"besides the fact they miss what his entire message was about and wrongly assume the preaching work takes precedent as far as salvation goes."
No preaching means no people can get converted hence no salvation anyway. The JWs 'must have' the preaching bit correct then.
The JWs feel the onus is on them to spread the gospel to muslims, budhists, hindu ... as nobody else has stepped up to it. The rest of christendom just play pass the parcel with their already christian members. One minute one is Protestant then Baptist ...
It seems the rest of Christendom takes the easy root. Baptise them nice and young when they can't argue with you.
JoinedPosts by Spectrum
why do so many religions claim that Jesus is God?
by evergreen inhi everyone, i have often wondered why so many religions view jesus as being god.
every website i look up claiming to be the christian faith strongly believe that this is the case.. i mean the actual trinity doctrine didnt come about untill about the 3rd or 4th century and was originally the catholic church that brought it about.
although jehovahs witnesses seem to push jesus into the background a lot which is something that has always troubled me.
On this Forum my Light is getting Dimmer
by Spectrum ini don't know if it is a good or bad thing but my view of jws has got dimmer since i joined jwd.
the reason i'm not sure is because i don't dislike the jws per se as i've met some good people but at the same time i feel more suspicious of these people's drive and motive - i'm talking about the ones i know personally.
i find that disconserting and uncomfortable.
Welcome ontarget,
I asked this question before but don't think it was answered by the members.
I left twenty years ago and seem to remember distinctly that the law of shunning did not apply to family members. The GB understood that it is not practicle to cold shoulder your closest relatives. Is this no longer true? Is everybody fair game now? -
On this Forum my Light is getting Dimmer
by Spectrum ini don't know if it is a good or bad thing but my view of jws has got dimmer since i joined jwd.
the reason i'm not sure is because i don't dislike the jws per se as i've met some good people but at the same time i feel more suspicious of these people's drive and motive - i'm talking about the ones i know personally.
i find that disconserting and uncomfortable.
"Oh, Spectrum! Quit it!"
Not quite sure what you mean but hug you right back. -
Happy New Year Pepheuga
Shunned by a JW leading a double life
by misspeaches ini seriously do not understand how some people reason.
if they do reason at all.. my boyfriend has been friends with a couple of guys since highschool.
it turns out that both these guys are jw's.
This story and some of the responses don't make sense.
If as people say, he is so worried about being copped why would he behave in front of so many witnesses(normal sense not as in JW wistnesses) in such an unJW manner?
The only answer I can think of is that Richard is totally confused.
Personally I would not invite someone to my wedding that shunned his own father. If it suited him you'ed be on his shun list too.
Your wedding day is meant to be a beautiful day and a lasting memory do you really want people there that don't deserve to be there? -
why do so many religions claim that Jesus is God?
by evergreen inhi everyone, i have often wondered why so many religions view jesus as being god.
every website i look up claiming to be the christian faith strongly believe that this is the case.. i mean the actual trinity doctrine didnt come about untill about the 3rd or 4th century and was originally the catholic church that brought it about.
although jehovahs witnesses seem to push jesus into the background a lot which is something that has always troubled me.
" The creator "god" is an imperfect, spiritless emanation of the supra-divine, and his creation obscures the higher realm."
Don't you mean the created god is imperfect.
A good question is did the Gnostics know what they were talking about?
" Both Philo and Justin, for instance, can identify the logos, Son of God, to the "oldest angel" which is not incompatible with its/his being created, yet call him "God" (while distinguishing it/him from THE almighty God)."
Isn't this exactly what the JWs believe? Christ is a god but not the Almighty.
Or is this what you and Little Toe say they are paying lip service to? If they are paying lip service to Christ's proper divinity then to what level have the relegated him and does that mean they risk their salvation? -
Bizarre JW stories of enduring hardship
by Vormek2.8 ini remember hearing of a faithful older brother who was attacked by vicious dogs while in service.
even though his clothes were shredded and he was bleeding he continued walking door to door to finish his assigned territory for that day.
"True as in 'true that it was repeated by the Witchtower' or true as in 'it really did happen'? (cant believe I am asking this!)"
Both. The first case true because I heard it, and the second case has to be true if you are a dub.
I just remember thinking at the time. Would Jehovah protect me like that or should I run rather than close my eyes and pray? -
Did you criticise/expose the WTS after leaving?
by greendawn inafter leaving the jws as df/ed or disass/ed were you willing to expose them for what they are to others, or were you unwilling to do so because you still felt respect for them for being the "truth"?
Nope, too worried about eternal damnation. Not an issue now though.
On this Forum my Light is getting Dimmer
by Spectrum ini don't know if it is a good or bad thing but my view of jws has got dimmer since i joined jwd.
the reason i'm not sure is because i don't dislike the jws per se as i've met some good people but at the same time i feel more suspicious of these people's drive and motive - i'm talking about the ones i know personally.
i find that disconserting and uncomfortable.
" I don't know how people could read what's written here and not be affected. "
It's true, I just wasn't expecting to read such testimonials. -
On this Forum my Light is getting Dimmer
by Spectrum ini don't know if it is a good or bad thing but my view of jws has got dimmer since i joined jwd.
the reason i'm not sure is because i don't dislike the jws per se as i've met some good people but at the same time i feel more suspicious of these people's drive and motive - i'm talking about the ones i know personally.
i find that disconserting and uncomfortable.
Welcome Elise,
"The most important aspects of our lives should be ourselves, our children and our spouses, not our religion. I truly believe that we should be looking within for our answers and giving our children the gift of a postive self worth, unreliant on anything outside themselves. To me, our own families are what matters most."
Your absolutely right, finding strength from within is the most effective way forward.
Yes there are good and bad people in all religions. But the effects of this religion seem to have grave consequences on individuals.