience. You should be glad that there is no hell.
Catalogue of Biblical Inconsistencies
by Scully in.
i'm going to print this out for my own reference..
What I see here is a bunch of hurt people who have not only turned away from the witnesses but also from God. Just because you don't believe in the JWs beliefs does not mean that the bible is a load of crap. I find this blasphemous and disgusting. The JWs are one extreme and you are at the other end. Give me a break and quit your crying about the JWs are wrong...blah...blah...blah. Noone should turn their back on JEHOVAH just because of one group.!
What are JW's leaders going to do when we hit the year 2014 and no Armaggdn
by booker-t inwe are fast approaching the year 2014 which will be 100 years since 1914. what are jw's and the wt going to do if armaggeddon has not occurred by then?
will they come up with a bunch of "new light" to do away with 1914 all together?
will they suddenly announce that jesus came into kingdom power in the year 2014?
ok, no one has explained the significance of 2014. are the jws saying that this year is significant or what. I have to hear one thing about 100 years from the 1914 date. so please explain why that year(2014)has any meaning.
BAPTIZED with doubts
by justice for all inwhen i was baptized in 1996 the elders knew that i had doubts.i told them i did, thinking that would get me off the hook.they bapitzed me anyway.the sisters that came to my door were relentless and i didn't want to be rude.anyone else have this sort of experience?
I have been studying for one year. I have had doubts almost the entire year, but still find the JWs to be more closely in line with the bible than other mainstream religions. I have recently become an unbaptized publisher and joined the school. I didn't know that I didn't have to join the school, just attend. I really wish that I hadn't, but too late for that. I have also expressed my many doubts, mainly about having trust in the FDS, but have not been told to stop witnessing or slow down. My bible study teacher is trying to pinpoint what my concerns are exactly and how to solve my problem with trusting in the Society by systematically going through a slew of questions and bible answers. The make logical sense, but there is always that underlying mistrust in the FDS as a whole and that's the bottom line. So it does seem that I'm being somewhat pushed along even with these doubts whereas my sister is having a totally opposite experience. She has voiced her doubts, but is not being pushed along at all. We are in 2 different congregations in different states.
What are JW's leaders going to do when we hit the year 2014 and no Armaggdn
by booker-t inwe are fast approaching the year 2014 which will be 100 years since 1914. what are jw's and the wt going to do if armaggeddon has not occurred by then?
will they come up with a bunch of "new light" to do away with 1914 all together?
will they suddenly announce that jesus came into kingdom power in the year 2014?
will someone please explain the 2014 thing. I don't understand. Thanks, a newbie