"This god had a totally different shoes. Jehovah woulda incinerated the Samaritan babe at the well and not been as nice as Jesus was"
Your post split my sides. I'm still laughing!!!!!!!!!
JoinedPosts by Spectrum
why do so many religions claim that Jesus is God?
by evergreen inhi everyone, i have often wondered why so many religions view jesus as being god.
every website i look up claiming to be the christian faith strongly believe that this is the case.. i mean the actual trinity doctrine didnt come about untill about the 3rd or 4th century and was originally the catholic church that brought it about.
although jehovahs witnesses seem to push jesus into the background a lot which is something that has always troubled me.
Bizarre JW stories of enduring hardship
by Vormek2.8 ini remember hearing of a faithful older brother who was attacked by vicious dogs while in service.
even though his clothes were shredded and he was bleeding he continued walking door to door to finish his assigned territory for that day.
Not sure if people believe me.
The teleporting thing over/through the fence was a true story!! -
Bizarre JW stories of enduring hardship
by Vormek2.8 ini remember hearing of a faithful older brother who was attacked by vicious dogs while in service.
even though his clothes were shredded and he was bleeding he continued walking door to door to finish his assigned territory for that day.
I swear that story went about in the early 80s (circa 1981/82)! I might have even read the story out of one of their mags but don't quote me on that. -
Bizarre JW stories of enduring hardship
by Vormek2.8 ini remember hearing of a faithful older brother who was attacked by vicious dogs while in service.
even though his clothes were shredded and he was bleeding he continued walking door to door to finish his assigned territory for that day.
A JW was miraculously teleported through a fence as he closed his eyes and prayed to be saved from a gang of hooligans that were after him.
why do so many religions claim that Jesus is God?
by evergreen inhi everyone, i have often wondered why so many religions view jesus as being god.
every website i look up claiming to be the christian faith strongly believe that this is the case.. i mean the actual trinity doctrine didnt come about untill about the 3rd or 4th century and was originally the catholic church that brought it about.
although jehovahs witnesses seem to push jesus into the background a lot which is something that has always troubled me.
" If Jesus was God he would have told us so."
They would have stoned him faster than you could finish reading this sentence. -
On this Forum my Light is getting Dimmer
by Spectrum ini don't know if it is a good or bad thing but my view of jws has got dimmer since i joined jwd.
the reason i'm not sure is because i don't dislike the jws per se as i've met some good people but at the same time i feel more suspicious of these people's drive and motive - i'm talking about the ones i know personally.
i find that disconserting and uncomfortable.
I don't know if it is a good or bad thing but my view of JWs has got dimmer since I joined JWD. The reason I'm not sure is because I don't dislike the JWs per se as I've met some good people but at the same time I feel more suspicious of these people's drive and motive - I'm talking about the ones I know personally. I find that disconserting and uncomfortable.
Crazy for love?
by serendipity in.
what crazy things have you done for love or in search of love?
the craziest thing i've done is meet a guy in person who i found on an online dating site (after running a background check, of course).. .
Failed my exams.
Why? Because the girl ended it. Why did she end it? Because I had no skills with girls when I came out of JWs. Very sad, extremely stupid on my part. -
why do so many religions claim that Jesus is God?
by evergreen inhi everyone, i have often wondered why so many religions view jesus as being god.
every website i look up claiming to be the christian faith strongly believe that this is the case.. i mean the actual trinity doctrine didnt come about untill about the 3rd or 4th century and was originally the catholic church that brought it about.
although jehovahs witnesses seem to push jesus into the background a lot which is something that has always troubled me.
If I were to subscribe to a regilious philosophy and bet my soul on it, it wouldn't be that Jesus was God. I mean imagine God the Almighty being humiliated by a bunch of Romans pagans and, Jews that he was punishing for centuries having him flogged and strung up like a dog. I really don't think so.
I think JWs are right not to put Jesus in the highest position but wrong to demote him to Jehovah's side kick. -
SELF ESTEEM in the organization
by justice for all indid your self esteem increase or decrease after being in the organization for a while?
I remember thinking that everybody outside the Org was worthless and was going to die anyway.Regarding myself I felt that I was a sinner and was constantly emotionally battling this sinful state I thought I was in - It didn't leave much space to feel good about oneself.
Honour Killings - Who are we to talk?
by Spectrum inin the west according to police it is a fact that you are more likely to be killed by a person known to you than a complete stranger and i imagine good number will be carried out by a family member.
how much different is this from what the west has labeled honour killings?
as far as i'm concerned they are the same abomination, we just use clever language to impress upon people how in the west we are so much more civilised.
"It is mentalities like yours that try to overlook the murderous acts by the Muslim radicals."
Your off your rocker. I'll let the muslims take issue with you on that. I'm not here to support islam.
"If you think I am saying that OUR killings are more civilized than THEIRS you either can not read very well and that you are ignorant backward and a fool."
"That is what makes it even more heinous than a mass murder or the murder of a person in the (west ??) as you describe it."
Then stop contradicting yourself. More heinous is it? Your either confused about what you are trying to say or you are purposely trying to be slippery.