abaddon, "Spectrum, you are not the voice of the black people the world (are you black? not that it matters). You are the one ignoring black people generally saying there isn't a big problem with racism in movies."
Abaddon, this is where your ignorance is showing. Any person that understands social issues understands that Hollywood has been thoroughly unfair and racist towards the non-whites they wish to portray.
YOU are ignoring racism in movies not me, talk about slander .
"Am I obstinate? Nope, just not impressed by your argument. Ya think I don=';t notice the issues I've raised you avoid?"
I don't know what ethnicity you are but my argument doesn't impress most white especially anglosaxons. After all they do need to sleep at night.
"Eye roll. No, it is a commercial pattern. Ignoring valid points about the commercial factors of film making doesn't make your argument better, it makes it look like you are ignoring valid points."
Wow.. what unadulterated racism you are exhibiting. I'm sure it's not intentional on your part but racist nevertheless. Slave trade was built on commercial patterns as you call them, the pilgrims that went to the Americas dehumanised the Natives so that they could kill with a free christian conscience and so on.
Exploitation is the order of the day for you then abaddon
I think criminal cultures ruin their own reputation."
There you go again with your racist rhetoric. And you dare to call me a racist because I speak up against a bunch of corrupt hollywood racists.
"You also, without anything more than your say-so, are accusing Hollywood Directors and Producers of a concerted campaign of portraying black people in a negative light. Great conspiracy theory - as asked for earlier, please put some meat on the bones and give actual examples. "
I have put the meat on the bones you don't like what you see, maybe you can't sleep at night either and attempt to take the meat off with clever but irelevant arguments and half truths.
The meat is self evident. Look at the films these Hollywood racist have been putting out for decades. Ask people from these communities what they feel, I've asked blacks and asians and they are not happy. Admittedly not 100% of them will agree but the vast majority do. For Native Americans it's even more self evident from film and for Hispanics it's heading that way. Your minority of minority of minority is the usual Abadodo BS.
Abaddon't. Stop saying I have no meat on the bone. Show me your meat.
"Nice... you still avoid commenting on films which according to your argument would be racist to Italians or German, as you're smart enough to realise that such examples make your absolutist stance silly. "
No I haven't, I have implied that not every film ever made is racist as I've been saying along, just don't over do it. Yeah show a black rapist and Italian mafioso and Native Indian throttling a white female settler. But don't step over the threshold into exploitation and stereotyping land. It's really that simple abaddon't.
"Your argument is purile; will alienated educationally disenfranchised black kids be saved from a life of crime by not seeing movies such as those you object to?"
Now you are being ridiculous.
What is so special about Schindler's list that you keep mentioning it? Is this the meat on your bones? It's just another of many hollocaust movies. If they want to remind people they should try the Rwandan, Armenian and Komerouge hollocausts or make films portraying the genocide of the American Indians. Cover them in equal quatities to WWII Hollocaust movies.
Watch The English Patient and see a small sample of what I'm talking about.
You may be too chicken sh*t for fear of being labeled anti-semetic by racist zionists for telling the truth but I'm not. I told you, water of a ducks back.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
JoinedPosts by Spectrum
Does the King Kong movie have racist overtones?
by enlightenedcynic inhey everybody,.
was having a discussion with a co-worker about the new kk movie.
he asked if i saw it already.
Gaps in Fossil Record Disprove Evolution? What about Gaps in Creationism?
by Reluctant Buddha inmissing links disprove a theory???.
what about this one, creationists!!!.
real t-rex .
Simply because I don't believe in the biblical version of creation. I believe that an Intelligent Creator created us possibly by a process of evolution but certainly not that it was a blind mainly random process. -
Home from Circuit Assembly
by RichieRich inas some of you knew, my circuit assembly was this weekend (dec 24 and 25).
the theme was "clothe yourselves with the new personality".
i guess the society has to reinforce the idea of humility, because apparently, you can't mislead haughty people.. from the sound of the accounts report, people are voting with their wallets.. nothing particularly egregrious was said.. luckily my mother had a fever this morning, so we got to leave at lunch.
If you don't like the JW Christianity why do you still go? -
Gaps in Fossil Record Disprove Evolution? What about Gaps in Creationism?
by Reluctant Buddha inmissing links disprove a theory???.
what about this one, creationists!!!.
real t-rex .
Reluctant Buddha,
You make an excellent point. I remember being told by JWs that carnivores never existed before the fall of Adam and their carnivor teeth were just an adaptation since Adams fall but I never thought to consider the fossil record and accepted it in good faith. And yes your are right I was very quick to point to evolutions missing links problem.
However your challenge goes a bit wonky when you start attributing these absurdities to ID. You can attribute them to all religious zealots but not to all IDers which I am one. -
Today at the KH, Hopefully opens my wifes' eyes
by DaCheech inthe kids were sleeping, and one brother came up to me "is there a microphone on thats picking up some loud noise"?..
i said "all mikes are off except for the stage".
he said "there's gotta be something because the noise is annoying!".
"sorry it has to be said.. you really dont have children do ya!! Sorry, until you know what you're talking about.. you dont know what you're talking about."
But seriously Poppy you don't have to have children to know that they'll disturb you if they are noisy when someone is talking and you wish to concentrate. That's just reality. How can I possibly not know what I'm talking about if I'm directly affect by a silly parent that would rather disturb dozens of people than sort out his/her child with a simple nudge and a stern talking to if they are being really naughty?
THis is what I was talking about - parents getting too precious about their little angels.
Of course a child's innocence is precious, a loving smile returned their young sense of humour and cuteness.
Spectrum -
Another great loss in my life..I hesitate to post this ,,
by LyinEyes in[edited: links have been removed from this post.].
i hestitated to write this on xmas day and i hate to get anyone down, but i hope you understand and maybe send prayers my way.. .
dear friends i don't know how to even put my pain in words, or my great loss.
((((Dede )))))
I'm so sorry for your loss when my father died I thought I'd never recover but time heals.
When I visit him at his grave I always sense that he is not there but at a better place.
love Spectrum -
Today at the KH, Hopefully opens my wifes' eyes
by DaCheech inthe kids were sleeping, and one brother came up to me "is there a microphone on thats picking up some loud noise"?..
i said "all mikes are off except for the stage".
he said "there's gotta be something because the noise is annoying!".
If it's the way I think it occurred then this is my take on it...
I'd have to disagree with some of the posters on this thread.
I think kids snoring at a public anything where people have taken time and energy to go to and have to concentrate is not acceptable, I don't care how much love JW are meant to exhibit.
Maybe the JW dealing with it came on too strong to the father of the snoring kid but the fact remains that the child was annoying everyone that could hear him.
It is not the child's fault it is the parents fault for not having stopped the child from snoring in the first place with a simple nudge.
I'd be angry with any parent that saw fit to 'allow' a child to snore whilst silence is required. The whole point of being there is to hear someone talk not snore.
Some parents get so precious about their children they lose any sense of responsibility to others around them. That annoys the hell out of me.
And I don't want to hear any cra*p about, 'oh you probably don't have any children'. -
How much JW love is enough?
by Spectrum ini've noticed over my short time on the forum that one of the indictments levied against the jws is the lack of brotherly/sisterly love that they extend to the follow jw.
i remember my first congregation (i was about 14/15).
of the nearly 200 people there i was only ever invited to two brother's homes over a 2 year period.
I'd like to thank everyone for their contribution so far as they are informative and set a mode but I'm still left with my original questions unanswered.
How much love is enough?
Who are these people that we should expect as much love from them as from our blood family?
I think you are saying if they have Christ in their heart then they should show Christ's love to their fellow christian brother. But how much love did Christ show and in what form? -
Christmas Prayer for all of you!
by jschwehm inhi gang:.
i just wanted to say that i enjoy our time together here throughout the year.. it is great to be able to come to a place and discuss those things that really changed us as we were jws and those things that continue to change us after we have left the jws.. i thank god for all of you.. so, here is my christmas prayer for all of you (even those of you who do not believe.
"may the lord bless all of you, protect all of you from all evil, and lead all of you to eternal life.
Thanks Jeff,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family -
How much JW love is enough?
by Spectrum ini've noticed over my short time on the forum that one of the indictments levied against the jws is the lack of brotherly/sisterly love that they extend to the follow jw.
i remember my first congregation (i was about 14/15).
of the nearly 200 people there i was only ever invited to two brother's homes over a 2 year period.
Interesting quote, I suppose we can say they love their rules and regulations like the followers of Judaism but at least they jews help each other.